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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I will probably never consider owning OLED display because (a) they are too expensive, and (b) having to do things special to avoid burn-in (such as auto-hiding the task bar) simply cramp my style too much to be worth it to me. Those are my personal quirks, which may not be representative of those that personally find the cost and inconvenience trade-offs to be worth it for the beauty or quality of the screen output.
  2. If most users hate it, then they'll probably make it a permanent part of Winduhz 11.
  3. Now we just need a display that can redact/filter out all of the morally and politically incorrect propaganda from Fallout 76 (and other Bethesda titles). 🤣
  4. They can smooch the part of my body that sits on the potty when I take a dump Windows 11.
  5. People told me I was crazy and "no way it could happen" but one of the MSI BIOS updates on my Unify-X erased the SPD on my TeamGroup Delta memory kit that was in it. Vitality Jungle confirmed it from the SPD dump. So, call me crazy... it was running like a top. I flashed the BIOS update and it never booted again with the memory that was installed at the time of the flash. Will your system POST using different modules?
  6. Providing real solutions would be too difficult. Especially for ASUS. Just dumb it down for all.
  7. I honestly think it is all just clickbait and social media titillation, and the only problem is idiots that own computers and loose nuts on top of the keyboard. So, the ASUS solution is to release turdbook firmware for desktops and treat all of their customers like they are as dumb as a box of rocks. Many of them are, and they need to figure it out, or go back to consoles and turdbooks, rather than having their hands held by a baby-sitter. Leave the rest of us out of it. Not our problem.
  8. And the way they tested the cooler was idiotic. They made it seem like an acceptable solution by limiting the stress level and not running the CPU at full-tilt maximum load. It is no wonder noobs and children are so dumb. They are being groomed to be stupid. The conclusion should have been if you want to use air cooling, buy a weaker CPU because the best air cooler can't handle maximum performance from a CPU that offers higher levels of performance.
  9. Another thought that comes to mind since my last comments... The other thing we really don't know about this perceived issue is how many of these "problem units" are because silly kids are trying to use tower air coolers, especially cheap trash budget coolers from Amazon and AliExpress, with a 32 core CPU trying to boost itself to 6.0+ GHz with 1.500V and 400W. I see photos all the time in places like Facepoot Marketplace with "high end gaming PC" in the listing title with one of these i9 CPUs tucked underneath an air cooler and chuckle to myself about what kind of crazy person expects to cool 400W with a cooler rated for 250W or less. Crashing should not cause anyone to have a surprised look on their face.
  10. Awesome. Thank you. 🙂 Looks like a sweet setup. That is true, but to some degree it might not be a real problem, or not as widespread as the clickbait tech news is suggesting if there are circumstances that it is be being caused by a lack of knowledge and inexperience with noobs trying to use wrong settings and undervolting to a stupid degree, etc. And, we know for sure that happens. Undervolting has become very popular, and if it is not done correctly and people try to apply a cookie cutter approach because their friends on Facebook said to do it, that just makes a mess of things. I agree it should never be happening running BIOS defaults. It is does, then either the firmware is goofed up or something is wrong with the CPU.
  11. I haven't seen any of the issues they claim need fixing, but I'm also not trying to use automatic or AI-managed settings or struggling with mediocre thermal management solutions. It is interesting that there is "all of a sudden" a new problem almost overnight that has surfaced, and the only "new" thing is low quality 14900KS silicon samples. Perhaps part of the issue is a lot of gamers are inexperienced noobs and recently converted console jockeys that don't know how to tune a stable system and that is causing the problems with things like shaders loading causing a crash. If they're trying overly aggressive undervolting in a feeble effort to control temperatures with a mickey mouse cooling solution that is going to cause problems.
  12. Whenever you have time, would love to see some photos of your setup.
  13. I can't imagine anything better. 🙂 The thought of living in a congested, dirty, crime-ridden, in-your-face, big city environment is repulsive to me. The suburban life isn't as desirable as rural living or going off-the-grid, but it's the best that most can afford and the closest to it that most of us will know. I also like being surrounded by like-minded people with similar values and not having to tolerate weirdos that demand special treatment and accommodations for being eccentric. I have everything I need for day-to-day living within a very small radius and have no desire to venture beyond that zone unless I have a very specific reason to that provides a direct benefit to me.
  14. Yeah, he is a clown for sure. Maybe he has an inferiority complex or some other psychiatric issue that hasn't been managed effectively. Jufes is an idiot and offensive in many ways, but I think most of the time he is technically sound.
  15. What they really mean is "comments from those that share our political and social views and fit the narrative are an important part of forcing our agenda on everyone else, so if we don't agree with your comments or they are at odds with our agenda they will be removed."
  16. I agree. And, I extend that sentiment to all members of big tech. Especially the Meta Morons and Alphabet Asshats. YouTube is part of the latter circlejerk. You can include Micro$lop and crApple on that list of contemptible degenerates. I have no respect for any of them. I value them less than the dirt stuck to the soles of my shoes.
  17. Yeah, unfortunately it is common for idiots and ignoramuses to have YouTube channels and appoint themselves as self-anointed influencers. The mainstream media and social media platforms in general are not reliable sources of information. Most that are not simply spreading wrong information because they are ignorant spread wrong information because they have an agenda.
  18. They haven't cared what their customers users want for nearly 10 years. How many businesses can get away with operating in such an unrespectable manner? They (Micro$lop and crApple) do not deserve to remain solvent based on how they operate as corporations. I am not sure why so many people willingly tolerate it. There should be serious and dire consequences for each of them as a company.
  19. Yeah... it's time. Micro$lop just needs to crawl off in a dark corner and die. I'm sick of having to deal with the poking and prodding of their digital trouser snake OS. There is already little or no difference between how they operate as companies. Neither crApple nor Micro$lop deserve any of our respect or money and I'd like to see both companies become insolvent and get blown away as dust in the wind.
  20. Yet, people that live in a giveaway government welfare society complain about having ludicrous taxes, LOL. Got to pay for the nanny somehow. Robinhood economics become a necessary evil to bankroll the dole. Personally, my preference is to pay less in taxes and decide how, when and where to spend my money and not be forced to involuntarily contribute to a public kitty slush fund to help those that don't help themselves, or pay the salaries of those "public servants" whose jobs exist for the sole purpose of administering those welfare programs. Too expensive and not a good value for those stuck with the responsibility of paying for the bulk of it. It also has the undesirable consequence of fostering a sense of entitlement among those that contribute least or contribute nothing.
  21. Here is what it looks like where I live if you can find a place that is not under construction.
  22. Really? That seems like a very long time. Your employer pays you while you are off for a year?
  23. Both guys seem to have difficulty articulating their thoughts without an insertion of profanity. Kind of sad and makes them both seem less intelligent than they may actually be. It's difficult for me to take people like that seriously. He's not quite as depraved-sounding as Dufus Jufus.
  24. Well, I put that 14900KF that I recently bought with the excellent SP ratings and SA bug into my mini-ITX Munchkin PC and it's doing quite nice. The only thing holding it back now is the 360 AIO. It can't cool more than 57x all P-core and 46x all E-core effectively even after a delid. I ordered an EK CR360 Direct Die AIO to replace this CR360 Dark AIO so we will see how that does when the IHS isn't holding it back. That won't be arriving until sometime in May (on backorder). I was able to get the memory overclock to 8200 with tight timings. Now I will start pushing the cache and see how much it can handle so I can pull that latency down. If it can manage 51x cache with the 1.130V VCCSA that should bring it down to around 51 ns. I'm getting better results with this little guy, in spite of its thermal and power handling limitations, than some folks are getting with a much larger and more robust platform. I put my Byski RAM jackets on the G.SKILL 8000 and my generic aluminum heat sink strips screwed to the top of them with a Corsair RAM fan blowing on that and now I can finish long memory stability tests without the memory overheating like it does with the crappy stock heating blankets. I just played a little over an hour of MWIII and with enjoyed ~150 FPS with maxed out settings at 1440p using the ARC A770.
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