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Everything posted by Hertzian56

  1. Oh man you gotta get off that, that's a lot of trouble to get into for gaming dude.
  2. what's even scarier is the other ways this could be and likely is used, advanced non-public versions. The image is unimpeachable truth/reality to most people when framed in certain ways, and the conditioning is already pretty advanced. Dial up some of those "truth" police body cams that so many think ensures things that it can't like honesty, morals, integrity, ethics etc. Or that it's the "truth" of what happened. I guess hollywood is the "truth" then too, sheesh. Need to stoke an internal civil war and such, have a "real" body cam show something etc Need to destabilize the public perception of a sovereing gov? Dial up an insurrection stage play, lots of people take money for worse things. The script becomes reality all I'll say.
  3. yeah I saw in one video where the guy just typed in batman etc as a dark 80s movie made it seem like that was all there is to it idk. It's a short blurb video of what he did to make stuff with midjourney ai. I think midjourney team has been behind these accounts tbh all the ones I clicked on like the fallout 3, disney movies as dark 80s etc all only had a handful of videos and recent, marketing.
  4. Keeping with the theme noticed this WEF reference in game, WEF chairman is Schwab tribester of course and they want bug based food and other weird stuff, the deleted wef video is still on bit-chute, I can't put the real name as it weirdly has a bad word in it lol so delete the -. There's a video of andy joe lee frying up some spiders for food with all these African children surrounding it, mm good and creepy. I think this is one of the replacers I got, not a vanilla game thing.
  5. I found this youtuber through dsog which had the cyberpunk one he made, but he's made a ton of these using AI tools, really cool and nice music. This is the Batman one. The AI software that seems to be used for most of these is Midjourney. Edit: looks like several different yt guys are doing this so it's not just this channel, the cp77 was done by someone else.
  6. was playing cp77 last night and in the desert area in the film set with the trailers and the colby, not the other one, I noticed some pretty pronounced small weed flickering which is usually an easy way to see how good a dlss version is for this game along with ghosting. FSR 1 had pronounced plant and cactus branch flickering, even used the mod to swap out DLSS for FSR 2 in CP77 same thing but worse for FSR. I had 2.5.1 in there so will change out to another version probably just go back to a 2.4 and go back to that location to compare, has a handy fast travel. I have a CET plugin for changing and adjusting moto rim glow, headlights and underglow and notice ghosting a bit on dark nights on the rear tire when lit up. It's not a big deal really but I'll pay attention to it to compare.
  7. I'm doing the 8ug8ear romance mod right now, it's a bit buggy though have to see if I can get it to move forward, she has a simple job for you then some more texting back and forth then you go meet her at the same place you save her but all I get is her back in that seat asleep, I'm assuming it's not supposed to be like that, have to see next bootup. I kinda think they should have kept the romances open to either sex of V, can't stand River what an ugg, panam would be nice for femv, maybe more like meredith other than the one night stand, sandra dorsett etc Some reskinned weapons, some clothes add ons here and there, cutoff igla, still debating installing the courier make a living mod, might add some more meaty stuff to it. Some magazine replacers just minor stuff. Loaded up an old early streetkid save, the meet hanako is the ending for me not going back into all that with all the annoying say this do that for this ending etc Still thinking on the proxima bladerunner mod, too bad he didn't break the ads replacers up into single files it's all or nothing and I think it modifies the computer interface not a big fan of what I saw though, eh.
  8. It's not really a shadow, wef, un, ajc, cfr, etc etc watch the long deleted WEF(FEW=6/5/23 btw) video from 17 or 19 on the 8 points for 2030, scary people. Those are their major institutions among most of the large ones but have the occult aspect I won't mention here behind them. 2033. Old Babylonian/Egyptian world come back, with tech added to it. Dune is classic elite occultism always was in the movie and the book, just under different/disguise/dressing. And chalamet is a frankenstein, jaw implants, trans, droopy eyes like sly etc bigger cult than you can imagine and the best way to hide a secret is in plain sight. I don't believe any of their mythology about the funding for Dune, it was getting made and has plenty of funding. I only know about the next one to complete that part of the whole Dune world, I think lots of books there. Similar to Avatar saga another occult opus. CP77 is trans/humanism opus and the TW3 story was classic tribester story, they hope it goes like that but it won't. Magic ain't gonna save them even technomagic. Bladerunner the same thing and I could tell you about the stars in both of those movies. And the punk movement was sponsored by you(might) know who, chaos agents in joker terms. Create chaos to bring your (new but really old) order in. All the AI creations there that are supposed to be humans don't look like normal people, they have razor jaws and most likely superman bodies, gruesome looking etc Frankensteins to put it kindly. I'm actually surprised they don't make a cp77 movie probably will at some point like TW3 tv show, certainly already have edgerunners. But they say vgames make more than movies so from a financial POV why bother, let some studio take all that risk get a nice piece of any take. Still pretty cool though, the music is nice too. They made stuff for several games in the same 80s imaging too check it out.
  9. Got a second 256gb nvme I think 2280 same size as the phison it came with and also phison brand why not. Nice to have enough room for a couple of larger games and also some larger programs if I decide to put them on here. Dragged over cp77 since I've been modding and binging on it. I didn't notice any perf increase at all, maybe loads a few seconds faster idk And with the second ram stick it helps too but I didn't notice FPS difference at same settings still CPU limited here, like I said to just balance it out maybe up the resolution but seems overkill have to try it. -Glad I canceled the order of the 17" 3050ti one though, from notebookchecks fps benches at high the 2060m in here is usually higher in the last games they tested on it that they tested the 3050ti on, last one was F1 21 not too demanding for any of them. But on the larger games they always test on it beats it by sometimes 20-30% and even at higher than 1080 it beats it but it's not much a few fps higher at 2k/4k the 3050ti probably better at higher resolutions on the latest games but is limited by the 4gb vram. CP77 takes 4.5gb vram at my 1080p settings and almost a whole 8gb system ram. Just this i5 the limiting factor afa fps so the 8c/16t could have really helped in that case. The notebookcheck testing is usually isolating the gpu as much as possible so no bottlenecks afa cpu in their testing which does not represent more than that, a cpu limited bottleneck like mine has consequences so maybe it would make sense to try to bump up the resolution but keep it at 60 max game setting idk. The cost the major factor there would have been nice to test it on there but a lot of hassle to go through to send it back within 30 days just to do that, if it was a large enough difference I could still get back around 4-500 on this one to defray the cost of the new one. Eh not comfortable with juggling all that right now, make do and wait another year see if they come out with a 4xxx card at least a 4050ti for the new sharing tech so a gpu bottleneck in that case could be circumvented with the new tech. Selling on eb not the best experience and if I'm in a better financial position then just keep this one.
  10. Saw this on a dsog article, AI recreations with 80s movies in mind, very weird tbh the trans/transhumanism stuff is so obvious now that it's not hard to think there is a LONG tradition of it at certain levels of society. But algebra is not taught to 3 year olds. Anywho here's the cp77 one and a couple of Deus Ex ones. https://www.dsogaming.com/videotrailer-news/the-witcher-3-metal-gear-solid-5-bloodborne-fallout-skyrim-cyberpunk-2077-80s-live-action-movies/
  11. Yeah good idea but maybe better to GO to a police station or near there hang out, probably hard to do up there though right? Assuming it's a snowy place right now.
  12. Maybe get out of town go visit friends or relatives for a bit, take a short vacation etc Probably not a good idea to post details like that about yourself here though.
  13. Yeah I told him could get a clean MS win11 image rufus-usb it and fresh install and use his win10 key but looks like it's not something that's too urgent there. Maybe this year he'll just buy a whole new system that already has 11 anyways who knows.
  14. Yeah Idk he mentioned some dvd's don't get recognized here and there and that he read somewhere it's known win10 bugginess. He is the type that went with the 7 to 10 upgrade right when it was first offered years ago, thinks free and new is better. AFAIK he's not had any problems but just a basic user not a gamer, heavy user etc I think he's got something like a i7-3770 or the 4xxx cpu around that time. Thought maybe 11 would fix that almost the only heavier thing he uses his pc for, but the in place upgrade said his system couldn't run it etc you know the same old BS "buy buy buy" tricks. He doesn't really want to do a whole wipe and fresh install just to get 11 anyways. I think his valid win10 key would work though. Eh He just uses MakeMkv if it's a dvd no reencode, if it's a BD he then reencodes with handbrake for file size reduction. Sometimes it spins and says not recognized or something. It's just one of those platter in the tower type of bluray readers they put in back when BD was being pushed, I'm guessing a sata lite-on etc generic. Might be drm tech in the actual reader itself or on the disk. I know that BD's have that and you have to get some key file online did that with my rip/reencode of a BD set a couple years ago but it just prevented native VLC to play it, not recognize and rip it. Leawo was spotty, Win10 no native BD player support.
  15. My dad has an older desktop but it's still a decent version of an i7, 16gb etc and like most people wanted to take the "free" 11 upgrade, did the same thing early in the win10 rollout. It says his system can't handle win11 etc, bs of course. From what I gather his best bet is to go around the official update and use a bootable USB if he chooses to. Just basic usage email, bills etc but he does do a lot of blu ray ripping on there and sometimes dvd's but he says there's a known bug in win10 that it won't recognize some BD and DVD disks here and there and that 11 is supposed to be better, idk not into any of that. He has one of those old school BD drives that slot into the desktop case, not an external btw. Any tips here? I was just doing a search and came up with this link. https://pureinfotech.com/install-windows-11-unsupported-pc/
  16. yeah 16gb total, it came with 8gb when new just took a couple of years to want to upgrade, imo stutter can be fixed with turning certain things down or not being overly sensitive to it when it happens here and there. I get it pay x,xxx$ for a system expect smooth all the time. But I figure that's videogames going to have bugs, clipping here and there, initial stutters in places, microstutters, etc Remember having to blow out NES cartridges, etc
  17. Got another 8gb ram stick helps with the smoothness but it still dips below 60 sometimes eh helps the whole system, it uses almost a whole 8gb ram stick at my settings, vram unchanged about 4.5gb. Another ad replacer example also the smaller scrolling ad banners replacement. I think I saw one of the 4 huge scrolling ads came back last night for some reason.
  18. Got it 15-16 days after payment, wow terrible stuff, usps has cost me a couple of times in more important circumstances like state licensing documents delivered 2-3 days too late, do it all over again etc. Thankfully works fine dual channel mode and all. Just ordered a second nvme from someone else, they used ups so should be good there.
  19. Lol been so long I forgot about that, I don't think I got back into vgames(unfortunately tbh) until a few years after it was released. With cp77 modders have done so much to make it better, all megacorps care about really is the initial profits fix it later on. And the high/ultra settings crowd is the most vocal since they paid a ton to have their setups, cp77 on release had a 1650 low/med settings didn't have any problems or very minor ones.
  20. Oh for sure better to do that, but look at cp77 8 years lots of hype, unnecessary celeb, promise everything fall WELL short. So long dev time doesn't always equal best game. What was it 4 released 2008, V released 2013. GTA6 competing with a LOT more games almost certainly not as big as impact.
  21. I got a second 8gb stick after 15 days in the mail for some reason, it was usps first class so really bad on the postal service. I did get a full refund as well, didn't ask for it though. It was listed as new but it was obviously an open package, sellers can be very shady on eb and other places. The extra 8gb does give a noticeable benefit for cp77 play, it's much more smooth in many areas and I don't have to close everything else down while playing like I used to. CP77 uses almost a whole 8gb of ram but the vram usage is unchanged around 4.5gb 1080p DLSS performance setting, cpu heavy stuff turned to minimums, 60max fps. They run in dual channel mode as well so that's good. -canceled other order, got to thinking about finances nah couldn't do it. From notebookcheck on the 3050ti it's either equal or below in most games afa fps on the systems they tested it on, with the 4 more cores of the 17" gateway it would probably be a benefit as to fps but on equal systems isolating the mgpu it's the same or less performance. The extra 2gb of vram are likely a big factor there. I think the base mhz is higher on the 2060m I have as well or pretty much equal. It would just be the cpu benefit really and larger screen size but as to the ram and nvme size I got those for minimal cost nah not worth it. Wait to see what they come out with this year in the 4xxx range. -I did go ahead and order a second phison nvme 256gb to give a total of 512gb in this laptop.
  22. I like old movies like pre 1960 so much more positive and simple overall, so TCM one of my favorite channels, no commercials too. A couple of good ones were "It Happened on 5th Avenue" a semi Christmas movie pretty funny similar to the trading places of the 80s but not exactly. Another was Lady on a Train from 1945, pretty funny but also a whodunnit. I was watching the 1931 Frankenstein and the 1934 Bride of Frankenstein, the second is definitely the better of the two and has some relation to todays trans issue no doubt. I then read the book and it surprisingly isn't really much like the movies at all, there are no details as to how Frankenstein does his work at all, none of the mad scientist using electricity etc and the bride never gets made due to Fs having a change of heart. He is middle class not some aristocrat and travels around later on, the ending is not some action movie grand climax at all either. The book rambles on a bit, too much romantic revelry and such. I'm now reading Dracula and it's pretty well presented so far in the Coppola Bram Stokers Dracula movie, he's still trapped in dracs castle where I am.
  23. I've seen this floating around and looked into it and noticed it really helps with the open world AC games that run on dx11 and below and other older games. This was originally done for linux gaming compatibility but others figured out it helps with windows older games resulting in fps gains and lower cpu etc in some situations. Next time I boot up origins or odyssey will def try it out. https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases
  24. This modder has done some amazing meticulous work on replacing a ton of stuff in one large mod file just dragndrop, it's bladerunner movies stuff. I have not done it but want to, too much other stuff that would conflict idk may give it a try, just one 1gb .archive file to drag in there, done. In comparison my pc/mod folder with over 400 items is only 1.01gb in size and there's a ton in there, almost everything other than the bin file CET etc and that's all just tiny scripts. Really preem mod there, I also use a few of his other mods like the bladerunner rain and better explosions etc For this I may do another install on a different ssd and just put that in there, and add in other stuff that's not ad replacers and such or ones that he didn't replace as shown in the mods 1700 pics lol https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2155
  25. yeah such a difference with 5 and cp77 totally believable population and traffic, in cp77 you go into a huge freeway exchange and it's almost empty if not empty, never be the case in a city that size. I get it most peoples cpu's just couldn't cope though. I've only ever seen it with medium or low crowd setting and even have a mod that bumps up the crowd/traffic on all settings. I think the graphical compromises that 5 makes are ideal, 77 went graphics quality heavy but needed a smaller world imo, stories not long/big enough and not enough to do unlike 5 with 3 characters with individual stories and a larger overarching story and tons more to do. CP77 needed a GTA4 NYC, even just the manhattan part, sized world, more populated and detailed areas. Yakuzas 0-6 never needed a gigantic area with whole regions to it and has more meaningful fun gameplay than cp77 if you really get into it. More handcrafted detailed.
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