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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Hope you get back to normal soon, bro. A desktop in a Pelican case.
  2. There are some days that I feel like I should host a talk radio program for PC enthusiasts. https://www.overclock.net/threads/official-asus-strix-maximus-z690-owners-thread.1794802/post-29189297
  3. Now that is the kind of thing we need more of, that the PC enthusiast space is sorely lacking.
  4. https://www.overclock.net/threads/official-asus-strix-maximus-z690-owners-thread.1794802/post-29188897 It's never ideal when your find yourself dealing with a NewEgg or Amazon marketplace seller, but with certain brands that is the only option because there is no in-house "sold and shipped by" option to purchase the product. If that is what they require, ask for a special exception. Have them send you a new kit, take the good piece from the new kit, put the bad piece in the box and return it with everything new and untouched except for the bad RGB controller. If they don't get it back from you with 20 days, then they charge you full-bore for the second kit. They actually agreed to that when I purchased a CPU+mobo combo from them last year and the CPU was a trashy silicon sample. Because it was sold as a bundle they could not exchange the CPU for an acceptable silicon sample, but they let me do what I described above. It required approval from a manager. The CPU that came with the second bundle was acceptable (average or better).
  5. It is very similar to Alienware. Once a great company that produced good products and focused on quality and customer experience. Now just selling lies and pawning their trash to anyone willing to buy it based on a reputation that was actually deserved once upon a time. It's a lot like having someone tell you about their big apple tree and bragging about the beautiful, sweet, juicy apples it produces. Then you get one of them that looks really fantastic on the outside, but when you bite into it you find that the inside is full of worms and skanky, rotting apple pulp. You start looking closer and discover it's not just that one that sucked, but the entire tree is full of wormy, rotting apples.
  6. Moving is never fun until all of the work is over and you are able to enjoy the new home. Besides the packing and unpacking, there always seems to be a long list of honey-do items that need to be addressed before you can enjoy living in a new (hopefully better) place. Sounds like the custom loop was a wise upgrade in terms of thermal benefit, but that should come as no surprise. Did they take care of your RGB controller problem yet?
  7. I am just happy you dodged a bullet and the parts that matter most are OK. There is one thing we can always trust about new tech... it's always newer.
  8. I am not following what you are referring to, Brother @ryan. I'm loving the prospects for all of the rags coming unraveled on the mentally insane leftys. Besides chimo Brandon and his whoremongering loser druggy son getting their pants pulled down along with those who lied for them. Sleepy Joe's money-laundering family is probably starting to squirm. He's lucky to have dementia bad enough that he won't realize what is happening. It's also nice to see some possibility for accountability to be coming for the deception, lies and criminal activities that have taken place locally here in my home state.
  9. Lots of riffs from some of my favorite metal bands... 11.5 minutes worth of sweet head-banging jams I think I like both of these remakes more than the originals... at least as much if not more.
  10. No, when I experienced this randomly with both ASUS Z690 mobos there was no signs of life at all. Like the machine was unplugged from the wall. By unplugging it and then disconnecting the 24-pin cable, then connecting the 24-pin cable and reconnecting the power cable it did something to make it "wake up" kind of like that stupid Dell laptop power drain thing we sometimes had to do. What is weird about it is that on the Strix and the Apex it was always after something like RAM, CPU or GPU had been disturbed (unsocketed) that triggered it, even though the switch on the PSU had been turned off. Awesome. I am happy to know you have identified the issue. How odd that it only started misbehaving after you added the second PSU. Just coincidence? You were using it before you added the second PSU, and now it has a new problem with the iCUE Com PRO box? Or, you had not ever tried using it before and did not know the iCUE Com Pro had a problem?
  11. Yeah, their brand is a joke. It's weird that I have had few issues with their cheaper products. Only their most expensive products have been a problem. But, all of their motherboard support software is broken now. Their win32 Aura and TurboV Core software won't work on newer versions of Windows and Armory Crate is UWP trash that is extremely bloated filth that consumes gobs of system resources, adds 1200+ keys worth of trash to the registry, and won't even function more than half the time. I think it's time for them to die and spend the rest of eternity in hell, where they deserve to be since that's what they put their customers through on earth.
  12. I have only disconnected the 24-pin cable at the motherboard, not where it connects to the PSU. It is like it gets a random bad connection when the motherboard gets disturbed. Whether it is the pins in the cable or the socket on the motherboard is unclear, but it is worth noting that it did it with the EVGA 850W PSU and the Corsair 1200W PSU, so I do not believe it is the cable. Probably something to do with the "cutting edge" robot soldering process ASUS likes to brag about. I have always unplugged the power from the wall first and reconnected it last.
  13. I was having this issue on my Apex the other day and the Strix mobo has also done it a few times in the past. It is always after doing some kind of work on the system. It did it to me the other day after removing and reinstalling RAM modules. Try disconnecting the power coming to the PSU from the wall and the 24-pin motherboard cable and reconnect it (at the motherboard, not the PSU) first, then reconnect the cord from the wall. I don't know why this happens randomly. I have never experienced it with an EVGA or MSI motherboard, only ASUS. Coincidental comment? I think not. Started this video at the key moment for Jay's comment, too. They are part of the trash masters of the universe club. Is it worth it to buy their garbage for an SP rating? How 'bout no. And, clipped from a previous recent video... Saved the closing comments from Steve for future reference, too.
  14. It's real sad that we can't trust agencies that were created to protect us and uphold justice. They do the exact opposite now. But, it looks like Twitter is shaping up to be the answer to big media brainwashing and fake journalist gaslighting tactics... Now that Tucker no longer has to kiss Rupert Murdock's hind end and can freely disclose all of the information with accurate details and no hidden agenda, things are going to get interesting. It will be interesting to see how open-minded people of ordinary intelligence will react to enlightenment when they are so accustomed to big media gaslighting and a constant flow of half-truths, bull crap and rectal smoke recipiency from the left (mostly left) and right sides of the aisle.
  15. Silverstone products are generally decent. It may not be adequate for a GPU of that caliber. Unless you downgrade the GPU you will probably need three of these. The info in the description seems to conflict with the chart. It has either one or two.
  16. Probably would be harder to get rid of than unwanted exercise equipment. Disposing of two sumo wrestlers worth of e-waste (750+ pounds, LOL) might get very expensive. These are the things scummy people drop off at Salvation Army or Goodwill after hours so they can't say no to the donation. 😆
  17. 100% spot on! We (the world) are in a pandemic of corruption and reaping a harvest of the things that have been sown. There are many (millions, if not billions) that are twisted, reprobate and unable to discern between right and wrong. Under incompetent, feckless and unvenerable federal "leadership" it looks like the US Government is deliberately attempting to assume a lead role in the de-evolution of society, starting with mass destruction at home. The nonsense we see taking place with severe overpricing of PC components coupled with products of low quality and riddled with engineering defects is merely one of many symptoms of a much larger problem. The accelerating cacophony of lies, distortions, foolishness and idiocy that is spewed and skewed in nearly every "news" broadcast by almost every media outlet is a harbinger of darkness and destruction if things continue on their current path. Those elected to promote a better America are doing the exact opposite. Here's something extra special stupid and extraordinarily frivolous for the "haves" to waste their money on, while the rest of us peasants worry about mundane first-world issues such as the rising cost of housing, utilities, groceries, fuel, shrinking retirement investments, rising interest rates, increasing taxes, open borders and unsafe neighborhoods. https://www.pcmag.com/news/inside-cooler-masters-15k-orb-x-pod-for-gamers-and-open-office-haters
  18. True, but the basis for the unhappiness has nothing to do with democracy or capitalism. If anything, the unhappiness is, at least partially, due to the erosion of democracy and capitalism. There are no socialist or communist countries where most people are happy, and those that are happy are so in spite of living in such a place, not because of it. While the influence of government can certainly cause extreme unhappiness and social unrest, expecting the government to be a source of happiness or a solution to unhappiness is specious, if not outright ludicrous. Governments of any kind foster corruption when not run properly, and right now none of them are run properly. To connect that with benching, many of us are unhappy with our options, and the price of them, due to dishonest companies and corrupt governments. Prices soar when dishonest companies are allowed to manipulate markets with artificial demand created by withholding supply, produce defective garbage with no accountability for it, and evil governments impose punitive taxes and tariffs that make already overpriced products even more unaffordable. The world is a messed up place, and getting more messed up by the day, and I can only identify a few of reasonable explanations for it. Mentioning them is politically incorrect and unpopular amongst those partially responsible for it.
  19. No that's incorrect. That's how corrupt companies operate. They do that with or without capitalism because they are corrupt. They're theoretically less likely to be government-sponsored in the case of capitalism but they act the same either way. Capitalism works great. Rain falls on the just and the unjust. The two-edged sword is not capitalism but the fact that countries that operate based on capitalism generally allow the freedom for companies to choose to be evil. But I digress, because that's allowed in socialist and communist environments as well, but the government participation in evil behavior, their control is more evident, intrusive and abusive. It's kind of like a woman getting pregnant. It's a direct result of what could be an act of violence and betrayal, an act of personal indiscretion and poor judgment, or an act of intense love and compassion. Whether or not the baby is welcomed or ends up being murdered depends on the mindset of the people responsible for creating it. But, the process is amazing, beautiful and works exactly as intended. The abuse is what makes it ugly.
  20. Phanteks has used a goofy connector for RGB as long as I can remember and I have purchased adapters to convert to generic industry standard connectors. Hubs with a built-in controller are the best. Avoiding anything that relies on motherboard lighting is a better approach.
  21. The first one makes me feel like I am watching a glorious John Wick bad guy killing spree, LOL.
  22. Well said... as if he needed any help. Brandon is doing a pretty jamb-up job of destroying his re-election prospects without her help. This brain-dead clown, and those like him, deserve capital punishment for their treasonous high crimes and other felonies.
  23. Sounds as if the hub itself is bad. If you don't feel like messing with getting it replaced I think you can get a one to three splitter on Amazon and connect all three of your ARGB fan cables to the same port. At least it is the ARGB and not the fan ports that are not working. Raijintek will probably send you a replacement hub. Let us know how the communications with them goes. I have never purchased anything from them before, but they have some nice products.
  24. The loop looks nice, bro. Without knowing more details, my first impression is the hub is defective if only one port works. Are the ports that are not working on an aftermarket external hub or the ports on the motherboard itself? Are they 3-pin 5V or 4-pin 12V? Generally on an aftermarket external hub all of the ports are active. There are two types. The good type require no motherboard ports and have their own RGB controller. If you're referring to ports on the motherboard itself sometimes you have to enable them in the bios. ASUS crap requires installation of their bloatware trash to use the onboard lighting and Aura rarely works correctly. More often than not Aura is broken and malfunctions.
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