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Everything posted by MiRaGe

  1. final temps after all the mods and adding more LM between IHS and the die 10 days later: before: after: At the end - delidding plus LM - 10C drop.
  2. I am more than excited, you know why😂
  3. Hi, would you tell me which part number exactly are those upgraded fans? are they the same as the ones on TaoBao?
  4. I can finally say I got the temps under control. This laptop is a bitch to be cooled down. After prolonged game session I have my GPU max 72C (+160/800@200W) and the CPU doesn’t hit and stays at 100C anymore when both GPU and CPU are under heavy load. 95-8C for the CPU in this case. 87C max after 10 Min. in CineBench R23. Not bad.
  5. You need a cooling pad like mine (custom made, 2x80mm inaudible fans) this laptop can’t be cooled down without custom mods. Don’t let this to happen again, especially on the GPU side - it could kill it. The thermal limit for those GPUs is 87C.
  6. He isn’t exactly friendly, so I don’t expect less than this (may be 20-30 less for two people, considering the shared transferring cost)… But still - hell of a price. on TaoBao both are 50€…
  7. P.S. Okay, he actually sent me an offer: He won’t tell me more about the fans, but he offered to buy them for me as he is going to travel to China and all including the transferring costs would set me back with….~200€😆😂🤣
  8. Just cut the bottom cover, put liquid metal on the GPU, delidded the CPU and using liquid metal between the die and IHS. And measured very precise how thick the thermal pads should be.
  9. Around 10C lower on the CPU’s side and 7-8C lower on the GPU’s.
  10. 80s is pretty normal for 9900K. How was it before with the original HS?
  11. Tell me what exactly is the temp difference between the two HS for both GPU and CPU? I managed to make mine work better than original one.
  12. The eBay seller refused to give information about those fans. Speaks bad for the humanism, but let it be, if he is comfortable like this.
  13. Further cooling improvements: GPU tops out at 69-70C.
  14. I used the standard pads - 4mm and 2mm. What does it look on your side?
  15. Can you tell me how much volts does your 2080S needs for 2000Mhz?
  16. I am also interested! if someone decides to buy them , I can take a part financially and we can share the cost for the taobao agent. But the fans on TaoBao don’t look the same as the ones from the eBay listing…
  17. This is impossible for my RTX 2080. Everything above 2010Mhz requires more than 1.0V…
  18. What is the frequency you are using for 0,975V flat line?
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