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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Our tax dollars hard at work monitoring gamers... 🙄
  2. Too bad he did not continue development. I would trust a third-party development like that more than one developed by the ODM, since the third-party developer would have no reason to care whether the end-user had a good CPU or trash sample.
  3. Looks like it was a near twin to the turd chip I returned. SP102 (P117/E77) and here is the VF curve on that one... The cooler rating will directly affect the voltage values showing below the SP rating number and so will the LLC level, but those won't affect the VF curve. I cannot remember now from my X570 Crosshair @Rage Set maybe you or @jaybee83 know, does ASUS have an Silicon Prediction (SP) rating system for the AMD motherboards?
  4. Yes, it could have been worse indeed. Brother @Rage Set what does the VF curve look like? If you haven't already done so, you can reflash to BIOS to an older verion, then back up to the version you intend to use. Sometimes the SP ratings get corrupted or reported inaccurately. But the VF curve should be accurate and consistent. The SP ratings are often wrong after installing a different CPU and sometimes after removing and reinstalling the same CPU. I could not understand what was being said, but the reason for the laughter seems obvious. Although crying might be more appropriate than laughing.
  5. I have two RM1200x SHIFT power supplies. I really like them a lot. The only thing I wish was different (and I suspect many people love about it) is the silent fan thing. I don't want or need the fan to stay turned off except under heavy load. I would prefer that it run more often and push more air. Because they deliberately focused on quiet it is not as cool as it would have otherwise been. It does not get hot, but it gets warm because the fan seldom kicks on and when it does it doesn't create much turbulence. It's funny how "enthusiasts" behave. My Toughpower 1650W PSU is a great product, but it gets bads reviews because the fan is "too loud" and I have never once noticed whether or not the fan was running.
  6. Are you getting your money back? So, you can't get a good 14900K, only poor samples, because the good ones were binned and set aside for 14900KS. The question is, where did all of the good ones go? Or, were there not any good 14900K from which to siphon off the KS? Are they holding them somewhere for a KS Super or a KS Super-Super? If all of the 14900K that were good bin quality were being pulled from distribution for KS rebranding and price markup, who has the good ones and where are they hiding them? We will never know the answer to this question. They must have had the assistance of AI, seeing how well it was executed.
  7. True. Arc A770 is 3060 Ti performance range and I am not sure if that is some the 3060 Ti can handle well. Arc A750 and the "lite" version of A770 are also light on VRAM (only 8GB). One really should not entertain the idea of buying a new GPU for gaming with only 8GB, or less, unless it is dirt cheap and no demanding games are being played.
  8. Dayyyuuum. Is that your sucky CPU, brother? Central has accepted my RMA on the basis that the product sold to me is defective (at least it seems they have) and they issued an authorization to return. They said the refund should be processed by the next or second business day. It truly is defective, and so is that example you are showing. You should seek to return it and request a refund. It is unfit for the purpose for which it was created. It is a downgrade, not a "Special Edition" unless special means a sarcastic expression of "special" LOL. And, you are right... not worth your time to do this. Just keep what you have or buy a good CPU bin used. All of my good CPUs have been purchased used since the one nice 10900KF that my Z490 Apex destroyed. I am always unlucky in the lottery buying new. I didn't realize that was still a thing. I thought it was a fad that came and went. Nobody talks about it anymore, at least commercially. Perhaps it is just not something that Intel sees a lucrative market for so they haven't bothered to support it.
  9. I sent this to you via text as well. I had no trouble with 6800 on the 12900K/KS in the Z690 Unify-X and that was when DDR5 was super immature and a work in process. Things have changed dramatically since 12th Gen in terms of firmware and memory. If you go with a 4-DIMM motherboard you are going to be limited to around 7200 max no matter what CPU. I think the limiting factor with 12th Gen was immature DDR5 technology more than the CPU itself.
  10. They are all part of the problem. None offer solutions. They live to promote AI (Skynet) and a Godless planet where it is OK to say, think, do, be anything you want as long as it does not involve honesty, integrity, morality, decency or freedom to express opposition to a depraved world view or a perspective that is contrary to their agenda. In a society where no behavior or belief is wrong and everything is OK, only disagreement is unacceptable and expression of opposing views is intolerable.
  11. I decided to go back to BIOS 1501 on my white Apex and I was able to downgrade the Intel ME version to the proper version for 1501 using the MSI ME Update tool for ME_16.1.30.2264. Completed without error, and now I don't have the latest cancer. Thanks, MSI. 👍 ME_16-1-30-2264_fwupdate-zip Instant performance boost with older ME... Also better memory performance. 8400 runs like 8600 and has lower latency with older ME. It seems like she is smiling again...
  12. At least MSI has the fundamental decency and basic common courtesy to not bundle ME filth into their BIOS update and leave it to the discretion of their customer to decide whether or not to download and flash the cancer update. I flashed the latest BIOS to my Z790i Edge, but it was my decision whether or not to ignore the fact that there is an ME update. Not only that, they allow downgrading ME to an older version if you want to. Don't like the ME update they made available? Not a problem. Download an older version directly from your product support page and flash it. No fuss, no muss. It is inexcusable, disgusting and shameful that ASUS does not give the choice to the people that step up to the plate and fork out big bucks for their overpriced CPU-killing motherboards to do the same. See below... SFF hotbox Mini-ITX with a consumer-grade 360 AIO... average 14900K (SP96)... no firmware cancer to gum up the works. (This is the mobo from @electrosoft and the CPU from @Talon.) Are you sure you like ASUS Brother @Papusan?
  13. The people that worry about warranty will be pleased to know that if they need to make a warranty claim they will have to lie to Intel and tell them the CPU and RAM (including XMP) were never overclocked or tuned because Intel's position is now that any form of overclocking the cores or memory or running outside of default spec, that there is no warranty. It is void. Intel doesn't care what people do. If you load BIOS defaults on an ASUS motherboard (which is not Intel spec) and tell Intel the truth, ASUS has voided your warranty for you.
  14. The numbers seemed OK, not great, on the surface, but as I began testing it the voltage needs were beyond insane. Along with the temperatures, it is essentially a downgrade and unusable unless someone is OK with embracing 103°C load temps. It might be OK on DICE, LN2 or cascade, but not worth having on water cooling. Even with the chiller keeping the water at 16°C the temps were totally out of control. I hope Central does not give me any hassle with the return/refund.
  15. Congratulations. Looks like you got a good one. As usual, I didn't. 😑 I called Central this morning about an RMA. The had me fill out a form online. So, now I wait to find out. 😟
  16. That is a really nice chip. It's what a 14900KS should have looked like. That is about 150mV less than what the 14900KS I am returning would have needed for the P-cores and the E-cores could barely handle 4.7GHz. Here's this... Cooler Master MM712-Wired Mouse Review Now this is a pretty amazing ...
  17. 14900KF - P 60x / E 48x / Cache 52x - NOT AI overclocked.
  18. Yes, thank God. Hopefully, ASUS doesn't kill it as well. The more hours I spent trying to make it usuable the more frustrated I got. It's not worth keeping. It's a piece of trash. Even trying to de-tune it to run at 13900KS/14900K/KF clocks is a no go. It guzzles voltage and power beyond reason functionality in Cinebench. Trying to use settings that @tps3443 was suggesting (L4 and Auto) was seeing spike up to my 1.700V cap and idle voltage at 1.650V, load voltage in the 1.450V range, which cannot be managed effectively unless you are using LN2 or cascade cooling. AMD will never be open for consideration again for me. They don't offer any products that I am interested in buying. So, I am wondering if maybe the systems I own now will be my last. I'm not liking anything at all in the computing technology realm. Windows sucks, gaming sucks more than it ever has before. It's no longer any fun to bench on HWBOT because of how things are. Winners are predestined and receive parts and firmware nobody else has access to. Everything is grossly overpriced and the OEMs are becoming anti-overclock. So, really there is nothing left for me at this point. It was fun while it lasted, but my patience is wearing thin with the way that everything is designed by idiots for idiots. I am starting to hate all of the companies involved (Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, ASUS, Microsoft... all run by imbeciles with the endoresements and blessings of their retarded fanboy possees.) In my futuile effort to make a silk purse of the 14900KS sow's ear, I booted into my Windoze 11 Cancer OS and fired up XTU. I guess there is now an AI overclocking feature. Super stupid. I had not seen it before. It tuned mulltple cores for 6.3GHz and the rest at 6.2GHz, about 1.625V on VCore. It ran and it was stable, but was not usable due to overheating and thermal throttling with my water chilled to 16°C. Cinebench pulled over 650W before it collapsed from heat, at which point the core clocks dropped to about 53x on the P-cores and 41x on E-cores and under 40K Cinebench score. Utterly worthless. It might not have overheated playing games. But, yeah... like I give a rat's butt about that.
  19. Yes, I tried the latest from ASUS and other betas, even old BIOS. I am not trying any more. Already wasted too many hours on this poorly binned piece of trash. I will just be content with the excellent 13900KS and 14900KF CPUs that I already own. The voltage needs are what they are and it will always be too hot unless I detune it to match 13900KS or 14900K and if that has to be done the KS is meaningless and serves no purpose. It is going back and I am not buying another one. It is cleaned up and back in the box. I will call them Monday for an RMA number. I even booted into my cancer OS 11 and ran XTU AI tuning and it tuned 63x on several cores and 62x on the rest and it throttles down to 5.6GHz in Cinebench and reaches 107°C. It would probably be OK for a gamer where the CPU never has to work, but it is unsuitable for the purpose for which I bought it. Gaming is not that important to me. If it were then I would be buying an i7 and running it stock.
  20. The reason it is slower is because of excessive voltage, overheating and thermal throttling. It doesn't perform as advertised because nothing normal is capable of cooling it. You would ne need LN2 for daily driver cooling to run it at the rated clock speeds. In order for it to be a usable product you have to de-tune it and make it function like a K so there is no point in having a KS unless you are the 1 in 1000 that gets a god tier CPU.
  21. I cannot get it to run Cinebench R23. It errors out. I do not think the firmware is right for KS. Something is off. Yeah, the e-cores are trash, but they were also trash on all of the 14900K/KF that I returned. 13900KS e-cores were almost always better than 14th Gen CPUs for me. I am seriously thinking about calling them on Monday and ask them to accept a return as a defective product. You would need cascade or LN2 for this to be usable at advertised clock speeds. I am not happy with it. It is a voltage pig and runs too hot to be usable. If I delid it and go bare die that might fix it, but then it would no longer be returnable if that doesn't fix it. With BIOS defaults it idles at 45°C and sits at 1.527V. If you have to tune it down to 14900K clock ratios then owning a KS is totally pointless because it can't be used with default clocks.
  22. Yes, they are very close. I'll probably use it with the IHS this weekend then move it to bare die next weekend. So far it seems very close to the same silicon quality as my 14900KF. So, now I will sell the two dead 13900K/KS and my good SP108 13900KS. And, I will keep the 14900K that I bought from you for an emergency backup. Once I get this 14900KS on bare die and can do better head-to-head comparisons with the 14900KF I will keep the better one on the Apex and move the other one to Muchkin. I'm going to leave my hands on the Apex Encore and the 13900KS in that setup because it's the best I have had before and I don't want to disturb anything to upset the apple cart. The performance regressions are already evident to me. All 14900K/KF seem to have slightly lower performance than my 13900KS and Cinebench scores seeem to creep a little lower with each ME and Microcode update. Memory latency also seems to grow a little with each update. Memory latency with this new 14900KS is about 1 ns worse than the 14900KF and 13900KS using the same memory profile. As usual, updates are actually downgrades. Only good for those obsessed with "security" and suck for everyone else.
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