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Everything posted by Hertzian56

  1. Eh gtav the better game, more complete, runs well on anything modern, not a ghost town like 77 is so many places, still looks good vanilla and has so many mods to make it looks amazing, gazillion mods etc 77 just looks amazing, I like the noir and tech-noir stuff like bladerunner and it's all there. If I was just playing vanilla I'd have been done/bored with this new playthrough long ago, it's the mods that extend it and make it funner more interesting.
  2. I wish they'd put a character creator in there but obviously the story probably has some tie into that that would make it a bit odd with voice work and such. But if these hypocrites were so interested in inclusion then it should not be a problem though, for instance someone with white skin who emigrated from South Africa is an African American here, but try to use that on a college application or other. Now I'm pretty sure many people have native american ancestry too, not sure that would work with aid of various kinds though, how much % is enough? Heck even some senator or congresswoman who is lily white claimed that on some college app or such got away with it I guess I didn' t follow up.
  3. Installed a bunch of new mods and got a no start, deleted all of them still no start and it came up and said script problem so it couldn't initialize. So reading the logs and searching the net the problem was that one of the new mods needed an updated modders framework and screwed up what I had. So I reinstalled the frameworks and it's all good now. Had so many mods in there it would have been a real pain to lose them all. So update Cyberengine Tweaks, Archivexl, tweakxl, redscript, red4ext, inputloader, mod settings and all good. Do only a couple new ones at a time from now on check the versions of frameworks needed more carefully.
  4. I put the 2.5 version into cyberpunk last night no problems. v1.60 had 2.3.4 included. I've avoided updating the game since I have so many mods don't feel like the risk at this point. Only meaningful add I saw was FSR2. I didn't notice any huge difference with 2.5 though most of this stuff is incremental and usually it's mostly to add it for new games is my guess, like gpu drivers. I've also used the mod for replacing dlss with FSR 2 in that game, before it was added in the last update, but only got flickering here and there and some weird effects in photo mode, but if you don't have an rtx card probably worth the performance boost. I also am not sure if FSR is manually updatable. I have the FSR 2.1 dll's but they are different from the amd_ags_x64.dll in the cp77 bin folder, maybe just need a rename. One is dx11 the other dx12. I got them from a link to an amd devs twitter or something, from dsog. From the techpowerup link they get these dlss updates from new games that have them, nvidia does not release them which is stupid imo. I'm hoping perhaps if we can get the dlss 3 dll that modders can change something to make it compatible with rtx 2xxx cards who knows. Only a handful of games have it at this point.
  5. Did you know you can manually update your DLSS? It's as simple as getting the dll and dropping it into wherever it is in a particular game. Make a backup of the original older file just in case. I myself updated the 234 version in cyberpunk to the 2412 version with no problems. The latest version which was released 12-15 is 2.5. Usually game makers are slower to adopt new versions for obvious reasons. Anyways Techpowerup has a good page that has the latest version and an easy download here: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/nvidia-dlss-dll/ Edit: here's the DLSS3 frame generation link: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/nvidia-dlss-3-frame-generation-dll/
  6. Yeah typical cpdr, release a mess and then send in the patches, unless you have a overpower brute force system which as you said can't max it out to 60fps 4k, probably with dlss though. Rest of us pleibs left out in the cold. Is it so hard to test on a mid range average system for a month or so? TW3 not active for me atm so come back to it a few months from now. It does look better though, reflections mostly but I'm guessing that's RT on which is not something I'd do with my current system during normal play, not playing at 30fps or less with the state of the game right now. Probably still looks better without RT but not worth the headache until a few patches show up.
  7. For the holidays was thinking about this again, i7,8core16thread cpu is what attracts me the most vs. the i5,4core8 I've had, all the other stuff can be much more cheap upgrades to my existing 15" gateway that has a better gpu 2060m 6gb Vs. 3050ti 4gb, roughly the same but that vram is a big turnoff. Only thing that would be better is dlss3 support when it comes out and the other new tech with cpu/gpu direct sharing I think. CP77 1080p DLSS performance uses about 4.7gb vram and most of my 8gb system ram which I'm likely going to grab another stick. 17" also obviously better for gaming. Better webcam at the top now, maybe better color accuracy don't know since notebookcheck didn't review this one and details like that almost impossible to find. I'm fairly sure it's the 80w gpu from yt videos with same cpu/gpu but different branding, it's all tongfang variants. So instead of a cpu bottleneck this has a gpu bottleneck, rather have gpu bottleneck though bc most games use it more. Can get around 60fps with dips now so it's on the bubble there, would be nice to get 60 locked smooth, at the same settings this would probably do it. Shame they didn't just go 3060, that cpu should be good with 3070 as well better match but it's a budget offering so understand.
  8. cp77 still, have so many mods now I can't keep track, thankfully there's a mods folder I can open and see them all in one place though. Including clothes, replacers and new ones, it has 300 .archive file-mods in there lol. No difference in performance or little as they're mostly just tweaks to game files, replaced most of the ads since so many are really gross to look at over and over, really wish there was one to turn off the announcements and shouting ads walking around, there's one that turns off the tv sounds out in the world not in your apartment, custom colors on cars, modded weapons, car/bike replacers,weather, 3x longer nights/half days, removing green tint, eye exposure fix which cpdr needs to do in tw3 terrible contrasts/transitions there, etc There's even a bladerunner reconfigure of all the ads, interface, textures etc but it's about 1gb and changes so much at one time not going to put it in there for a while, proxima bladerunner mod.
  9. https://www.dsogaming.com/news/the-witcher-3-next-gen-is-another-cyberpunk-2077-buggy-mess-at-launch/ https://www.dsogaming.com/videotrailer-news/behold-the-pc-version-of-the-witcher-3-next-gen-with-all-of-its-ray-tracing-effects/
  10. Lol I was just thinking that I mostly only drink instant coffee and it's fine, way cleaner and easier and also more useful, for instance if you need a pick me up on a long road trip etc just stick some in your water bottle sip on it, better than soda. I'm no connoisseur though, tasters choice has a hazelnut instant that is really good, got compliments at work smells really good too. I think it might be a more costly option but no maker/filters needed either so probably evens out. Even cheaper is store brand which I don't mind at all usually. Crazy the lines at starbucks and similar boutique coffee places, simple black there like 3$ a cup, ouch. Don't get it, similar to the apple lines and other lines for stuff.
  11. Eh idk it looks good that's the big selling point so it should. But it has the changes in accordance with the social agendas they're pushing in most big games now and they want 60$ for it. I don't see enough there to warrant that price, the original still looks fine and has modern controls etc I have not tried to mod the first one, probably some AI texture upgrade out there by now. I love Alan Wake and passed on the remake as well, just didn't seem worth it. Same for the GTA remakes. Most gamers not too keen on anything EA either including myself don't like supporting them and this is just more cash grab really, bankrupt of original ideas or the profit margins are right for them. Similar to selling the same stuff over and over again just in different formats. With the piracy potential of this they'll probably announce denuvo in the week before release like callisto did. Stuttery mess. Usually modders do all the fixing for them, they still get their full price for a half finished game.
  12. https://www.dsogaming.com/videotrailer-news/first-18-minutes-of-gameplay-from-dead-space-remake/
  13. Still cp77 binging with all the mods, over 150 installed if you count the new clothes and replacer clothes. All of them simple drag drop stuff and no reshades, too buggy. Some modders have simple non reshade graphical enhancements, one changes the white point so it doesn't get the blowout which results in deeper colors another one turns off bloom or greatly reduces it. I've got a weather randomizer that is supposed to have no sunny days but doesn't really work, it does result in more weather though. Another one that makes nights 3x as long and half as long days. Started playing at 1080 rather than 900 didn't notice a difference in fps, have some optimizer mods probably helping out. Not as much spread between gpu and cpu usage as before. 80/40gpu. Weird thing that modern gpus perform better at higher settings but worse at lower for the most part. Most people still have 1080p monitors.
  14. Well I saw this today which is supposed to be a comparison, over at dsog. There's one that is different xbox versions too maybe a bit more even of a comparison. https://www.dsogaming.com/videotrailer-news/the-witcher-3-next-gen-update-vs-original-early-graphics-comparison/
  15. Man it's cool going modding, similar to my GTAV modding spree a couple of years ago it really adds a ton to a game. One of the best ones is "Missing Persons-Fixers Hidden Gems" which adds in 195 missing persons missions that were apparently already in the game,(I never saw any of them in a couple of vanilla full story/side mission/gigs playthrus though), this has text messages from fixers, story shards, map markers and rewards/loot. I'd put a nexus link but apparently it has some adult stuff in there. I haven't seen any yet but only done a couple of them so far, so the page is blocked until you enable adult stuff in your nexus account page. It must be hardcore or something because the whole game is adult, just the genital settings/options in vanilla one example. There's another one that adds in 200 hidden packages around the world, fully customizable via the mods menu with native settings UI mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3586 I just put in the Tyger Claws Invasion mod, https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3978, that adds in random TC spawns all over, spice it up if you're getting to the empty map stage. Their aesthetic the best of the gangs imo. They needed to make some similar minigame as San Andreas had with it's various gangs imo, random assassination gigs for each one, with random revenge hitmen coming for your character at random times etc etc and also the gtaV replay past missions feature. When you hire people based on factors other than ability you get lower quality, cpdr like all of them going that way no doubt. Any Scope mod allows any scope on any gun that has a slot for it, really nice to put a sniper scope on a hand cannon or smg. Better Attachments mod takes out the damage reduction of suppressors. Was trying Drone Companions mod and it works but IMO takes away too much of the challenge/fun, but it is amazing. A whole new cyberware OS, TechDeck, drones/robot crafting and such. Don't like that you have to swap out your cyberdeck for a techdeck though, should have just added a second deck slot to put both in at one time, I think there are mods that do that though. Open Sesame mod opens various doors/garages with a simple key bind in cyber engine tweaks, some unfinished game sets and or post mission locked sets. Unlock Night City does similar but only with post mission locked sets, have both installed. Tons of small QOL stuff too. Kiroshi legendary w another slot. Apartments at Dew Drop Inn, Lizzys, add or replace clothes, hairstyles, etc pulsing/moving bodysuit-slot wear really cool. Aerondight TW3 sword katana, etc
  16. Thought this was pretty cool, this dude has done several game videos in ISO tilt shift miniature previously. https://www.dsogaming.com/videotrailer-news/grand-theft-auto-5-looks-lovely-with-an-isometric-camera/
  17. Oh right I forgot about that, the news ran with it on a few sites at the time. The steam page for silksong seemed to help the speculation too. I haven't been back to it so far, it's clunkier imo with the shooting and such but the music and graphics remind me of HK. Here's hoping they'll just release it out of the blue for the holidays!
  18. Nice, having a ball with all the mods atm, a few bike/car skin replacers 911 nomad is awesome, sexy clothes for my femv, hairstyles, longer nights and more rain, bladerunner ads/signs, joi outfits/billboards, trash bag removal mod, tweaked crowd/traffic mods, unlock sets closed after missions, silence world radios, no combat music, add in access to the secret mansion mod, femv corpo save at the prologue, might try the third person mod seems wonky though etc Cyberengine tweaks pretty easy to use. Edgerunners seemed to have got more interest. Moved my install to an SSD and no more popin textures and way faster loads. Went through the below linked perf guide for better fps, just need to go in and change all the settings to see if it helps. I currently, before changing anything, get 60 locked dlss auto, no rt, 900p but it drops with traffic and high crowd, med crowd setting. Overall mix of high/med, low screen space. This uses 90% cpu and only like 50% gpu for me most of the time. https://exputer.com/guides/best-cyberpunk-2077-pc-settings-for-high-fps/ this mod supposed to give massive fps boost but with some caveats haven't tried it yet. There's a newer version that's supposed to not be as buggy ccdo version. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/786
  19. Was playing a bit of Ghost Song a metroidvania, decent and reminds a lot of hollow knight, hopefully we even get HK Silk Song which was due sometime earlier this year. I get it it requires a new story and such but most of us would be content with just more DLC for HK, sell like hotcakes. Ender Lilies still better than GS to me though, Minoria not too bad either. NO substitute for HK though may give that a replay soon. Have done a lot of modding on CP77, even went so far as to put cyberengine tweaks in there and redscript, required to save my present femv character out(Appearane Change Unlocker mod) and start new game as corpo or nomad. I've only ever had one character that was streetkid. Get a NG+ save with everything so don't need to scavenge, load in my preset FemV. They really screwed up with no 3rd person view here, especially with all the character customization and clothes and such. May try a mod for 3rd person heard it doesn't work too well though. Unlock Night City pretty cool as a lot of the places are blocked after the missions are done, no reason for that imo, keep'em open. Disable borders so you can go out of the map, look at the stuff south of the border etc Found the Bladerunner easter egg too, pretty cool. Better clothes to my taste, hair style, weather, turned off all the annoying radios, etc. The star wars speeder for the apollo bikes works fine, but the terzo mod doesn't look too good just go back to the Caliburn model much better looking.
  20. I've been out of the loop there, not much into anime either but I did see that anime stuff in the mission where you find the BD on the street it was pretty cool, too bad they didn't put more in there. Went and got a bunch of simple mods which are just the dragndrop variety, nothing too heavy. Added a couple of hairdos for FemV, ada wong my favorite, real lack of normal hairdos in the game for women at least. A mod that makes either night or day longer, I have one that just makes night a lot longer more atmospheric at night. The weather probability one with longer rain, all the shiny surfaces look cool. Vendors enhancement sells max instead of limited inventory, replace caliburn with a sweet lambo terzo, crowd behavior and car behavior rebalance, better vehicle handling. Probably going to get more vehicle replacements too.
  21. Does it even have a real SP campaign at all? Seems like this series has been online focused for many years and the huge file size that includes a bunch of online stuff is a big turnoff, too many other great games out there. Last one I played was the original modern warfare with the ghilly suit sequence, gun ship sequence etc
  22. I tried TW2 a few years ago and man it's a huge downgrade from 3, needs a remaster, I wouldn't bother with it. You really can't go wrong with tw3 or cp77 both great games, both still have bugs. CDPR always releases very buggy games that take a few patches to be smooth. TW3 the smoother experience, much longer especially with the DLC, a lot more meaningful choices too, much better game than 77 imo. 77 amazing graphics and pretty fun too, the main story is relatively short. Definitely more run and gun game.
  23. Yeah, I got a mod for cp77 to not have that combat music, might look for one that turns off those awful stereos that are on everywhere with that awful music. Good thing about huge games like this they usually have their own dedicated websites for mods, no nexus garbage to deal with no logins just download. https://www.cyberpunk2077mod.com/
  24. Kind of got bored of Uncharted, too cutscene heavy for my taste, haven't been back for a while. It's sometimes confusing as to what to do next and where to go next in the set piece free play part. Another Sony port Sackboy appealed to me because I love the yoshis woolly world and yoshis crafted world aesthetic and games and this is similar, it's pretty fun not as good as the nintendo stuff but fun. Doing just an exploration play of cp77, so amazing to look at and there is at least one side quest that you have to just stumble upon, the highwayman, which you wouldn't doing the stuff on the map and a lot of scenes of destruction that are text shard based stories with goodies and such. Lots of the map not used for the game that make good exploring and scavenger hunting. How disappointing no meaningful dlc until next year at the earliest.
  25. Since I had a thread for my gateway 2060m system on nbr thought I'd just do a little update on it after almost 2 years of constant usage. Here's a link to the nbrchive.net of the original nbr thread: https://www.nbrchive.net/xfa/other-manufacturers.11/Gateway Creators Series 15.6 RTX 2060 i5-10300H/ There's also the official one started later on by another nbr'r: https://www.nbrchive.net/xfa/other-manufacturers.11/OFFICIAL Gateway Creator Series Model- GWTN156-3 i5-10300H W RTX 2060/ So got in during the holiday 20 for 699 plus tax and it's worked out pretty great so far, has handled my gaming needs with the 90w 2060m which can also be vbiosed using any tongfang variant with the 115w but I've heard it really only minimally performs better. Have not done it with mine, but I do MSIAB OC it both vram and core clock, 515/115 so it goes from the original 1800mhz up to 2000mhz in heavier games like cp77. It's handled everything I've thrown at it satisfactorily, usually turn down and tweak the default game settings, mid-high, sometimes dial down the AA and AO and sometimes go 900p, use DLSS. Sometimes if it's a cpu heavy game I'll use DSR to go to 2k to force more gpu usage but hasn't been necessary too much. I still only have 8gb ram and I've had no problems in any games, no doubt it would be better to upgrade but I'm cheap and lazy and this just works. It's a bit of a minefield to get compatible ram speeds and such. This has 1 8gb stick so would only need one more. 256gb nvme has required more external hdd/ssd gaming using a sata adapter to usb3, so I have several 2.5hdd/ssd's just for games. I do usually have a variety of small games on the nvme and one larger game like TW3 and currently DL1. Obviously games like RDR2, Uncharted Legacy and other large games are external and have had no problems. There's another slot for an nvme but it's the same story as the ram there. I usually have a good 35-80gb free. Screen has terrible color gamut but only really noticeable when I'm hooked up to an external screen and have half on one and half on this. It's 120hz but gaming I rarely can get close to that with this dgpu so lock most games to 60 which is easily done with even the toughest games like cp77, rdr2 etc I've noticed ghosting in some situations as well but it's minor and rare. No dead pixels so far and no other problems. I applied a screen calibration profile from notebookchecks review. So far the keyboard has been fine as well, I have noticed some of the keys are starting to wear off the letters though. I don't game with the kbm usually, use an xbone gamepad more comfortable for me. I/O is adequate with 3xusb , 1xusbc video and mouse only, hdmi, dp, almost useless minisd and such. No need so far for a hub or adaptors other than the mouse usbc so I can use all three usbs on the sides. Case has held up well, I kept the clear plastic on it since day one. Fairly easy to open it with some m3s, clean the fans and vents. I keep it tilted up using some of those cheap plastic door jams from the dollar store so plenty of airflow. The default THX sound was really weird to me, like a stadium effect so I loaded in the default windows sound profile and it's been fine. I'm no audiophile. The nose cam is annoying but thankfully I've only had one instance of needing to use it, with the new ones they moved it back to the top of the screen. If I had need of it more I'd get an external. Battery is pretty poor on the dgpu, maybe a couple hours so when I'm on it, which is rarely, I switch to the igpu which gives around 4hrs my guess normal usage. Since this has a mux switch in the bios I always just have the dgpu enabled because it's always wall plugged. Maximum power. Still just have the win10 20h1 home edition it came with and have had no problems, all updates turned off and other tweaks with winaero and the sordum stuff. Don't run av at all, that's like a virus itself and drags the system down, and you pay for it lol I've not had any system bluescreens of note or that I can remember probably one or two in there though. Once I move on to another primary rig probably stick LTSC on here. Thankfully the warranty was not necessary and I suspect it was useless anyways. I've seen some newer models of the creators gaming gpu series, notably a 17" version with a 3050ti and an i7 11th gen, more ram larger nvme and such but the fantastic sales seem to be long gone, they're all 900+ now. May as well go with a major manuf with real warranty support 3060 for around the same price imo. All in all it's been a great experience and no major problems at all. I've traveled extensively with it and it's held up fine. Good value and the plan is at least 3yrs with it seems like it will do that easily.
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