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Everything posted by aldarxt

  1. Hi @TenoroonSorry this happened to you, I want to say do not stick to the first opinion of Doctors, GET 2ND OPINIONS, thats plural, from Professional Sports Doctors, like Pro Football and Pro Hockey Doctors!!! It can make a huge difference in the prognosis, especially at such a young age. I am witness to such being in the construction field injuries abound. The Hospital usually gives a basic prognosis but I have seen complete turnarounds like from being gimped to fully being able to walk and work among my peers. God Speed in your recovery
  2. OK, Thanks, that'll be my next move with the GTX 980m in 1st slot and the RTX 4050 in the 2nd. Sure do wish I bought the RTX 3080 instead
  3. Thanks @Falinov, the RTX 4000 is working in the HP Zbook.
  4. Thanks @Jerryzago for the confirmation on stop codes! Looks like a good plan not using the flat ribbon cable. Now the m18xr2 will have a glove compartment lol
  5. There is 2 different RTX 3060's on www.x-vsion.com but both have 12GB
  6. So @therhor70 on "RTX 3080 in M18xR2? Should I do it? lol" has suceeded with xvision GPU where I have failed. Hooray! xvision sell good cards!
  7. I have bad news, my m18xr2 is in bad shape, looks like a long project in my path. Getting many BSOD's, system service exception, IRQL not less or equal, Page fault in non paged area, Kmode exception and others I can't keep up with. I was going to shelf it but decided to just make it a "Test Machine" now. It also has a bad 2nd GPU slot, so it needs a new MOBO which I have 1 but was unable to get it to power-up. I tried a GTX 980m in the 1st slot and the RTX 3000 in 2nd but because the 2nd slot is bad I got badly flickering screen. Also that Flat Ribbon HDD cable has to be the Downfall of the m18xr2! If I don't get it sitting just perfectly I have lost DATA on some drives. So I am transferring drives, upgrading other Laptops, reinstalling Blindows and trying to figure out what to do with this RTX 4050. Just feels like a big flop in my face BUT! I still LOVE that m18xr2
  8. Found a .pdf data sheet, but I don't know where to start, pg. 17 states "If the bit defaults to “1” or programmed to “1”, it can’t be programmed to “0” again." makes me nervous. https://www.issi.com/WW/pdf/25WP016_080_040_020.pdf
  9. Thanks for looking out @ssj92 I am held up about the vBios looking like nothing is in there. I want to try flashing but it seems to be locked with CH341A - USB Programmer Never heard of ASProgramer, will look into it Here is a pic of vBios chip. It looked blank till I got the lighting at the right angle
  10. I posted here it did not work in 2 m17xr4"s. Also tried @ssj92 advice to use it in 2nd GPU slot in m18xr2 in SG mode but there is a problem in the 2nd slot and nothing works when a card is installed, just get a bad screen and alot of flickering, my m18xr2 is getting very old.
  11. The m18xr2 I always use 330w adapter no matter what. The 17x's sometimes I use a 240w but try to use 330w if I am benching or gaming. Since you're using 2nd gpu slot I would try only 330w
  12. Got out the Ch341a Programmer V2.2.0.10 and read the card It will not flash Dell vBios. Ran As Administrator and unlocked but says Buffer size not equal to IC size
  13. I am looking at vBios on Techpowerup and there are 44 unverified for RTX 4050 mobile, 1 for 4050 laptop GPU and 1 for 4050 laptop. Looking at the card the vBios chip is on the back, I'll have a look and extract it and do a little comparing, maybe a Dell vBios if I can get past the nVidia Lock No pci-e adapter and no monitor, but I do see that as becoming an advantage
  14. OK the card came and does not work in m17xr4 with 60hz LVDS screen in SG mode with EUFI settings both with and without Legacy option ROM enabled or disabled The m17xr4 with 120hz EDP screen also did not work in full EUFI and PEG mode. All I got was a screen flah, like a blink and 8 beeps, I did not try SG cause it is not capable of it and didn;t want to flash cMos and have to go thru the GTX 680m reset instalation. The card has some high resistors so I took a copper plate from an old m18xr2 CPU heatsink that got damaged in the past and set it on the m17xr4 heatsink and it sat llevel. The m17xr4 with 60hz screen didn't even show in BIOS or device manager. It is looking like @ssj92 said to try it in 2nd slot of m18xr2 but first am going to try 2nd slot of Clevo P870DM3-G. I am very reluctant to open m18xr2 cause it is running so well I am afraid of "The Rabbit Hole"
  15. No, the m17xr4 with 120hz didn't work with the RTX 3000 but I don't remember if I tried it in pure UEFI mode which is how the P4000 works now. I would like to have tried it but I damaged 1 of my RTX 3000 when I pulled off the x bracket installing it in the M6700 cause the heatsink has its own special screw setup. I never encountered an x bracket that was glued on so tight. A very intelligent member of this forum @Aaron44126 said I should have used a heat gun, which I have,I would have pulled out my hair if I had some! So I'm not pulling out my working RTX 3000 from my m18xr2 but for a similar $$$ the RTX 4050 is the next experiment
  16. According to the spec sheet it is DP/DP/HDMI/EDP I am just hoping
  17. I have to agree about battery life! My m18xr2 I purchased 10/12/2012 still has the original battery and its at 97 percent health! I never run any laptop on battery but take them places, roadtrips and like 2 or 3 at a time, there is always a place to plug into. I just like the battery in case of power outage from high winds or trees coming down it gives me a few minuets to shutdown and get my flashlight
  18. All this needs is uninterruptible power supply since it has no battery https://www.amazon.com/CyberPower-CP1500AVRLCD3-Intelligent-System-Outlets/dp/B0BCMLLSHL/ref=sr_1_3?c=ts&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.1Y6yxy5lPSI0KlHT8E3Vv7UB0mQbXbgNBIHNd5DxNJAH2mUaHB6qoSbJwdu1H-EW76PDE6TFKUrY8Gi1Rz388zSOYa1gloAxAdvyIKiGdxBsykYLORTFNGvD4QeCGcHkjmnqkcYMRTqGpYQnxde8CS2Fp251QmEYO7AHXyQRfReHXOHyzH1XTYe2dHcNhHdr93HQeQmqfWKMRBLgt_z2i22z21IhkHQhfWPIq4t2HxsrxPAJYNdE1Umf5HVlNalH9abV3KLBk1XW0vZAUQabejXf5moDX_C187pxLdBrmeU.4O2YoJI_8oNypX0msUY6GYwRqrfuHeuBxHy4xZFcIcI&dib_tag=se&keywords=Computer%2BUninterruptible%2BPower%2BSupply%2BUnits&qid=1727724962&s=pc&sr=1-3&ts_id=764572&th=1 uninterruptible power supply since it has no battery
  19. I would prefer the RTX 4060 in the Clevo and being an A card overkill cooling might help the i9-9900K to run cooler cause of the Giant heatsink is all connected
  20. I have M4700, M6700, 2 m17xr4, m18xr2 and P870DMG-3 All are going to get a chance at this card so if it works in 1 I'll have to buy another, this could be a long project
  21. And that RTX 4060 would be a nice upgrade for my P870DMG-3 but the mounting holes look off Imagine an A card in a Clevo?
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