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Everything posted by Hertzian56

  1. oh well it's not like it's coming to streaming anytime soon from what I read.
  2. had no idea there was some rule here about spoilers, usually it's just a courtesy or they have the way to hide them. I didn't plan on catching those other than top gun when I get around to it, not sure if it's streaming yet. It's amazing how Cruise has aged when compared to his love interest in the first one, they didn't even bother to ask her to return and meg is way too pulled back for it lol They should have made a sequel way back when. I'm skeptical of how good it is though, imdb reviews way too many 10s to be real ones. I think I saw maybe up to the second JP movie, amazing how it's been since the early 90's and they still make more of those but then again terminators/aliens etc just keep coming lol
  3. Yeah I usually avoid super hero type movies never been into them much and when I catch one while traveling on the hotel movie channels they are always so cringey. I thought the Nolan Batman movies were pretty good and the old Reeve Superman ones but that's pretty much it.
  4. Rewatched the classic anne of green gables with megan follows. Also the Road to Avonlea tv series that was 7 seasons in the same vein based on LM Montgomerys Chronicles of Avonlea and has some returning characters from the Anne shows.
  5. During the winter it's not too bad, comes down to around 75f or below depending on where you are but the winter nights are really cold like 30s or less. Right now in most places in AZ it's over 100F, it was 113F+ where I was next to colorado river, which was awful, a bunch of people in empty neighborhoods hiding out from the heat and also a lot of second home people who get out of there summertime. Low at night was like 80F. The dryness is an adjustment if you are coming from a place where it is more rainy and it's easy to get dehydrated especially if you forget to put on sunblock. We went to an old gold mining town attraction and someone got heat exhaustion just from walking around, ambulance. None of those type of places would exist at that size or at all without AC or would be just little colonies along a body of water, good luck if the power goes out.
  6. Visiting family in arizona and I just can't see how people like living there, unless it's higher elevation because it's just awful, hard to want to go out of the AC hole you're in. It's inhuman, it's not human half the year and I don't like such a dry environment.
  7. I don't follow it all that much there was just an article about it in the nyp and I think I saw something about it somewhere else connected to some media star, honestly sounds like some sort of scam to me, maybe ipo scam or looking for investors to do some real work.
  8. Was watching the old western show Rawhide with a young Clint Eastwood, dude looks pretty weird in it to be honest.
  9. Well when you have almost unlimited money to do all this may as well do it big. It's probably a few weeks or more of work compressed into a clip. What wasn't explained was how the actors see the videogame they are a part of, the mic is by their mouth so I'm thinking they may have AR contact lenses which the rough graphics world is projected to for them to act off of and with, which has MANY uses in the "real world" we see on TV by the way. I looked on IMDB and looks like several Avatar movies will be dumped on us next few years, not sure if they feature the pretty much dead 3d aspect though. About 10 years ago I was in negotiations to work on a new 3d camera system Cameron had in development but it came to nothing. I watched the original in a 3d theater and it was amazing, when I watched it later in regular 2d it was a pretty bland forgettable movie to me more occultism among way too much out there already.
  10. the red house, better chases+, various online missions packs for single players, don't trust the russians, single player apartments, family friendly free roaming(I think this removes a lot the the nasty language, not all though), menyoo trainer, the fathers stories, addon spawner, alebals huge missions pack. You're going to need a script hookv dot net, not too hard to figure out though. It would be awesome if RS would license the world so others could build games on it, same with RDR2 but that's not going to happen obviously. Too bad as I think it would be better than the UE stuff.
  11. Rewatched Transpotting then checked out T2 Transpotting, oof what a mess of a movie couldn't hardly follow it. The first one was just so to the point and raw as well as hilarious in places, didn't get that much in T2.
  12. Yeah there is a lot to do there if you're into it, just the UFO parts takes forever even if you use a cheat map. I can't imagine finding just those collectibles during a normal playthrough. The letter scraps crime story was something I had no idea about until researching it more and then I used a cheat map, not enough time to waste on it. A ton more too. There are mods to change the npc schedules and have more npc/police confrontations separate from you. I also liked the racing stuff, particularly the dirt bike/offroad.
  13. Love the major Hitchcock movies so classic and nicely restored with vibrant colors, entertaining stories and great settings etc
  14. Happily discovered the integrated screenshot tool in firefox and opera, they seemed to make it easier to see it was there idk much easier than print screen lol
  15. Burning the candle at both ends to get to the creamy center lol but it's deliberate no doubt. I'm not sure how people in apartments are supposed to utilize them, they overwhelmingly don't have the charging setup and who would pay for it. I know cars are way expensive for a long time but I'm guessing electrics are even more costly with limited third party used stock when compared to ICEs. Around town and regional paved road trips seem fine but everything else seems a hassle to me. CA and other states are trying to ban new ICEs by 2030.
  16. I try to minimize using google apps like play, using a third party browser to access gmail and anything else rather than an spy/batt draining app. Gmaps is already built in so I don't see too much benefit from going after another. I don't watch youtube a ton on my phone and it's through a browser not the app. Bitchute an alternative with less arbitrary censorship/agenda that plagues yt. Of course Google is the OS maker so it's just minimizing it, for that I could see getting Motorola phones which seem to be stock android with no bloatware.
  17. I was just looking at the eurocom rapter x15 pics and it does look like it has a socketed cpu at least. Too bad there isn't a real mini-itx gpu they couldn't just design cooling around in there. Smallest desktop mini-itx I can see is a 1660 super which isn't much different than a 2060m without RT of course. https://eurocom.com/ec/images(486)RaptorX15 Edit: Saw the MSI Aero ITX 3060 card looks like the board could be reconfigured to close to MXM size, idk not an expert https://www.msi.com/Graphics-Card/GeForce-RTX-3060-AERO-ITX-12G-OC at 1:53 it shows the itx 3060ti board seems feasible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0VDYX7QZQ8
  18. Man in the Wilderness, 1971 which is also based on the original story that the Revenant is, it's a better story with a better ending than the Revenant imo Strange that neither anywhere in IMDB is this version of the same source material mentioned nor did the Revenant cast/producers ever mention it.
  19. Oof so even the so called mobile supercomputers are bga only that sucks.
  20. On the trivia section in the imdb page it has a weird fishburne quote from collider, very strange. Agree the first one was the best, I did like the highway action scene in 2 though.
  21. I'd be curious to see in the future if Aetina etc continue trying to make MXM or if it's going to have to morph into very custom stuff per each industrial application. I think somewhere last year I was going through the Aetina site and they were the same cards then as now, there's been no newer generation cards past what they have now. Is Eurocom offering any 3xxx series MXM at all?
  22. I had an aetina 970m in my m6700 for a while worked fine and was well made, someone had lots of them in stock on ebay for a few months and had them decently priced. I doubt aetina would sell them to individuals or your typical retailer, they probably sell in bulk only to the tech fields they mention. Probably at very high prices too. Probably find the odd one on ebay though. It's good they give a detail drawing so you can compare hole placement etc
  23. I've seen a few articles about this lately but I myself just can't see it being anything but a very big tv, where is the in the round star wars stye hologram? Or even the on stage reflected off smoke etc hologram? A few of the yt commentors seem to think the same thing.
  24. Yeah the IMDB user reviews say it all really, which is amazing since I'm pretty sure they manipulate the overall rating number most of the time for ad/marketing revenue reasons; when you dig into the user reviews over there a lot of reviewers ask how such and such movie got such a high overall number review rating. Pretty sure it's like scamazon et al reviews, a whole contingent of AI bots and paid real people to juice user reviews along with the website itself cooperating with advert and etc revenue in mind. I'm so not interested I wasn't even aware this thing was released but I wasn't that into the whole matrix thing.
  25. Well it's actually been a while since I'ved used mine, by runs hot I mean just idling without gaming it sits somewhere around 55c or so. While playing Witcher 3 at 720/900p 30fps it's probably in the 75-80c range or more. Also played Dark Souls 2 on there. My m4600 is in storage right now so I can't pull it out for you. Mine only has a Dual Core cpu in there i7-2620m. The top stock card the m4600 came with was an m5950 which is lower/heat performance than the m4000 or m5100 so the cooling system isn't really designed for them. My Passmark 3d score for the 1000m was about 800, for the m4000 it was 1800 so it was a huge upgrade for not much money. Unless there was an m5100 for under $30 it just wasn't worth the extra performance for me so the m4000 is just fine. https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/compare/FirePro-M5950-vs-FirePro-M4000-vs-FirePro-M5100/233vs238vs2818 My rtx 2060m 90w idles about 45c with an msiab OC 163/515 and also with a hot running i5-10300h cpu for comparison. m5100 on Ebay is around 40$, I never use scamazon. m4000 on Ebay is 20-40$. I wouldn't invest more than about 30$ into any of those really, I paid around $20 off ebay a few years ago for the m4000.
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