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Everything posted by johnksss

  1. 3090's are gone, but anything before that seems to still be up and running.
  2. No problem. Nope, they kicked out a bunch of other folks scores and that pushed you up the list.... for now....🙂
  3. On any driver that does not have voltage control: Add this line at the bottom of the [startup] in the profile folder/profile for the card you are running. Make sure voltage has been unlocked using the msi settings page. restart msi afterburner and you should have voltage control [settings] vddc_generic_detection=1 PS: Make use to take control of the file or it wont let you save the changes.
  4. Beta over clock software for the 4090? My sliders worked on all 3 of my cards, provided it was only 50mv. I'm not sure I understand my friend? As to older cards you may be right. The oldest card I have at the moment is a 1070 in my server and it moves like only 43mv. Now that one is on a much older driver as well.
  5. But can't you use the voltage hack for the 980 TI to get it to work or was that what was being used and got removed?
  6. And now they are on the 3090 nvlink sli benchmarks....🤦‍♂️
  7. 7900 XT is not sold out at my Microcenter and plenty of others as well. https://www.microcenter.com/category/4294966937/graphics-cards Now the XTX version which would have been the smarter move to buy is sold out.
  8. Yep, I still have it. I did use it a few times when I had 3090 NVLink going.
  9. @Mr. Fox Watching the Kingpin video at 20:50 oh man! That is exactly what Dell/Alienware did to us! @24:06 Vince let me get the 2 way version of that board.
  10. Silly? I think you miss understand my friend.🙂 Although I didn't think this was new to an old head like your self though.... Also why I called it the "Jufres" test, but no. 1: You are testing if you have good or bad memory and this is the fastest way to find out. Nothing about stability being tested in this part of testing. 2: Testing for max clocks. Core and memory. This is like you having an Asus board that can read the SP and MC SP rating. 3: Once that is established. Then you work your way up or back from the max or stock clocks with benching and gaming. Once found, then you can go back to doing things normal or at your best stable clocks knowing that you have a good product. The reason for this as we have seen time and time again are early adopters get to super bragging about how great their part is only to find out that it was crap. And now they are mad because they did not know the true scale in which to work with. So you get said card and say it does what I need it to do and it's great with 1000+ vram over clock. Only to find out that it was not great and your card is actually a dud. How? because you try to do 1050 and your pc crashes, while others are doing 1500 to 2200+ with ease. Now in the grand scheme of things if you are a gamer then this really doesn't amount to anything as all the cards will game on stock clocks, but for people wanting to get what they paid for. it's a big deal.
  11. I like how the Zotac looks as well, but then the Suprim X is growing on me also.🙂 Looks like quite a few cheater scores are still up and going strong. Older hardware is much more satisfying when you have a new base (Motherboard/cpu/memory) product to run it with. And as ECC goes I can live with it as long as they remove everyone else in question. I would rather have it that way to begin with, but dont start with me first on the damn chopping block!😂 That was actually your cue to leave when it was posted. So you could beat the traffic.😁 Thanks...😢 I'm kind of over it, but glad my money in this is movable, so not as mad as one could be.
  12. As expected, we still have AMD cards... https://www.microcenter.com/search/search_results.aspx?N=4294966937&NTK=all&sortby=pricehigh
  13. Well you better get ta' steppin' as they open at 6am in the morning. LOL So far though...the lines I saw for the 4090/4080 were dismal. everyone in line got a card. I expect the same for AMD. It's hard to say. I was trying to get a Strix for like 5 days and just settled for this Suprim X after they said the cards were all DOA. Although you are on that side of the world I would really try to grab a HOF card! Even founders edition cards seem to be worthy this go round. And if not, then that KFA2 4090 sounds doable. But also with this batch of cards it's a straight lottery, so make sure they have a decent return policy or get stuck with a turd....😢 Edit: And so it begins.... They just blocked a bunch of my scores. I think I'm bout done with benching...
  14. Best option is going to be an air cooled card. As long as you get a good sample. since the cards are locked by voltage they will all do fairly close depending on setup. I have found that the 4090 is the new cheater series though. If you have good memory and it doesn't lock up the card will continue through the benchmark and give you a valid score. I have quite a few high scores that I did not post due to the 4090 cheater series.
  15. Mine was a 1700+ So I felt pretty damn lucky after getting a 1200+ card.
  16. I think the word on the street is they messed it up and are now trying to recover it....Based on my migration experiences over the past 20 years.
  17. @jaybee83 I think it's flat out bad memory. Giving it the jufre's test with click and "attempt to go" it crashes computer. So no temps involved.
  18. Hey Pap, I ditched the MSI Suprim Liquid X as it had crap memory. if you tried to hit 1200 in Afterburner it would lock up the computer. I did trade it for a MSI Suprim X version and it is far superior to the one I had. 1900+ on memory and no locking up computer. Thinking back, the Zotac does give me the "looks like a cruise ship design" vibe.
  19. Well, MB is off to RMA yet again. User error is killing me with this board.🤦‍♂️ While doing a flash back I thought the flashing was done after forgetting about it for like 10 minutes or so. I power cycle the board and no boot. Double white line. I try to boot 2nd bios and because the first flash apparently wasn't done it messed up the second bios. Oh brother! Hit up MSI and they had RMA ready with paid label in under 5 minutes. From me starting off by saying "bad bios flash" Not sure what is different, but they are footing the bill this time. In other news.... I was able to reserve a Zotac and a Strix 4090, but then the Strix fell off and it kept the Zotac. LOL It's still sitting at Microcenter right now. Along with a Suprim X. They just got a shipment of cards in while I was over there looking for a replacement for this stupid MSI board and this Liquid X. They also have some Strix 4090's but guess what? All of them are DOA! So that was why they took the one I had in cart.🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️😂 And of course I asked how did they know this and their reply was...."Because we open them all and tested them." As to why they would even know to do that first? Guess Asus must know something or customer returns in less than 24 hours. I did not ask about the latter of the two.
  20. I think it was a good idea, just badly executed. And should have made it more idiot proof. Plugging in a single cable is far better than plugging in 2 to 4 cables. Quick search reveals plenty of power cable issues before this came about. https://www.google.com/search?q=burnt+up+pcie+cables&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS990US991&sxsrf=ALiCzsbmB0_u8QBJRb7ooANHDLykHsoILQ:1668804057082&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWmpbIy7j7AhWgLUQIHenxAzMQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=2037&bih=850&dpr=1.88
  21. And I still bet 0 people come forward with "it was my fault"😂 Nvidia also shut down the warranty, 3rd party cables, user error rumor mills down. So people can stop with the conspiracy theories now. And can start by taking the correct pictures of the side of the adapter instead of beating a dead horse with the tips being burnt pictures. I also wonder if GN heard about the 1 guy with the "fully" seated cable issue? I went to see if that guy updated his pictures but nope, not as of yet. I wish they would have posted those owners blatantly lying about what happened and put them on blast, but that will never happen. But if I catch someone who submitted their cables saying it wasn't their fault is getting clowned! Next up...How to remove the crimp line. 🤣
  22. I kind of was only talking about the "cable plugged in burning" part and the other stuff we already knew the answer since the beginning.😂
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