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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. It does a really fantastic job in rasterization. I'd love to see what 3DMark 11 would look like under Windows 7. Windows 10/11 are just ruining the physics and combined scores, which is a real shame. Maybe I will find a solution to that. Somewhat. It's definitely a mixed bag. Drivers are an absolute mess, but that is generally the case with AMD. Getting the stupid Radeon Control Panel (UWP filth) has been a real pain. The More Power Tool (third-party) is probably the best thing about it. It's useful and something similar would be useful for NVIDIA. Some of the settings available are lacking documentation. I've already booted into Linux and got it working. It was kind of messed up at first because Ubuntu was trying to update NVIDIA drivers and failing since there is no NVIDIA GPU, and that would cause the other updates to fail. Finally got all of the NVIDIA stuff removed and it straightened right up. Anything particular you would like to see me run in Linux? Brother @RaidermanI really dig the DG-86. I like it more than I expected to, and I expected to like it. Thank you. I did some polishing on the acrylic and it's not quite as scruffy. I think if I spend more time with a power buffer or flame it that will be resolved. I have it on a wheeled cart, so I can just disconnect audio, video cables, etc. and unplug the water lines with the QD fittings and roll it out into the middle of the room to work on it... spin it 360° to tinker. Super convenient being able to do that. No, just "road testing" a 6900 XT thanks to the kindness of Brother @Rage Set letting me kick the tires. I did not care for the 1usmus Ryzen software. It was pretty convoluted and kind of gamerboy-ish. I got better overclocking results manually settings things in the BIOS. The More Power Tool is pretty nice. I wish it had comprehensive documentation for some of the obscure settings.
  2. https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/90902010 | https://hwbot.org/submission/5226275_ MrFox`s 3DMark - Fire Strike score: 57492 marks with a Radeon RX 6900 XT HWBOT.ORG The Radeon RX 6900 XT @ 2850/2200MHzscores getScoreFormatted in the 3DMark - Fire Strike benchmark. MrFoxranks #null worldwide and #8 in the hardware class. Find out more at HWBOT.
  3. This is not new information, but this is interesting to look at relating to ray tracing with AMD. These are old screenshots that I had not deleted. It is not a complete set of matching options, just random screenshots taken with no plan to ever put them side-by-side... but still interesting. 6900 XT - 1080p RTX: High 6900 XT - 1440p RTX: High 3060 Ti - 1080p - RTX: High - DLSS: Off 3060 Ti - 1080p - RTX: High 3060 Ti - 1080p - RTX: High - DLSS: Quality 2080 Ti - 1080p - RTX: High 2080 Ti - 1440p - RTX: High 3090 - 1080p - RTX: High - DLSS Off 3090 - 1080p - RTX: High 3090 - 1080p - RTX: Very High 4090 - 1080p - RTX: Very High - DLSS off
  4. Thank you. No idea why. I am thinking a driver bug. I remember seeing the same thing years ago with AMD cards in Alienware laptops. You could not go by the name that appeared. You had to go by shader count. Another bug that has surfaced, and I can replicate, is if I submit a Time Spy score from the URL that says "Submit to HWBOT" the data sent by UL identifies the GPU as a 6800 XT, even though the description seen at the URL correctly identifies it as a 6900 XT.
  5. https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/90833339 | https://hwbot.org/submission/5225336_ https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/90834107 | https://hwbot.org/submission/5225340_
  6. I will when I have more time. I just have not had enough time to do everything I need to do lately. https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/90833065 | https://hwbot.org/submission/5225335_
  7. No, I have not. Hopefully, at some point I can figure it out. I can boot into Windows 7 but the GPU will not start. It has code 12.
  8. Yes, same here. But, Brother @Rage Setwas kind enough to let me borrow this GPU and if I end up liking it, he will sell it to me. NVIDIA and Intel are always my first and best choices. But, there is a chance once I figure out how to make this GPU do what I want it to that it will be a keeper. Right now it is very buggy unless I run it stock. I can tell you that in something with ray tracing, the 3060 Ti FTW3 absolutely brutally rapes this 6900 XT. It's not even remotely close to the 3060 Ti in that scenario. So, I ordered some acrylic polish to see if I can get the window on the DG-86 looking good (lots of scratches, which is common with acrylic, unfortunately). I've seen lots of reports of being able to make scratched acrylic look new or almost new.
  9. Yes. I will get some HWBOT points for sure, though. AMD CPU and GPU overclocking is frustrating and stunted. I think on purpose.
  10. So, RBE does not work with 6900 XT. MPT works, but I cannot mod the firmware. I managed to pick up 1,000 TS points but have a lot of experimenting to do before I understand how it works. https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/90821202 | https://hwbot.org/submission/5225175_
  11. They knew it was wrong and doing so was not a smart idea all along. But they had to do it long enough to brainwash everyone into thinking that BGA feces was the solution for a mobile filth. Now that they've sold most people a bill of goods they can make it thicker again. It's like being fed brownies with dog poop in it. If you put it all in at once everyone will hate it and think it's disgusting. If you add it a little bit at a time they'll never notice. Lots of things in life work this way, unfortunately. Including the way governments are run.
  12. That is only because of how compromised and chintzy they are. There is no longer any such thing as an awesome laptop. There is only a scale of crappy, crappier and crappiest.
  13. Overclocking will never be the same without EVGA setting the bar. Those are probably the latest. One of the other nice things about EVGA is they don't waste their time, or ours, on stupid updates that don't really have any value. A great example of that is seen in the IME firmware on my Z690 Dark. They have never updated it and there have been numerous updates to it from Intel. And, they have an option in the BIOS to totally disable it, which is awesome. If it doesn't make it go any faster then I don't give a rats butt about it, and I hope they continue to look at things the same way.
  14. To the best of my knowledge there is not. I believe the LN2 spot on the switch is a placeholder for an XOC firmware.
  15. Almost done. I will have everything finished tomorrow, in time for work Monday.
  16. My excellent MSI RTX 4090 Suprim Liquid X was amazing. It died for no reason I could identify. I was not even using the system when it failed. It was turned on, but only had Outlook open and I was working doing my job on the other computer. The screen went black as if it were in power saving mode. I could not wake it up. After forcing power off and on it was no longer detected and even the BIOS was failing to POST because of no graphics device found. Tested in the other desktop and same. Amazon did not have another for exchange, so they gave me a refund. I ordered a Strix 4090 OC from NewEgg and it was a piece of garbage. The memory overclocking was abysmal. I returned it for exchange. They did not have another, so they gave me a refund (which was my preference, and I was praying they would not have a replacement in stock). 3090 Kingpin is still kicking. It's in my work computer right now while I am playing with the 6800 XT. It's not going anywhere. At this point I am not certain if I will ever buy another 4090. If you get one that doesn't suck at memory overclocking they are impressive, but at the same time not impressive due to overclocking being limited on 40-series. I don't need it for gaming. Overclocking is the only reason I would buy one. To be determined at a later date. I like having my money back more than I liked either 4090 at this point. The cost is beyond the point of diminished returned. Even the cheapest one is $500 too much. At a certain point it becomes not worth it. On the laptop topic, unless they change something (or have already) you could not buy a laptop with the flagship NVIDIA GPU with an AMD CPU. Not sure why. I think I remember grumbling that the 2070 and 3070 were the best you could get paired with AMD. That was super idiotic and hope it has changed. I do not care personally, since I hate laptops, but I hope so for my friends that like them.
  17. Not an option. They are built the way they are built. Both are made the same. All of my pumps are external. I get the air out by connecting the components, removing them and tilting them around to work the air out, while the pumps are running, then putting them back in. Been doing this for years without issues. The problem is the EKWB Velocity2 direct die block is not made correctly. But, that's all about to change. Exactly. Not an issue. People that can't get the air out of the loop are just not knowing what to do. Spoiler alert. Still lots of tedious work to do before I can use it. But, it's getting closer. After I am done playing around with the 6900XT the 3090 KPE will probably go in. Then it will be almost entirely EVGA. Case, PSU, mobo and GPU. Although it is not necessarily larger than my Level 20 XT, this sucker is gigantic. Much larger than it seems in videos and pictures. Don't know what I am going to do with the Level 20 XT now, LOL. Might make a good miniature greenhouse, LOL.
  18. Nah, it's just disgusting. Being common in another culture doesn't excuse it or lessen the disgust. No other GPU can compare to Kingpin/Classified and Galax HOF. They make everything else seem like a really stupid joke that nobody laughs at.
  19. I agree. It most likely is some Windows 7 driver is messed up. Your Physics and Combined scores are exactly the opposite of everything I have ever seen before. Windows 7 is generally 10-15% higher than W8/10/11.
  20. I ran into EXACTLY the same issue with the Barrow block that I had on the 4090 Suprim X. I ended up using the stock backplate and screws because of it. I could not do that here because the backplate is too large. With the Liquid X it was PCB-length and it fit fine. The stock screws would not work with the Barrow backplate because they had a large shoulder on them that fit into a pocket on the MSI backplate. It worked out fine though. I think the screws that I put in it look better than what would have come with it. Maybe people in China don't install backplates, LOL.
  21. My latest review finally got published. It was finished about 10 days ago and was waiting for final approval. I really like it... way more than I expected to. Check it out... text and video. CORSAIR RM1200x SHIFT Power Supply Review
  22. OK, got the screws and now the backplate is installed. Time to do a bit of quick studying and get cracking with the link Brother @Rage Setgave me for the firmware tweaking. Edit: hotspot reading still shows 92-94°C and at this point I am questioning if the sensor is even accurate.
  23. So, got the block installed. I think it looks awesome @Rage Set. The kit did not have screws for the backplate (had short screws for naked installation). Screws should be here from Amazon in the next hour or so. Will post more photos once the back plate is installed. It requires M2x10-12mm (have both coming) and the kit included M2x6mm. I ordered stainless Allen screws so they will look nice with the black backplate. I am hoping having pads behind the core will help hotspot temps (still quite high, but better). I have not touched the firmware yet. I will dive into MPT later today or tomorrow, once I get the temps as good as I can get them without the chiller. It will get better, as it is hitting the power limit and remaining there throughout all of the graphics tests. Totally maxed out with the stock firmware limits. CPU not being pushed hard due to high temps with the EKWB direct die. The SCDD was supposed to arrive yesterday, so hopefully USPS will bring it today. https://hwbot.org/submission/5222705_ | https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/90656314#
  24. I have never seen an example of that with 3DMark 11 before. Something must be wrong with your Windows 7 installation. That, or since my last benching spree UL have released a software/system info malware update to deliberately mess with Windows 7 so that Windows 10/11 don't get molested severely. Also, check your Windows Update vomit trail. If KB2670838 is installed, remove it. It will ruin 3DMark 11 performance and cause problems with some games and benchmarks. You have to have that update for IE11, but nobody cares about that anymore. If you have the GUI mods, getting the GUI back to stock will also all Windows 7 to shine bright.
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