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Tenoroon last won the day on March 18 2023

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  • Birthday February 17

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  1. Nice work my brother. Does the PCIe adapter card work with the 30 series GPUs? I would assume so, but I don't think anyone has ever tested it lol.
  2. 1988 Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe Drove 6 hours north to Indiana to meet the seller, and all was what I expected. A bit of rust, but enough to be manageable by sanding or a bit of welding, 140k miles, 5 speed manual, and the interior was in great condition. It needs a lot of love, but that will all happen this summer. People sleep on these, they are what I like to call Ford's Icarus. They flew too close to the sun (mustang ), and the Thunderbird lost its wings... 190hp from a 2.3l 4 banger with a sub-par turbo (that had its boost limited!!!) compared to the 225hp of the 5.0l v8 in the mustang? You'd be out of your mind to go for the 5.0...
  3. I think it is inconclusive to judge this man on his statement. He does not specify if he cares about overclocking existing. Here's an example. I dislike EV's, they are conceptually very interesting, but I believe that they aren't much better than ICE vehicles in anything, and are just generally pricey. However, as much as I dislike EV's, if all EV's were to get banned, I would be upset because there are people that care about them/like them, and for them to have what they enjoy taken is unfair in my opinion. I think it is reasonable to state that one does not care about overclocking, while I disagree with the statement, JohN, in this instance, is just stating how he feels. Never does he mention his thoughts on if OC is something that should be available for all consumers. If he had noted that overclocking is dumb and no one should do it or be able to do it, then I think it would be fair to argue against his point and try to show him why his thinking is flawed. Now, I do see why this looks bad. Any AMD exec could read this and assume that because JohN does not care about OC, that his statement is implying that he would be impartial or happy if OC on AMD processors was permanently disabled. I believe that, in this scenario, the person to blame is the one making an assumption—in this case, the imaginary AMD exec—as that assumption could have been easily avoided with more inquiry into JohN's thoughts on OC, particularly whether he believes it should exist at all. If I were JohN, and the aforementioned assumption was made, I would be displeased because I would feel that the AMD exec took what I said completely out of context. I'm not trying to start an argument or get political here, I just disagree with judging this man on his statement. If @Mr. Fox or anyone else disagrees with me, we can agree to disagree. One of the best things that is hard to acknowledge sometimes is that we are blessed enough to live in a society where we can freely agree and disagree without facing any kind of persecution.
  4. Anyone here know any tools or custom vBIOSes for the 2070 Super to increase its TDP? I've tried damn near everything to increase the TDP and can't get anything to work. I have: 1. Used Ampere Bios Editor and Mobile Pascal TDP tweaker to adjust the TDP of my card's vBIOS. 2. Unsuccessfully software flashed above vBIOSes using nvflashk and many nvflash derivatives. 3. Unsuccessfully hardware flashed above vBIOSes (black screen, unknowing if POST, was able to max fans via FN+1) 4. Unsuccessfully hardware flashed multiple desktop 2070 Super vBIOSes 5. Unsuccessfully Compared differing 2070 Super mobile vBIOSes to find where in the ROM power limits are stored. Are there any dedicated Turing custom vBIOS tools or specially modified and signed vBIOSes floating around? I'm a bit displeased with the low stock TDP of this card as I know it is capable of matching a desktop 2070 Super. I love how easy Nvidia has made it to do whatever I want to a product I own, it really does fill me with joy...
  5. I'm hoping there's a definitive answer here (even if it's just a no), but I've started to become frustrated with my 4070 Super as even though I have a 350w Gigabyte vBIOS on my ASUS Dual card, it can never fully stretch its legs as it's voltage limited at 1.1200v. I know Lovelace is voltage limited, but is there some tool to modify the vBIOS or something in order to elevate the voltage? I'm getting frustrated as whenever I look into this, I just get spammed with reddit threads on r/overclocking and r/nvidia of people going crazy because, "The RTX 4070 Super is so good for undervolting!!!!!" My response is ??????? A. Why the hell would you want to undervolt a desktop GPU unless you're in like, some European country where electricity costs an arm and a leg? If the electricity costs that much, I don't think gaming should be a top priority... B. I don't understand why some people are ecstatic to lower (I know it's slight, but hear me out) the performance of their GPU. These tend to be the same people who whine and complain about how Nvidia is an evil company and how bad GPU pricing has been over the past few years. The whole purpose of overclocking is to squeeze as much performance out of technology without increasing the price of what you have. I have no idea why these people are doing the opposite and making their own situation worse while creating more justification to complain and whine. C. While most of the threads I've seen are on r/nvidia, there are a few on r/overclocking. Why are threads about undervolting allowed on r/overclocking???????? These two things are like, polar opposites. D. Why can't I easily find someone who has had the same problem as me? I think the fact that I can't find anything shows how rotted out many are nowadays. I really hope it's just a vocal minority, but I feel that while many people know about technology and how to build a computer, they know nothing about fine-tuning the parts that "they know are good" and spent lots of money on. What good is your "fast" car if the tune is terrible? Ask any car guy that question and they will tell you what you have is garbage. The reason I lurk here is because you all understand the value of fine-tuning a system, but more importantly, none of you gatekeep the knowledge and experience you've acquired over the years. I owe it to the people here to where I am now, if I never received the help I did nearly four years ago, then I don't know where I would be now. I'll quit ranting now.
  6. I need to look into CPUPower-GUI, I've been setting up Gentoo over the past 2 weeks. It has been hell, but I've learned a lot. I'm still in a terminal trying to setup Xorg as I've been troubleshooting the Nvidia drivers for the past few days... I see why Linus Torvalds hates Nvidia so much lol. Gentoo has been pretty good about utilizing my CPU to the fullest, I've been using some generic terminal based CPU monitoring tool and compiling anything makes full use of my CPU (It seems to boost when it should and doesn't spike like in Windows). I wonder if the minimal CPU power is coming from some default setting in Kubuntu or something.
  7. Am still on Win10 21H2. I hope this performance hitch is only in newer Win11 versions. I refuse to move forward with this already garbage OS! I've been reinstalling Windows all day today on my G14 because once it connects to the internet, it auto-installs all of ASUS's bloat and garbage... I have to install everything I need offline and then disable a bunch of stuff within Windows before I can connect to the internet "safely." And this is still 21H2. What a catastrophe... ASUS and Microsoft are never seeing a dollar from me ever again. Too much hassle. I know people here have advised me against it, but I will be trying Gentoo within the next couple of days on my desktop. My goal is to move over as fast as possible as I'm sick of Windows. I've got friends who can assist me, and a lot more free time than I thought I would have here at University, so I am hoping to be proficient with it before the school year ends.
  8. Anyone here know the wattage of the 2070 Supers that shipped in these laptops? I am using one in my P870TM and can only get it to pull 115 watts... Something in my mind said 150w like the 2080 non-super, but I could be wrong. If the power limit is really 115, is there a tool to up said power limit?
  9. Just going to post this here as I know many here have dealt with this heatsink. I'm modifying my P870TM heatsink to accommodate a 2070 Super. I'm currently solder pasting some shims on to cover the VRAM. This heatsink is an ANIMAL. I cannot get my 138c solder paste to melt. A buddy and I have held a 1500w and 600w heat gun right up to the shims for 20+ minutes and the paste will not melt fully. While Clevo doesn't have the greatest track record with heatsinks, this thing is insane, and I must give them credit. I'm kind of stuck on what to do because I don't think I can get the shims soldered on using the paste... (Don't question the alcohol, it was the best thing we had nearby to prop up the heatsink, none was consumed.)
  10. The die says it's a 2070S. The markings between the 2070 and 2070S are different.
  11. I know this reply was super old, but it was in reference to @electrosoftmentioning you had modified a P870TM vapor chamber to fit in a Turing GPU. I purchased a 2070S MXM for 50 bucks and am trying to find how to modify the heatsink. I've been looking in the archive, but I can't find much regarding the modification. If you have some time to spare, a picture would be greatly appreciated, if not or you no longer have the heatsink, all is well.
  12. Just ordered one of the 2070 Supers. I currently have a 1080 with the vapor chamber heatsink. What adjustments do I have to make to the heatsink in order for the 2070 Super to fit properly?
  13. Crazy timing. I've had to wire a few of these exact fans up for my buddy's V8 swapped S10. How much better is this single fan compared to the many smaller fans? These fans can move A LOT of air, but they seem to be a bit noisy. At full speed, is it louder than the old setup?
  14. NICE, I was hoping 9700x would be 300. I am a happy man now. 7600x will be on the marketplace very soon ;)
  15. I made this comment after watching LTT's Qualcomm advertisement a few days ago, some people agree and others don't. Most people made points to their argument, which I love to see, but this fella is the type of person to disappoint me. Closed-minded without explaining his point of view and jumping to a conclusion. I've been reading the discussions here about CAMM. While I am of the same mindset of "let others test it first," I do think it has some potential. I'm mostly just hoping for an entire revision to RAM. I've seen many people complain about the many problems that DIMMs have, so I hope to see something supersede it as we drastically increase RAM speeds (and while tighter integration as I mentioned above is an answer, it's an answer I don't like). The only thing I don't like about CAMM is that it's just one module. Rest in peace if you are on a budget and want to expand in the future... I've also acquired a Steam Deck. I had some wallet balance and some old skins for Counter Strike I got rid of, so I ended up getting the 64gb variant for pretty cheap. While many of you in this thread might not care for this type of technology, I think it's pretty interesting and has some potential for gaming (and even sometimes, light computing) on the go. Super low wattage APU's are pretty cool, and seeing how AMD's Strix and Strix Halo are around the corner, I'm excited to see what the future holds.
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