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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Funny how many overclocking enthusiasts started out as gamers and then became so engaged in overclocking that they didn't really care that much about gaming anymore. Vince is example of that along with me and probably a ton of other people. From the sounds of it, he prefers the same game genre that I do as well.
  2. As I have often stated about this and most of previous "crises" that make the technology news... most of the crises are overblown and exaggerated problems that the tech media rely on to make it seem like the tech media is important and serves a useful purpose. Most of the time they are shills of propaganda. Same applies to the mainstream media. Very limited value to the world in the grand scheme of things. In some ways their mere existence is more harmful than helpful because sheeple are eager to believe their lies and their presentation of "facts" and information is jaded by an agenda and rarely ever accurate on face value. Did Intel have some issues? Yes. Did they release a lot of lousy silicon samples? Yes. Have motherboard manufacturers made a small problem a lot worse by pushing crappy silicon samples too hard? Yes. Not a crisis and by no stretch of the imagination a catastrophe. It doesn't affect people that know how to tune their system to keep their CPU from committing hara kiri. The fact that the fabricated crisis hasn't had a huge effect on Intel CPU sales demonstrates that the people buying CPUs are not as stupid as the tech media spinsters had hoped they would be.
  3. So another bald-faced lie that wasn't fact-checked by the Vice Liar in Chief. What a witch.
  4. I should have the Encore back in a couple of business days. Now I am wondering if there was nothing wrong with it. It will be interesting to see what is on the paperwork. My white Apex started doing the same thing. On the Encore I swapped out RAM, CPU and tried 2080 Ti and 3090 Ti and it stayed hung at the yellow debug light with Q-code 99. Yesterday the Apex did the same thing and I could not get it to POST. I unplugged my ASUS 4K monitor (XG27UQR) and plugged in a portable 1080p HDMI screen and it booted normally. Very weird. The 4K monitor still works normally, but it seems to randomly prevent the PC from completing POST. After I got it to boot normally with the 1080p HDMI display, it boots normally connected to the 4K display. After I discovered that I found other posts in a variety of places with people having no boot and black screens when connected to a 4K display, and it seemed to be more prevalent if it was multi-monitor (which all of my systems are). And, so much for pointing the finger as Gigabutt. ASUS and MSI have joined the party. I think all of it is the noob that built the system and didn't properly support their crazy heavy GPU, or due to rough handling of the chassis with the GPU flopping around in the PCIe slot.
  5. Maybe AMD was expecting more people to leave Intel? And, that is clearly not happening very much. I think the low sales show pretty clearly that existing AMD owners see no reason to spend money on something newer that isn't an upgrade, or such a small upgrade that spending money is basically pointless. Additionally, the path they have chosen to take with video cards seems to demonstrate that AMD is a company whose target market is the people who are content with adequacy and happy with "good enough" rather than overclockers and bleeding-edge performance enthusiasts that find it difficult to resist an upgrade that is small and not big leap from the prior generation. Any x86 8-core CPU that is 5+ years old is "good enough" for playing games with high framerates. This is bad because it means there remains no good option other than NVIDIA for 4K gaming with demanding graphics settings and/or ray tracing.
  6. I am sure the data pirates love us. If I search for my name on the web nothing comes up. Not even my LinkedIn profile or a people search site. I don't use Instagram, Facepoot or X. I have accounts on them with totally bogus personal information to use if/when I see fit and never post anything associated with my true identity. I upload pictures of random people I have never met, and don't know their names, then I tag them with totally wrong made up names. This is to deliberately harm the accuracy of the data collection and AI. And the email addresses I use for registration, while valid, have very disparaging, vulgar and hateful user names and passwords directly related to the type of people stealing information that will be visible to anyone that buys or steals the information with the intent of using it for nefarious purposes, or for unsolicited marketing. Here is one such example: I get lots of spam at those emails addresses calling me by the fake names used in registration, so I know my efforts to eff things up for them are working. If I do a people search for the fake identities with fake addresses those have also been found to appear in the people searches, LOL. Garbage in, garbage out. We should all be doing malicious things like this to corrupt and cause harm to their data collection efforts. When I was still doing beta product testing for Dell, the person handling my registration for the Dell World Convention they invited me to had to email me to get a photo for my ID badge because he could not find a real photo of me anywhere. At that time my social media name on Facepoot was Weyland Yutani. They (Facepoot) eventually figured that out and deleted the account. So, I created a new one with different fake information.
  7. So, apparently not just "rumors" as both were misrepresented to be...
  8. Well, maybe this won't have an undesirable ending like all the others before.
  9. Thank you, but I honestly do wish it were not true. It is tragic and I am concerned that will have a devastating ending no matter who prevails in the upcoming election. If Trump wins they will continue their efforts to kill him and if Elvira does they'll continue their fraudulent pursuit of him and turn on all of us that reject their dystopian vision for the future. They're like mentally insane American Nazis on steroids.
  10. Man. This deep state mess is so horrible. If we cannot destroy this mess in short order before it can get its claws sunk deeper into our throats, the world we have enjoyed living in is doomed. The only thing worse than evil people is evil lunatics in positions of power that are so insane they cannot even identify the depth of their corruption or recognize the difference between right and wrong. There is nothing beneath them and nothing they won't do to have their way. Their contempt for everyone that holds a different view has turned them all into the vilest type of domestic terrorist and the most diabolical organized crime ring the modern world has ever seen. Masters of lies and deception that serve the Father of Lies and Prince of Darkness with an army of brain-dead zombies that are willing to stop at nothing.
  11. I can't notice any difference in system performance using a SATA SSD versus NVMe in my day-to-day activities. Nothing about the experience seems different to me in normal use. I like the M.2 form factor a lot because it consumes minimal space and doesn't require power or data wiring. It's much neater and more convenient and the extra speed is kind of a nice but almost meaningless bonus. I am sure there are limited circumstances where I would notice the faster speed, but not in normal use. Maybe game loading or something like that, but I don't do that a whole lot.
  12. I am hoping that all of the terrible publicity they have had lately about their dishonest warranty practices will result in them turning a new leaf and I have none of the shady nonsense I have experienced with them in the past. They did update the status this evening: Your product has been received and currently undergoing diagnosing by our technicians.
  13. Well, ASSuS received my dead Apex Encore motherboard yesterday, but they haven't updated my RMA ticket to reflect receipt of it. I hope this doesn't go like my past experiences with these retarded monkeys have gone. If they don't take care of me I may replace it with a Tachyon. I refuse to purchase a 4-DIMM POS motherboard and it's really the only 2-DIMM alternative to the Apex/Apex Encore at this point unless I downsize to ITX. @electrosoft how is the Z90i Lightning? Any regrets? Compared to the Edge? From 5:48 in the Doofus comparison video...
  14. It bothers me that only one party to the debate was "fact-checked" in the 3-against-1 rigged journalistic assassination attempt. 25 Lies Kamala Harris Told In Her Debate Against Trump Megyn wasn't the only one disgusted...
  15. I find it difficult to identify any politician or media source that I like, or consider good or honest. I think that most are unworthy of trust, motivated by an agenda, panderers to special interests, rather than motivated to do the right thing for their constituents. I consider myself to be a conservative American with traditional family values, not a Republican or Demoncrat. When it comes to choosing how to vote it is generally reduced to identifying the lesser evil and choosing the option that is least likely to screw things up worse than they already are. It never has anything to do with the person I am voting for or whether I like them. Chances are pretty slim that I do. That's unfortunate, but it is the reality we are faced with. It's getting easier to choose only because the options are polarized and diametrically opposed extremes... one extremely corrupt and the other less screwed up, but neither one a great option. There is no longer such a thing as middle-ground or moderate. Principles don't matter enough. So, voting is basically an essential and critically important form of damage control.
  16. Yes, that is correct. I know I am not planning to buy any new tech at this point in time. I might buy a better bin CPU or something like that if I stumble upon a fantastic deal, but I don't see any reason to spend any money. I do not expect Arrow Lake to be anything special just as it is looking like Zen 5 isn't anything special. Another example of the fact that newer is always better newer. It seems this is the new normal now. Lots of "meh" everywhere we look.
  17. I watched that video before work this morning. I am puzzled by it to some degree. Maybe everyone that was planning to buy/build a Ryzen system is already set and nobody is shopping now. Was there a big uplift? No. Would there be a reason to upgrade from prior gen? Maybe. Like 13900K>13900KS>14900K not much difference, but minor improvements, which probably don't matter much to people that are mostly gamers and don't care that much about overclocking. I don't want to stereotype people, but from my perspective that seems like it applies to many AMD owners. While there are exceptions, if a person is happy with what they have and are not pursuing bleeding edge incremental or fractional increases in performance it would most likely be a really silly waste of money if there is not going to be a corresponding measurable benefit. If one were going to build a new AM5 system then buying Zen 5 instead of Zen 4 would make sense. Moving from Zen 4 to Zen 5 while sticking with the newer equivalent probably doesn't make good sense for most people. But, buying a more powerful and higher core count Zen 5 CPU to replace a weaker and lower core count Zen 4 CPU would be logical.
  18. Awesome video and makes me even sadder that the best the world has seen is dead. Vince talks about why the idea of working for another company has been difficult for him... essentially a lack of innovation and commitment to being better.
  19. This guy's candor is refreshing and we need a lot more of it. I am surprised the speech-censoring Nazis on YouTube haven't nixed it already. What do you think, @Papusan? I think he has very clearly identified one of the major reasons why gaming in 2024 is often sucky.
  20. I usually avoid using the term "never" because crow meat doesn't taste good. But, I think I can use it safely in saying that Crapintush will never be viewed as an option. The brand is an abomination and I think I would prefer to not own any computer or a smartphone if it meant I had to purchase filth from crApple. That doesn't excuse Micro$lop for producing trashy OSes or absolve them of any of their unacceptableness, but they are definitely the lesser evil by a pretty wide margin.
  21. That is accurate. You can add adjectives, such as epic or unmitigated in front of disaster for added emphasis.
  22. I use that and the old version of Chrome that still works for Windows 7, but the Chrome nagging really pisses me off. They really need to mind their own business. As long as it works I simply do not care if it is updated.
  23. I really like this one. Their style and sound reminds me a lot of Iron Maiden.
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