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Everything posted by Hertzian56

  1. If you installed win10 from a usb and used rufus there's a hard to find setting where you enable BIOS legacy or some such, otherwise I'm not sure it would work on the laptops of that day, always have to remember to enable that when I use rufus usb on older hardware. If that's not an option yeah just burn your windows ISO to a disk and go from there. I don't remember the temps specifically but I don't think I get anything out of the ordinary. Mine is a DUAL core CPU. I know the AMD Firepro M4000 does run hot but never had problems. I don't do any game that's recent on there, or anything heavy graphics, since it's more of a backup and travel system only, Witcher 3 is the most taxing game I use on there and it works fine at appropriate settings. If you take the time a repaste isn't that big of a deal but I'd make sure to get quality paste since you don't want to do it a ton. I used Arctic Silver 5 or such but I'm sure there's similar priced modern thermal paste. I think I disabled Intel Speedstep in the BIOS to get better performance since it's always plugged in anyways. I have the 130W power adapter, from the attachment if you have a 180w adaptor looks like it doesn't do much. Uh I've attached some benches and info. If the die is chipped I don't think it would be a bug free experience, you might be better just getting another one they're relatively cheap for what you get now. I ALWAYS make sure my vents are clean and I put risers on the whole thing to get more airflow underneath, you can get cheap felt/rubber risers etc Those benches are a few years old and probably on a legacy scoring numbering system, I think both Firestrike and Passmark have re-scaled their bench numbers since then. I can't remember if they were on Win7 or Win10, from the dates I'd guess win10 but not 100% sure. Dell M4600 Performance Improvement (Disable Intel SpeedStep) _ Maverick Limited.pdf
  2. Well I like simple mods that are just dragndrop and it,s been a year or more since i loaded it up tbh. Some of the fan made missions were pretty cool, not too deep usually but entertaining. There,s a major LCPD mod thats supposed to be quality. I liked the bodyguard one, you can pick npcs from a list and load them up for a nice rampage, even during mission replays. Of course fan made cars are cool. More races etc There,s a whole website that just has mods you can browse it doesnt require registration either just straight dl, gtav-mods.com or something like that.
  3. Here,s hoping it is a worthy sequel. I,m pretty skeptical nowadays though with all the pc etc junk they insert, way too much activism inserted nobody asked for and make the games worse. After so long though it,s probably all new staff and even execs, I dont keep up w all the studio buy outs too much but I doubt the crysis 3 people are still involved. Indies are really where it,s at now to me, who knows though.
  4. Libre Office is still totally free and not too bad, it is the successor to Open office. Free Office isn't too bad either, I think you might have to register to get a free license though. Links would be in the article. https://www.techradar.com/news/best-microsoft-office-alternative
  5. Yeah it definitely concerns me as a SP only guy, RS obviously has focused on online for almost a decade now afa GTA series and I just don't have interest in GTA as an online focused game. As an older gamer I don't care for the typical online community and it doesn't seem like it would be great for casual players, also I just don't need to get more addicted and spend more time on vg's. I'm pretty sure the SP story will be lengthy in 6 though but going off of the DLC for 5 it looks like it will be shallow type heist stuff and pay for better specs, no thanks. It was nice when we just got a full game finished like everything before 4. 4 at least had DLC that was SP focused and had depth to it although I really wish they would have just had a complete merged edition instead of the complete version where you have to start each DLC separately, maybe that's where they got the character switching idea for 5 because it would have been a way to have a 4 complete and merged edition. Maybe if they do a 4 remake they'll do that who knows.
  6. Still mainly on Elden Ring but looks to be entering final area, just trying to find and do as much of the side stuff as possible, finally figured out how to bring down the walking mausoleums. I was also dabbling in Anno Mutationem which has a pretty cool 2d/3d hybrid mechanics and pixel graphics cyberpunk meets anime thing. I'm not very far into it but seems pretty cool, hoping it's a short and sweet dazzle and not an overstay and ruin it with stuff type of thing.
  7. Both amazing games, I'm glad they were so far apart because they're the type of games that become exclusive play. Went back to GTAV a couple years ago just for all the mods, perma-install like RDR2. RDR2 not as much to go back for other than just to see the amazing graphics and maybe catch a missed random encounter or non-story mission. I have some QOL mods for RDR2 like call horse from any distance etc
  8. Worked on the first season or two as an extra on that show, met ted danson lol town square etc was all at universal studios. Watched a bit of the old english soap opera from the early 70,s called Upstairs, Downstairs. Only 5 seasons I think, they were going to do a spinoff but the lady who played Mrs Bridges died suddenly.
  9. Deadspace remake early 2023, not clear if it's just the first one or the other two. Kind of ominous tbh with remake track records and of course EA being what it is. https://www.dsogaming.com/news/dead-space-remake-will-now-officially-release-in-early-2023/
  10. No it's not linear for me, what I meant was I looked at the whole revealed map online and confirmed I found all the places you find the area maps in game. I haven't looked at the underground maps though found about 3 of those extensive underground areas. Small caves don't count they just have fast travel markers at the entrances. Non main story line I'm stuck on helping Ranni and her companions to get something to open up one of the towers w a major enemy inside, probably. Even using trainer help it's a long game, play it my way no regrets btw
  11. I'm about 42 hrs into it and still have plenty to do but from online maps I've found the majority of major places and all the in game maps to clear all the map fog not sure about underground and a few quests I can't figure out how to advance, DS games have always required online research for me and probably anybody else who doesn't have a ton of time to just wander around and figure it out.
  12. yeah when I checked my internal nvme it just had a turn off write buffer caching so not the same as quick removal, sounds like just different wording to me though.
  13. Yeah my stuff on my internal nvme drive is always snappier no doubt but it's pretty small size so I can only put a limited amount of games on there. That is kind of weird that a primarily internal drive would default to quick removal though it should be picking write cached maybe a bug either with your system or the drives firmware etc Some people use those in external enclosures so maybe it was setup that way if you got it second hand or refurb idk Congrats on the find though.
  14. Oh Ok it was just a guess really because that's where I've previously seen the terms you're mentioning, I'm pretty sure on my internal NVME I can also set it to quick removal but of course don't. Here's a reddit link with some info.
  15. My guess as to why is maybe that the computer puts more temp data, caches it if you will, on the disk while in use so there's less i/o lag and more performance? It takes space from the disk though. I'll have to try it on one of my externals if you get that amount of perf bump since a lot of my externals are for games only. I think this has to do with quick removal functionality so you can just unplug it at will without the risk of errors/no need to use safely remove hardware, whereas if it's set to write cached if you remove it without going through the safely remove hardware interface you can get those "there's a problem with this disk" when you plug it back in and have to check for errors etc Internal disks should be set to the write cached obviously since they won't be removed much. Externals are better to not set it to write cached for quick removal or as the pic shows it's related to corruption in case of sudden power loss.
  16. It's not really home until @Papusan and his windows updates lol
  17. yeah exactly and fc2 is like 10gb installed fc5 much larger. Reminds me of the detail in GTA4 Vs GTA5 comparison, they cut a lot out probably to save costs since most people didn't notice them. I didn't until it was pointed out to me.
  18. Loved the inclusion of bicycles in GTAV since I'm an exploration geek, it was a great way to explore without a lot of car/bike noise and limited to drivable areas, you could really get into and out of tight places that looked really interesting to explore which were not used in the SP game at all. I also thought the underwater was cool but too slow to move around in to want to explore much.
  19. Thanks for the offer. Nothing comes to mind I'm kind of peaked right now, I'll let you know though.
  20. Yeah a tech demo is HIGHLY curated and we all know there are a lot of tricks they use, especially console stuff. Real extended gameplay would be necessary. I mean cp77 looks amazing and I'm not questioning the screenshots are in the game but just not in regular walking around gameplay. I enjoyed it overall it's just a victim of cpdr's marketing hype, laziness, and the success of TW3.
  21. I was thinking that it would be good to have a thread dedicated to one of the largest vg franchises of all time. This is for any and all GTA stuff you want to post. I'll start off by with the official R* homepage. https://www.rockstargames.com/ Here's a link to some news on GTA6, unofficial of course. Taken right off the top of a google search. https://www.gamesradar.com/gta-6-release-date-news-trailers-map-gameplay-rumours/ My understanding of 6 is that it will be in the South Florida region, thus continuing the regions used in the first trilogy. NYC, Socal and South Florida. It would actually be nice to get a different region say NOLA, UK, Europe, S. America etc but looks like RS is sticking to its guns. My favorites of the original 3D (NON-Remake) trilogy go like this. 1. San Andreas, amazing game still fun to play 2. Vice City, great music and Miami Vice tie ins. 3. Liberty City, this was HUGE when I was in college, had some grad friends who were WAY into this and got me into it(they were into one of the Quakes too in LAN lol) My favorites of the current trilogy are: GTA4, gritty dark story that jives w the GTA genre, SP focused, great DLC's, detailed gameplay, more realistic car handling. GTAV is also an amazing game, having lived in Socal it really feels like it, incredible graphics that are very efficient hardware-wise, NOT a fan of the online stuff, MUCH better controls and general QOL than 4, Action movie story, really cool character switching, NO SP focused DLC ever released, MODS! Can't comment on the original 3D trilogy remakes, never got them. The original 2D games I never played but I did have some cousins that were into it way before GTA blew up, watched them play it around 1998.
  22. Yeah and that was before the animals on drugs that they have had in 4-5+ I mean every few yards almost there are animals attacking you or others they seemed to just dial up the random npc happenings to just make the world more alive but in fact it just makes it seem like it's all on drugs lol
  23. Yeah still love playing DL1, looks great, light on resources including storage, still find new stuff here and there. Those nights oof almost only game that still can get me scared.
  24. So far no problems, they bought all of tracfone I think. I was going to start a separate thread but thought I'd just comment here on a problem I have been having with battery drain over several batteries I have for my s5. Think I finally figured it out, I noticed in the battery usage(android 6) that the phone was constantly awake even at night when I airplane mode it. I usually have waterfox browser open with my main gmail account and it looks like that was what was doing it, closed that out and the awake time bar graph plunged to nothing most of the time. So I just check it a few times a day and exit out of it right after. Not sure if it's the waterfox or the gmail page open in it that does it. Rather do that then have an app.
  25. FC3 the last one I still go back to/still installed, I did like Primal too it's so different but 4+ were just forgettable only made it a little into 5. FC2 is pretty amazing with modernizing mods.
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