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  1. Oh boy, feels unlucky for me, I have an m6700 with linux and a 980m dying hahahaha Found a RX 480 in ebay, guess I'll go that way Ty very much ❤️
  2. I understand, and why they have those problems, is BIOS updates related?
  3. I see, that's really unfortunate -.-'
  4. Seems weird, I saw a M6 working with the M6700 (similar to M17X R4) and M6800 (same with 17 R1) on youtube. I think M6800 usually came with LVDS, but in 17 R1 idk, maybe it's eDP and that's giving you issues?
  5. Hi! If it works with Optimus mode, does it mean that it works in lvds display?
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