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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. LOL. 🤣 that could have easily been a conversation you were having with me. It has to be more than just a little bit before I notice. I do, however, immediately notice and appreciate the enhanced lighting and reflections when ray tracing is used. I notice that long before I notice things such as subtle muddy textures, minor jagged aliased edges, or minor screen tearing. I might detect them if they are pointed out, but might not notice otherwise.
  2. Yeah, that is a no. You can use one of those silver trace circuit repair pens, or use a conductive paint (same concept as the pen). Or do it right and solder another resistor on top, or replace the resistor with one of different resistance. (Soldering is definitely the best way). If you were only going to be testing briefly, you could probably tape a fine strip of aluminum foil down to bridge the resistor, but I would not trust that for more that some brief testing. If the tape came unstuck over time you could end up short circuiting something.
  3. These items are still available. They will all fit in a small box and should not be costly to ship. If anyone wants all three items, I would entertain a special bundle price. If so, send me a PM.
  4. The limited availability is deliberate. It's like everything else that is rigged. The easiest way to be a winner is to make sure your competitors don't have access to the same resources. That's kind of a way of life at HWBOT. The winners are carefully selected, and they're winners because they get the special free stuff, not because they're special people. If they make the special stuff available to everyone, their chosen winners are at risk of becoming chosen losers. And, besides that, do we actually expect China to ever do the right thing about anything? Nope. I know I sure don't. We should play their game using our food and natural resources and see how that works out for them. (I'm absolutely serious. Not kidding.) Where we screwed up was sharing anything with them in the first place... information, technology, medical science, food, resources... our bad. Never should have, and we need to stop doing that. And, we need to stop purchasing anything they produce. When your adversaries have no food, no resources, and no money, they're no problem. Here are 4090 Catzilla benches. And, of course all of the submissions I am competing against were run with ECC disabled. So, I will have to disable ECC and rerun them to have competitive scores. I really wish NVIDIA had not exposed the option to disable ECC and left it like all prior generations. I asked in the 3DMark rules thread if they are going to apply it to everything and delete all 3D graphics benchmarks on 40-series that have ECC disabled. Too stupid that a big deal was made of this. They've created a mess for themselves and I hope my question causes an ah-hah moment for them, LOL. Same drill as 6900 XT... low resolution scores are missing a digit. Catzilla 576: https://hwbot.org/submission/5248827_ | https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1160739|*|Result Details (Score 152047) Catzilla 720: https://hwbot.org/submission/5248825_ | https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1160737|*|Result Details (Score 151124) Catzilla 1080: https://hwbot.org/submission/5248819_ | https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1160735|*|Result Details (Score 127856) Catzilla 1440: https://hwbot.org/submission/5248818_ | https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1160733|*|Result Details Catzilla 2160: https://hwbot.org/submission/5248813_ | https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1160727|*|Result Details Man, that 4090 sure loves him some juice. Almost 700W, LOL. Nice power draw for only 1.100V.
  5. OK here are some 6900 XT benches... The low resolution scores are missing a digit because it is one more character than the benchmark window can show in the yellow square, LOL. Catzilla 576: https://hwbot.org/submission/5248766_ | https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1160706|*|Result Details (Score is 116079) Catzilla 720: https://hwbot.org/submission/5248773_ | https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1160709|*|Result Details (Score is 103291) Catzilla 1080: https://hwbot.org/submission/5248776_ | https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1160711|*|Result Details Catzilla 1440: https://hwbot.org/submission/5248780_ | https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1160713|*|Result Details Catzilla 2160: https://hwbot.org/submission/5248757_ | https://www.catzilla.com/showresult?lp=1160704|*|Result Details
  6. I'd even go one step further and say it was severely overpriced; as a matter of fact. It opened Pandora's Box bank account and now we have released the kraken of unhinged stupidity on GPU pricing. And, to compound the problem, the general acceptance of it has allowed that cancer to metastasize and it is starting to show in ridiculous overpricing of other components. The inflation--a secondary problem--is just adding insult to injury. It would have been unacceptable without any inflation. We know what caused both problems, and "evil" and "stupid" are written all over both of them.
  7. I agree. It is a huge mess and we know who we need to go after. There has been one major change that has thrown everything out of whack. We need to undo that change and take steps to make sure it never happens again. The difficulty is some people refuse to acknowledge the source or call it a problem, and they want to make it illegal for anyone else to. Because of that, the entire human race is in jeopardy. The irrational hatred of one man that has done undeniably more great things than any recent predecessor has been an incredibly massive distraction and it has driven some people to the point of insanity beyond any hope for recovery. They've become entirely consumed by their lunatic hatred, and it is all they can ever think, speak or act upon. It is unbelievably sad. LOL. I literally watched that less than 2 minutes ago. What a crazy coincidence. And, this one right after it.
  8. It doesn't matter where you fall on the liberal versus conservative Richter scale, woke stupidity, the absence of common sense and the utterly insane levels of Kool-Aid drinking political correctness it requires is too easy to identify. Looks like a real "uh-oh moment" for CNN. They accidentally brought someone on a show that tells the truth. Quite the mess they found themselves in on Primetime. Hilarious watching the circus clowns doing the backstroke live on air. I wonder who got fired for accidentally choosing a truth-teller for a guest interview? LOL.. love it. Pants-down funny! I suspect this muppet media witch had a difficult time keeping up with the instructions in her earpiece and the chaos on her teleprompter.
  9. Running the cache ratio at 50x, or higher if your CPU can handle it, does amazing things for memory latency. That might also contribute to game instability. If everything else stays exactly the same except the cache ratio is lowered, that might be enough to make things smooth out. Might try that with BF2024 at 8200 memory with cache ratio like 46x or 48x and see what happens. Anyone remember the dumb-dumbs a fews years ago saying having 8GB of VRAM on an MXM card was a silly gimmick and waste of money? I wonder how their "sensible" 4GB GPU laptop upgrades are working out for them now? How 'bout no? The "gimmick" isn't even good enough now, LOL. This is a new video looking at old video cards, not an old video from the HU archive.
  10. Looks like that got "fixed" by EA this evening and now some extra steps are necessary. The original thread (link above) got locked by a moderator. New thread link: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports-Technical-Issues/Origin-keeps-forcing-me-to-download-EA-app/m-p/12386803#M21803 Additional steps added: New step due to EA's attempt to keep us from using the Origin client again....... **Delete the files called "OriginThinSetupInternal.exe" which are located at (up to) THREE LOCATIONS...(so far)... C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin C:\ProgramData\Origin C:\ProgramData\Origin\SelfUpdate\Staged Start Origin and log into your Origin account. There may be a little update notification about Origin. Always choose option to NOT update Origin. Should set that in settings also. *** I just searched my system for every instance of "OriginThinSetupInternal.exe" and deleted all of them. I also found the offending cancer file lurking in the C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Origin\ThinSetup\ and deleted it there as well. I also located a registry key making reference to the file at that path and deleted that key.
  11. 8200 stable at 125% coverage. @tps3443BF 2042 runs for a few minutes for me and then goes to a black screen at 8200 memory so I'm blaming it on the game not being able to cope with the memory overclocked that high. So, 8000 for gaming is probably going to yield a more consistent experience than 8200.
  12. Thank you. That was everything maxed out on graphics (Ultra preset). Incredibly smooth with the 4090 barely breaking a sweat. It is absolutely insane how the 4090 rips through everything like a hot knife through butter. I really need to look into an Elmor hardware tweak so I can give it more voltage. The 1.100V NVIDIA cap is an absolute joke. I bet this thing could run 3500-3800MHz on core with 1.350V. I am not worried about power consumption. I consider it to be irrelevant and the higher it is generally goes hand-in-hand with higher performance because the CPU is unrestrained and allow to run wild and free. Striving for lower power draw usually adversely impacts performance. I do hope the KS allows me to overclock higher with lower voltage (for lower temperatures) but I probably won't even pay attention to power draw. Power and current limits are maxed out as a matter of default firmware settings. Essentially no power or current limit imposed. The CPU is allowed to use as much as it wants to. That being said, the higher voltage requirement demands higher power limits. It is unavoidable unless you want to have power and current limit throttling problems. If the KS is a good sample that uses lower voltage, the CPU will demand less in terms of power and current, but I will still leave the limits maxed out so there is no restraint on the CPU taking as much as it wants. You may need to give it more voltage. Here is a screenshot of the settings I use for DDR5-8200 on two different Z690 Dark BIOS versions. These are stable for everything except poorly coded games. It may not take much to make it stable. Start with SA at 1.350V. Then, if you need to, pump up the VDD and VDDQ a bit. Don't be surprised if you can pass every memory test without error and find that some games are unstable. That doesn't mean the gaming is demanding as much as the game developer was sloppy with their coding. Many games are made to run well on a potato so that people with weak hardware can enjoy playing them. If a game requires powerful hardware that is going to limit profits for the game developer because there would be too many people that could not run it with their old or cheap PC hardware. Also consider how many games (unfortunately) are ported from consoles, or made to run on either platform at launch. The anemic performance capabilities of a game console really opens the playing field for owners of old and cheaply spec'd computers to play. There are also lots of games that are poorly coded garbage that fall apart with extreme memory overclocking. The coding is too sloppy to handle speeds like that. I've seen it with CPU overclocking as well, and even high refresh rate monitors making some exceptionally buggy games crash. Edit: Here are some slightly looser timings that might work if those above are too tight. The read/write/copy and latency are just as good even though the timings are just a little bit looser.
  13. I've owned it for a long time and never really played it. Played BF 2042 for a couple of hours today. Not so much as a hiccup running P 57X, E 46x, Cache 49x @ 1.350V VCore, memory at 8000 CL35-48-48-42 (my daily driver settings) totally stable in this game. Hitting maxes of 370W on the CPU and 425W on the GPU for 2 hours of solid gameplay. Not too shabby. No chiller, just my MORA keeping things in check.
  14. Yes, it is cancer. It has company with a lot of other forms of digital cancer, with more filth on the horizon. That is sad. But, it is a reflection of the people behind it. They are examples of a human form of cancer and the embodiment of a virus for building digital feces. Hopefully enough normal people will reject their filth and force them into compliance with the wishes of their "customers" or face financial ruin for failing to comply. The threat of destruction or annihilation is often the only force compelling enough for force idiots to fall back in line and do what is expected of them. I'm not going to purchase anything from them again if I have to use this piece of garbage to play it. They don't sell anything worth tolerating it, and I doubt they can create anything compelling enough for it to be worth putting up with their trash app. If they're not willing to fall in line, then they deserve to die as a company and we will all be better off without them. I'd pull the plug on their life support system and celebrate watching them flat-line right now if I could. I'd like to do that to a number of self-anointed Nazi bigshots right now, including Micro$lop, Facepoot and Google. My EA library is already very tiny because the Origin client sucked. It was tolerable, but sucked. I would have no problem walking away from what's in there now and never purchasing anything from EA ever again. I don't understand why being excellent and awesome, and doing what your patrons want and expect is such a rare thing anymore. I've had a gut full of this kind of crap, too. The kiddos are so worried about cheating they allow dictators to ruin things. Well, to hell with them. If I can't play their trash game with Driver Signature Enforcement disabled, they can stuff their cancer game feces up the tailpipe from whence it came. This reflects the morbid stupidity of the zombie sheeple in its finest form. This is where hacks, cracks and exploits can demonstrate real value. I am not sure how long it is going to last, but that hack seems to have worked for now. The old Origin client is working again. The new crap app is installed, but not being used.
  15. Most of the best things in life have been, are in process, or soon will be, ruined by worthless, stupid, greedy, dishonest losers that are an utter waste of human DNA. They should all be rounded up and shipped off to a concentration camp on a deserted island so they can't continue screwing things up for the normal people of the world. We've allowed them to have a presence, make decisions, have influence and gain control in areas where it is unwelcomed. They have proven, without a shadow of doubt, that the original concepts of "diversity" and "inclusion" have been misappropriated, bastardized and FUBAR'd. What we are left with is neither one, but a highjacking of normalcy by idiots.
  16. My preference is to play all by myself in offline campaign mode. I enjoy the solitude and absence of interaction with other human beings, even friends and family, when gaming.
  17. Looks like there may be a hack. I'm going to give it a try. Glad to see there are lots of other people that think it sucks like I do. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports-Technical-Issues/How-do-I-bypass-the-EA-App-and-access-Origin-to-play-games/m-p/12305817#M21656
  18. Yeah, that is one of the things I dislike most about multi-player. When I do engage socially, I prefer it to be with people I know and like versus strangers, and I prefer one or two friends at a time, not a "party" with lots of people. Dadgummit! Is there a way to avoid installing a piece of crap app instead of Origin client? This kind of stuff really pisses me off. I don't see a cancel option available now.
  19. I love having standard benchmarks built into games. I have purchased games that I do not like and never play simply to have the benchmark tool. I have said it often enough that people that have been hanging out in the same places as me are probably numb to it by now. It probably seems to be contradictory in some ways because I am heavily engaged in a couple of forums relating to my overclocking hobby, but I am not naturally a social type. I am a very boring hermit apart from the overclocking thing and do not enjoy multiplayer gaming. The closest thing to that I have ever enjoyed is multiplayer LAN, but I don't even like that anymore. I seldom play games, but when I do the intent is generally self-isolation versus social engagement. That probably makes me seem like a weirdo to a lot of people. Hmm, interesting. I did not know that. I will have to give that a try. I think I may have Battlefield 2042 in my library of games that never get played. I love single-player Battlefield and CoD titles, but gaming is something I can rarely make time for. Too busy with other things and not enough hours in a day to include gaming.
  20. My ignorance on the subject is possibly reflective of the fact that I avoid online multiplayer games. But, I still have not noticed anyone showcasing performance on low settings before. Maybe because I am so selective and narrow in my interests that I have skimmed over all of them or I simply haven't spent any time in social media settings relating to it. I am used to the exact opposite being the point of focus.
  21. I think that's the first time I have seen anyone showcase performance using low settings. What does it do with everything maxed out? Happy Easter, everyone. I did not find it for sale (yet) in the US. If you need my help getting one and sending it to you, I am happy to do that. Let me know which one you want to buy (link) in a PM and we can do it. That 3-slot PCIe bracket that goes with that would be good for punching a couple of 20mm holes for G1/4 bulkhead passthrough fittings. I do not know if you are finding the same, but in my testing it seems like Windows 10 is getting slower than Windows 11. I am not sure if it is maliciously crafted drivers causing it or what, but even CPU performance tests that used to do better on Windows 10 versus Windows 11 are getting slower for me. I think the Redmond Reprobates are deliberately doing the same digital genocide tactics they used to sabotage Windows 7. In almost all benchmarks now LTSC 2019 and 2021 perform worse for me. By that I mean, worse than they used to, not worse compared to Windows 11. All of my scores using the older/better OSes seem to be going down, which smacks of nefarious intent and sabotage. This is why you see Winduhz 11 in most of my benchmarks. Not because I like it. Quite the opposite. I hate it more than before because of this. It is repulsive, but the reason I have multi-boot systems is because benchmarks don't care what kind of nasty piece of crap the OS is. I am finding it harder to identify a benefit in benchmarks and starting to see evidence of handicap using a more desirable OS.
  22. Looks like you are having an issue with the graphics score missing as well. I did initially, but reinstalled the benchmark and display driver, then it started showing it instead of zero.
  23. I had seen this for Android, but did not realize it was available for Windows and Linux. https://www.antutu.com/en/download.htm
  24. That sounds like something he would do, but I don't know that he's smart enough to do it. He'd have to hire someone for sure. The woke lefties are getting crazier here too. It's going to be much harder for them to score a fake win using election fraud next time. This is probably making them very nervous about their future. Even progressive liberals are starting to pay attention and take issue with their nefarious, dishonest and un-American approach to things, LOL. But, Brother @Etern4lmay be right. It might just be an ISP quality/service failure. Have you reached out to them yet?
  25. Dang, bro... just now getting ready to install it and I am already impressed on the first screen of Windows Setup. If the OS is as slick as the Setup Environment it will be something really special.
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