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Everything posted by zex4

  1. I haven't disconnected the GPU fan yet because I've heard the system needs it to boot, but I'm not sure yet otherwise the gpu fan also goes full speed when the cpu fan is also full 😞
  2. Weird thing is that even amd gpu works, just tested readon rx 7900 from a friend and works πŸ’ͺ... well the adapter doesn't bother me that much...I extended the psu cable so it doesn't stand on the table...also at least the gpu isn't that loud anymore so but I am planning a enclosure like from the egpus...let's see how it goes πŸ˜€
  3. hey everyone after weeks i waited for this adlink mxm to pciex16 adapter (https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005003809556859.html) to arrive from aliexpress i finaly can make a review and detailed test to see how this things working.... actually someone did already i mod like this for his Clevo P751TM1 but many question was not answered...as you can read this thread https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/failed-to-use-desktop-vga-with-laptop-egpu.292790/page-2 What bothered me at first was that the cable was a bit too long...it's a bit hard but is still easy to bend, but you should still be careful... the next thing you definitely need is a separated heatsink because otherwise the cable has no space to come out on gpu side....and also you can only put one screw in but its enough for now...first pics https://imgur.com/a/n25FRjp The only gpus for testing i have are nvidia gtx 970 windforce-amd readon r7 370 and gtx 560 ti and the psu i found is from Be quiet! Straight Power BQT E8-CM-480W... as i know from the P751TM1 guy is that the internal screen will not work because there is no intel gpu but i fixed this problem with this display controller https://www.amazon.de/dp/B06WVMPWHP?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details after plugging in everything i pressed the power and its started normal without any problem...the gpu adapter also powers itself immediately with the psu so its started perfectly into bios first..bios shows unknown GPU but you can still see the vbios version...after booting to windows 10 its automatically started to install the drivers for the 970 i could also install the nvidia drivers without any problem but I was surprised that I didn't need an inf mod like i needed on 980m 965m 970m long time ago with a modded heatsink... time spy gived me a score 2713 so you rly get the full x16 speed with this adapter πŸ˜„ i did some basic test like restart,power on off,some stress tests to see how the adapter acts but its rly rly working amazing like a normal mxm gpu so i will not putting my mobile 1070 back in...alrdy searching for a 2070/360 lets see... but i also wanted to know if the older gpus and also the amd will work..so i put the readon r7 370 in and its worked also perfect πŸ˜„ but now in bios i cant even see the vbios version anymore so everything is unknown with the amd gpu but also on benchmarks you getting the full speed out..i could install the latest amd drivers without problems... the old gtx 560ti worked also well...drivers also installed perfectly... but I don't understand why it doesn't need an if mod and the amd graphics cards work but nevermind some screens from gpuz https://imgur.com/a/0Bw2f6n after all i am rly happy with this adapter...so i dont need the expensive mxm mobile cards anymore..know i can put any gpu i want and even intel gpu i think....will sell the 1070 mxm and stick with 970 for know before i buy the new one...techicaly i can go up to 4090 in future but lets see how the adapter goes...will send some more pics later and mybe i will buy one more adapter as replacement if anyone has question i am here to answer them πŸ˜‰
  4. Back then I had a gtx 1080 with 200w tdp....I selled the heatsink (after that the gpu aswell) because of the cpu temps πŸ˜“ Also the cpu was i7 8700k...that was faulty later with strange artifacts...
  5. I can confirm the temps for cpu side but on gpu i had around 10-18 better temps also the the Hotspot was better cooled when i had this heatsink time ago...with thermal grizzly kryonaut....
  6. Noice, do you also use cooling pad ?πŸ€”
  7. I think you asked me because of the aliexpress heatsink performance for the 775..I did used it just for two weeks on my 1060 back then(air cooling only)..ait's heavier than the original..gpu was around 25c cooler also Hotspot was much better cooled...but cpu temp did not helped much..I think it was around 10c cooler than original...selled it because I got even more cash back from a friend πŸ˜€
  8. Did you tried adding heatsinks to rams for better cooling πŸ€”
  9. Just saw this modded 870 on austrian ebay called willhaben if someone had Interest...it just with watercooling..without fans 😳 https://www.willhaben.at/iad/kaufen-und-verkaufen/d/gaming-laptop-xmg-u727-clevo-p870-wassergekuehlt-648488242/
  10. That's awesome πŸ‘Œ can you post a picture? I am curious how a 775 looks with two ps connected πŸ˜…
  11. it's seems mirage also ordered second power supply lets see how it goes on his system...
  12. interesting story buddy...i can ask him again but you could buy a faulty 1070 and take the POSCAPS.. bdw he also using 775tm1g, i tought he owns x170 sry about that..but he also have two 330w power sup... because for some reason after having some shut downs on some games likes assasinscreed unity.. gpu and cpu was also not balanced somehow he said...i could not understand what he rly means but whatever.. and also he scores more on benchmarks after connecting the second power sup....
  13. But he does not overclock his 3080 so take care guys...
  14. He said they are not rly safe so he decided to save way with 330uf POSCAPS...
  15. I also got the 20 Series heatsink long time ago from the same seller....arrived around two weeks to germany via ali "express" delivery Service..
  16. he told me now its the same 330uf POSCAPS from the mobile gtx 1070 πŸ˜‰
  17. Yea you right it was something about,that he soldered them with 330uf POSCAPS now it he gets more stability on 1900mhz+ core clock's...lets see I will ask more detailed...
  18. Nice discover buddy πŸ‘ The clevo x170 reaches around 14419 gpu on timespy so you almost there... But also my German friend soldered some Capacitors,or resistors on empty points on x170 rtx 3080(I don't know right now exactly but I will ask him again) To get more stability..mybe that will help you even more if you could do something like that later...
  19. Wow did you just unlocked Dynamik boost 😳
  20. holy moly i tought that was not possible on 2000 series..also i coud not unlock my rtx 2060,even not with pascal tdp tweaker with programmer 😞 is there any chance that you guys also have a unlocked rtx 2060 mobile vbios ? GPU Shark ---------------------------------------- - GL_VERSION: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 527.56 (# ext: 432) - GL_RENDERER: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060/PCIe/SSE2 GPU 1 - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 - GPU: (rev: A1) - GPU brand type: GeForce - Bus ID: 1 - Device ID: 10DE-1F51 - Subvendor: unknown (1558-7710) - Driver version: R527.56 - NV driver branch: r527_32-11 - Bios version: 90.06.2d.00.c2 - GPU memory size: 6143MB - GPU memory vendor: Samsung
  21. There's someone selling a 2080 with 200w but i dont know if thats right... https://www.willhaben.at/iad/kaufen-und-verkaufen/d/nagel-neue-rtx2080-mxm-desktop-version-mit-200-watt-in-ovp-630925624/
  22. Fixed my dm3 after wasting so much time, it was the bios chip itself..its seems one of the legs wasn't connected well..after re soldering the problem was gone πŸ˜… So i am rdy to test the mxm to pciex16 adapter when it arrives... There is a guy that already using this adapter on his 751tm1 but there's still many questions not answered.... https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/failed-to-use-desktop-vga-with-laptop-egpu.292790/page-2 So i will make a detailed test and share It here... Lets see how it goes 😏
  23. So there is no reason to switch to tm1 and pay more for z370 chipsetsπŸ˜… thanks
  24. Hey , its seems that mybe the bios chip is malfunctioning so i waiting for a new one to replace it lets see... Also just wanted to know, i alrdy buyed the mxm to 16x pcie Adapter from adtlink to test it out but technically the 775dmg3 also can do anything that the tm1 can do right ? With certain bios...like i can also go up to a i9 9900ks and rtx 3080 or ?πŸ€”
  25. Hey everyone After long time following this amazing website...finally decided to join and ask for help.... I have a Clevo P775dm3 from mifcom that i buyed back then 2017!(configured myself...still original components)...it was my best buddy since then...was always with me on world trip,used it mostly every day for games,studies etc... I've always cared for him, as always, dusted off every month, replaced thermal paste...also using it with external keyboard and display... As i said its still original with i5 6500 with gtx 1060 and 8 gigs ram...the only repair its saw was the gpu with 4 repairs until now...and changed the ssd,hhd.... Sadly the faulty started just the next day with blackscreen...when i am turning it on the fans are normal for a moment then goes full speed until i shutdown itself with blinking orange led..of course I tried every possible things..also checked the cpu,mxm,ram slot but they are fine..firstly I tough it would be the gpu fault again but to be sure i have friend that owns a Clevo p751tm1 so we could test my cpu,gpu and ram on his clevo and the they work great πŸ‘ Also we did a bios flash with a programmer but no luck... So it must be something with the motherboard,also what interesting is that the cpu goes not warm when turning on. I am sure somebody can help me out here,i wanted to still use my buddy the next time even years and planned some upgrades... Definitely not interested to buy a new laptop..i see people upgrading this thing up to i9 and rtx 3080....i am not a hardcore gamer so also a i7 rtx 2070 16gigs would be enough πŸ˜… Best regards ✨️ ❀️
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