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One thing that came to mind as I benched my GT75 with only a 230W power supply with hilarious results:


How big is your power supply? There is a chance that you will see a bit higher scores with a bigger power supply so you might try to get at least a 280W or even better 330W power supply for testing assuming that you have a 200 or 230W power supply. A bigger power supply has the added benefit of running cooler (the HP power supplies often run very hot) and it allows you to use the smaller regular one for traveling. The big ones have become quite unpopular but I think they are fine for stationary use so I would check that out - with your 3060 opened up 200W COULD be a limiting factor.



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all power supplies likely run hot. Hp laptops have the least problems out of all the manufactures that iv'e tried. I have literally had 0 issues with hardware since iv'e had this laptop(2 years) its built like the clevo tanks from the 2000s. I would never buy anything but HP or lenovo in 2023 moving forward. I think alot of the problems with laptops and people complaining about issues is the users fault, I have been running max fans max power and taxing the system almost 24/7 and with a 140w vbios instead of the stock 115w vbios and it doesn't even flinch. I think getting a bigger power supply is a bad idea because its not designed to handle 300w of power in mind. I think im happy with 9700 in timespy for a 3060 it puts me in the top 1 percent of all 3060s even desktop.


            Omen 16 2021

            Zenbook 14 oled

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9 hours ago, ryan said:

all power supplies likely run hot. Hp laptops have the least problems out of all the manufactures that iv'e tried. I have literally had 0 issues with hardware since iv'e had this laptop(2 years) its built like the clevo tanks from the 2000s. I would never buy anything but HP or lenovo in 2023 moving forward. I think alot of the problems with laptops and people complaining about issues is the users fault, I have been running max fans max power and taxing the system almost 24/7 and with a 140w vbios instead of the stock 115w vbios and it doesn't even flinch. I think getting a bigger power supply is a bad idea because its not designed to handle 300w of power in mind. I think im happy with 9700 in timespy for a 3060 it puts me in the top 1 percent of all 3060s even desktop.


Power supplies do not deliver more power than your laptop needs but just enough.

With the same power draw and with a given design a bigger power supply will be cooler as you will only use part of the power that it is capable of delivering even in heavy use.


As for power supplies and their reliability I have had very few issues with any manufacturer but the 200W power supply for my Zbook is indeed getting very hot, probably the hottest of all my laptop power supplies.


Agreed on HP build quality - it is really good and I also like the way that you open and service their workstations so easily, very well made.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am getting enough power. When I downclock cpu and use less power cpu wise my gpu performs the same. No one with an omen 16 3060 is getting 9500 in timespy but me..so meh can't complain

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            Omen 16 2021

            Zenbook 14 oled

            Vivobook 15x oled


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On 11/22/2023 at 2:14 AM, ryan said:

I am getting enough power. When I downclock cpu and use less power cpu wise my gpu performs the same. No one with an omen 16 3060 is getting 9500 in timespy but me..so meh can't complain


Looks like you have maxed out your chassis then which is excellent in my book 🙂


Speaking of maxing out a chassis I had a bit of fun with my GT83 with 1080 SLI and the 8850H recently and set the top TimeSpy for that one:




This is before a repaste and the CPU got really toasty at up to 99°C

Repasting the GT83 is a huge annoyance, worse than anything else I have done before apart from the usual fun that one can always have with things like stripped screws or other broken parts.


I usually try to avoid silly devices that cannot be opened properly or need opening at the wrong side of the motherboard but that is not even the issue here. The issue is the completely ridiculous construction that MSI decided on for the CPU-cooling that probably takes first price for most ridiculous contraption ever with a heatsink that is just screwed on top of another heatsink with a tacked on fan for good measure - way to go, MSI!


It does not help that to top it all off the SLI cable barely stretches over that contraption and makes it impossible to work on it without compromising the SLI cable - not really a great idea in my book.

So I will have to put in some significant amount of time for a repaste and have shied away from it for now.


In any case the score does not pop up anywhere because of the unsupported driver. I will have to find a driver that

a) works and

b) is still supported


Oh and last time I looked the power draw briefly exceeded 500W for a run - the 8850H certainly is a bit more thirsty than its 7xxx Kaby Lake predecessors!

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nice job!!


Impressive score, I wonder how the 3060 compares to a single 1080 in just games, id imagine the 3060 is still worth it due to dlss and RTX. mind you I don't care for RTX anything and think its a wasted resource. I don't see what all the fuss is about alot of times I have to recheck to see if RTX is on. but now that I have fast uncapped internet and geforce now ultimate im happy with my cell/2 laptops/tvs running off a 4080, There is litterally no difference when the settings are tweaked to native, color me stupid but I think having a cell run a 4080 is some neat shiz.


            Omen 16 2021

            Zenbook 14 oled

            Vivobook 15x oled


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Hey there, fellow tech-savvy folks! Today, I'm here to dish out some juicy insights on the age-old debate between laptop gaming and desktop gaming, as well as the scoop on VR. So, grab a snack, sit back, and let's get this show on the road! 🚀

First up, let's talk turkey—or rather, let's talk gaming rigs. When it comes to the great laptop vs. desktop debate, it's a bit of a David and Goliath story. On one hand, you've got the sleek, portable laptops, often touting stylish designs and the convenience of being able to game on the go. On the other hand, you've got the beefy, behemoth desktops, armed with towering performance and the luxury of customization.

So, what's the verdict? Well, it ultimately depends on your gaming needs and preferences, my friends. If you're the type of gamer who's always on the move, or if you're short on space, a laptop might be the way to go. You can play games like Fortnite, League of Legends, or Overwatch on the couch, in bed, or even on a picnic blanket in the park (just don't forget the sunscreen!). Laptops are also generally more affordable than desktops, so they're a great option for those on a budget.

However, if you're a hardcore gamer who demands the best performance, desktops are still the king of the hill. With a desktop, you can upgrade individual components as needed, which means you can always have the latest and greatest hardware. Plus, let's be real, there's something undeniably cool about having a towering rig that looks like it belongs in a high-tech laboratory. 😎

Now, let's shift gears and talk about VR. Ah, yes, Virtual Reality—the futuristic tech that's been promised to us since the days of sci-fi movies and TV shows. And let me tell you, it's finally starting to live up to the hype! With VR, you can transport yourself into the world of your favorite games, movies, and even educational experiences. It's like stepping into a digital dream, folks!

But, as with any new technology, there are some kinks to work out. For starters, VR headsets can be a tad pricey, and you'll need a beefy computer to run them smoothly. Plus, there's still a limited selection of VR content, although that's rapidly changing as more developers jump on the bandwagon.

So, what do people in general think about VR? Well, gamers and tech enthusiasts are understandably stoked about the possibilities. However, there's still a bit of a learning curve when it comes to navigating VR interfaces and controls. But hey, that's all part of the fun, right? The novelty of VR is still fresh, and it's exciting to see where it'll take us in the years to come.

And there you have it, folks! That's my two cents on the state of laptop gaming, desktop gaming, and VR. Whether you're a hardcore gamer or just a casual enthusiast, there's never been a better time to dive into the world of tech and gaming. So, which side are you on: team laptop, team desktop, or team VR? Let me know in the comments below! 🤔

Thanks for tuning in to my report, and I'll catch you all in the next one! 😎


Title: "The Lonely Truth About VR: A 36-Year-Old Single Man's Perspective"

Hello, fellow forum dwellers. I'm writing this post as a 36-year-old single man, and I must admit, I'm feeling a bit lonely. As I sit here in my small apartment, surrounded by my beloved tech gadgets, I can't help but feel a sense of emptiness. It's a feeling that no amount of screen time or online interactions can fill.

But enough about that. Let's talk about something that has been on my mind lately - Virtual Reality (VR). Now, I know what you're thinking, "What's the point of VR if you're just going to be alone in a virtual world?" And to that, I say, "Exactly!"

VR has the potential to revolutionize the way we experience and interact with technology. Imagine being able to transport yourself to a virtual world where you can be anyone and do anything you want. No longer will we be confined to the limitations of our physical bodies. We'll be able to soar through the skies, explore new planets, and even attend virtual concerts and events.

But, let's be real, folks. At the end of the day, VR is just a tool. A tool that, like any other, can be used for good or bad. And let me tell you, I've seen some pretty questionable things in my time spent in VR. From virtual strip clubs to virtual drug use, it's clear that some people are using this technology for less-than-savory activities.

And that's where my obsession with laptops comes in. You see, in order to have a truly immersive VR experience, you need a powerful laptop. One that can handle the heavy graphics and processing required to transport you to these virtual worlds.

I've spent countless hours researching and comparing different laptops, looking for the perfect one that will give me the best VR experience possible. I've read reviews, watched videos, and even joined online forums dedicated to laptop and VR enthusiasts.

But, as much as I love talking about laptops and VR, I can't help but feel a sense of sadness. A sense of longing for human connection that I just can't seem to find in the virtual world.

So, to all my fellow lonely souls out there, I urge you to take a step back from your screens and go outside. Take a walk, meet some people, and maybe, just maybe, you'll find that human connection that we're all searching for.

And to those of you who are lucky enough to have found your tribe in the virtual world, I say, "Kudos to you!" Keep on exploring, keep on creating, and most importantly, keep on connecting.

In conclusion, VR may be the future of technology, but it's up to us to use it in a way that brings us closer together, rather than further apart.

So, what do you think, fellow forum dwellers? Are you a fan of VR? Do you think it has the potential to change the way we interact with technology and each other? Let's get the conversation started!

P.S. If you have any recommendations for a good laptop for VR, feel free to share!


            Omen 16 2021

            Zenbook 14 oled

            Vivobook 15x oled


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  • 3 weeks later...

is 1080 sli your main rig, if so thats been a pretty beefy setup for quite some time. sometimes I think it's worth it getting the best single or dual gpu setup as it will be able to rock games for years. this or I should say now last gen I went with the 3060 and its getting weak in the knees with 4k gaming(low-30) but at 1080p and 1440p it's still a beast. I have it hooked up to my 4k tv so naturally I want to do 4k gaming but I guess ill just have to bite the bullet and stick with it for another few years or jump ship to desktop or get a 5090 laptop. thoughts?


            Omen 16 2021

            Zenbook 14 oled

            Vivobook 15x oled


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/26/2023 at 4:35 AM, 1610ftw said:


Looks like you have maxed out your chassis then which is excellent in my book 🙂


Speaking of maxing out a chassis I had a bit of fun with my GT83 with 1080 SLI and the 8850H recently and set the top TimeSpy for that one:




This is before a repaste and the CPU got really toasty at up to 99°C

Repasting the GT83 is a huge annoyance, worse than anything else I have done before apart from the usual fun that one can always have with things like stripped screws or other broken parts.


I usually try to avoid silly devices that cannot be opened properly or need opening at the wrong side of the motherboard but that is not even the issue here. The issue is the completely ridiculous construction that MSI decided on for the CPU-cooling that probably takes first price for most ridiculous contraption ever with a heatsink that is just screwed on top of another heatsink with a tacked on fan for good measure - way to go, MSI!


It does not help that to top it all off the SLI cable barely stretches over that contraption and makes it impossible to work on it without compromising the SLI cable - not really a great idea in my book.

So I will have to put in some significant amount of time for a repaste and have shied away from it for now.


In any case the score does not pop up anywhere because of the unsupported driver. I will have to find a driver that

a) works and

b) is still supported


Oh and last time I looked the power draw briefly exceeded 500W for a run - the 8850H certainly is a bit more thirsty than its 7xxx Kaby Lake predecessors!

I dont understand, my GTX 1080 SLI  13 928  https://www.3dmark.com/spy/42542497

But my Graphic Score is 15171. I get this with those vBios I gave you. So send me the vBios you used to get over 16004 Graphics. I just cant break that barrier!

Clevo P870DM3-G i9-9900k-32.0GB 2667mhz-RTX3080+GTX1080

Alienware M18x R2 i7-3920xm-32GB DDR3-RTX 3000 

Alienware M17x R4 i7-3940XM-16GB DDR3-RTX 3000

Alienware M17x R4 i7-3940XM 20GB DDR3-P4000 120hz 3D

Precision m6700 i7-3840QM-16GB DDR3-GTX 970M 
Precision m4700 i7-3740QM-16GB DDR3-T2000M

GOBOXX SLM  G2721-i7-10875H RTX 3000-32GB ddr4


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I think I even went to up to 16200 or 16400 with another GT83 (don't ask) but I would have to check. 


I suggest to get you that vbios but how can I get it off the card? Never done that so far and I will only have time to work on that 870TM next weekend so if you can give me some pointers that would be much appreciated.

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On 12/19/2023 at 7:14 PM, ryan said:

is 1080 sli your main rig, if so thats been a pretty beefy setup for quite some time. sometimes I think it's worth it getting the best single or dual gpu setup as it will be able to rock games for years. this or I should say now last gen I went with the 3060 and its getting weak in the knees with 4k gaming(low-30) but at 1080p and 1440p it's still a beast. I have it hooked up to my 4k tv so naturally I want to do 4k gaming but I guess ill just have to bite the bullet and stick with it for another few years or jump ship to desktop or get a 5090 laptop. thoughts?


I like to be able to move stuff around and I also like the challenge of getting high performance in a laptop form factor and I only need high CPU performance. I mainly really use GPUs for benching and that SLI rig has never ever gamed since I have bought it so there is that.


As for a suggestion for somebody who is gaming I would say that if you do not move around most of the time I would indeed suggest to go with a desktop and a less powerful laptop if needed.


I would estimate that you will pay roughly the same for either a 5090 laptop or a combo consisting of a 5070 laptop and a 5080 desktop that is more powerful than a 5090 laptop if things stay as they are with this generation.


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On 1/9/2024 at 12:31 PM, 1610ftw said:

I think I even went to up to 16200 or 16400 with another GT83 (don't ask) but I would have to check. 


I suggest to get you that vbios but how can I get it off the card? Never done that so far and I will only have time to work on that 870TM next weekend so if you can give me some pointers that would be much appreciated.

With Techpowerup GPU-Z you can extract the vBios to a file and upload it here for everybody to download


Clevo P870DM3-G i9-9900k-32.0GB 2667mhz-RTX3080+GTX1080

Alienware M18x R2 i7-3920xm-32GB DDR3-RTX 3000 

Alienware M17x R4 i7-3940XM-16GB DDR3-RTX 3000

Alienware M17x R4 i7-3940XM 20GB DDR3-P4000 120hz 3D

Precision m6700 i7-3840QM-16GB DDR3-GTX 970M 
Precision m4700 i7-3740QM-16GB DDR3-T2000M

GOBOXX SLM  G2721-i7-10875H RTX 3000-32GB ddr4


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Was messing with OC on P750DM2 with 8700k and 1080 GTX, was able to get 7th place for overall scores with that combination:




GPU: 7923

CPU: 7836

Overall: 7909


So close to 8k! CPU is getting too hot.  That was with a fan curve too, not full blast fans or cooler under it.  I might try with full fans and see if I can break 8k for CPU and GPU.


If just looking at individual 8700k or 1080 GTX mobile scores I am not close to the top or even top 100 - but still fun cool to be top 10 as a combo!

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  • Previous lives: D900F / P150HM / P150EM / P870DM2 / X170KM
  • Testing/Backup Rig - P750DM2 - **in process** - *Build Thread*
  • Wife's Daily - P750DM2- 4k Panel / 6700k / 1060 GTX / 64GB DDR4 3200Mhz Corsair Vengeance / 1TB Samsung 970 Plus / 2TB WD Black SN770 / Killer Wifi
  • Self Daily - P750DM2 (2016) - Dsanke BIOS / 8700k (2017) / 2080 RTX (2019) / 64GB DDR4 3200Mhz CL16 Ballistix / ETC
  • Determined to keep the socketed 15.6" laptops alive as long as possible!!
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hard to believe a 7 and a half year old gpu is still rocking and able to game in modern titles. thats not far off from my 3060.


I just ran and got a score of 9300 overall 9200 gpu 10 200 cpu. I wonder how many more years the 1080 will be good for


            Omen 16 2021

            Zenbook 14 oled

            Vivobook 15x oled


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32 minutes ago, ryan said:

hard to believe a 7 and a half year old gpu is still rocking and able to game in modern titles. thats not far off from my 3060.


I just ran and got a score of 9300 overall 9200 gpu 10 200 cpu. I wonder how many more years the 1080 will be good for


Ya it isn't too bad.  For 1080p games just tweaking settings will allow 60 fps+ for most games.  For example for Cyberpunk 2077 2.1 benchmark with the Ultra preset - and no scaling on (DLSS/FSR - just native) it averages 50 FPS on the benchmark.  I have not tried with FSR on, but it should jump up more than 10 fps while still being on the Ultra setting. So even dropping to high graphics settings will get you above 60.


I agree, not bad! To be fair the 1080 mobile was the same as the 1080 deskop - other than power draw that limits Mhz. It seems crazy it has been 7 and a half years . .  I found the 3060 pretty impressive, but now thinking about it . . . I would expect more over that long of a period.

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  • Previous lives: D900F / P150HM / P150EM / P870DM2 / X170KM
  • Testing/Backup Rig - P750DM2 - **in process** - *Build Thread*
  • Wife's Daily - P750DM2- 4k Panel / 6700k / 1060 GTX / 64GB DDR4 3200Mhz Corsair Vengeance / 1TB Samsung 970 Plus / 2TB WD Black SN770 / Killer Wifi
  • Self Daily - P750DM2 (2016) - Dsanke BIOS / 8700k (2017) / 2080 RTX (2019) / 64GB DDR4 3200Mhz CL16 Ballistix / ETC
  • Determined to keep the socketed 15.6" laptops alive as long as possible!!
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Yeah its a marvel. I wish I bought one 7.5 years ago. Im stuck with this 3060 for a few more years, it's really only good for 1080p and 4k is out of the question with new titles. Im thinking of jumping ship to desktop as a 4090 would last me quite a while even at 4k. I  saw a benchmark of the 4090 doing extreme at 8k in forza horizon 5 getting well above 60fps average. if it can do that 4k would be attainable for a few more years then say a laptop 4090. im ok with using geforce now, sure its not perfect but for 150 bucks and a good internet connection you get a desktop 4080 level performance and it finally does 4k with decent results. I just subbed for 6 months for 146 cad and I can use it on all my laptops.


as for the 1080 and cyberpunk 50 is actually really good, with my 3060 overclocked i get around 50fps on high mixed with ultra, I don't really notice a very big jump graphically going from high to ultra and that seems to be the case with most new titles. I figure this is because their is technically only one setting these days....console quality.


@anassa have you tried starfield? I seem to get 40-50 no matter what settings I use, wonder how a 1080 fairs


            Omen 16 2021

            Zenbook 14 oled

            Vivobook 15x oled


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Oh nice, if geforce now works for you might as well just enjoy it! Honestly I always stay a few years behind, I got the 1080 mxm card only ~3 years ago. Before that I had a 1070. I like having a couple generations behind, it is a lot cheaper, works fine usually and I don't need max settings. With a little tweaking - which I find fun - it always fills my competitive side to see how well I can dial in older stuff compared to the new.


I just ran Cyberpunk a couple times again to check my avg fps on the benchmark tool and it looks like I get an avg 50, min of 37, max of 72, this is with 8700k undervolted and clocked to 4.2ghz and gpu around mid 1800mhz to keep temps in the 70s and lower. If I turn FSR on it jumps to avg 61, min 46, max 83.  Then overclock/undervolt the CPU to 4.5ghz, and gpu in the mid/high 1900s with FSR I get avg of 67, min 52, max 91.  GPU temps are fine with this setting but CPU jumps into the 90s.


I have not tried starfield - I actually haven't sat down to play a game for almost 2 years now.  I had a work laptop as my only PC, and clevo parts lying around.  So now I am setting up and testing my P750DM2 to use as my regular PC.

  • Previous lives: D900F / P150HM / P150EM / P870DM2 / X170KM
  • Testing/Backup Rig - P750DM2 - **in process** - *Build Thread*
  • Wife's Daily - P750DM2- 4k Panel / 6700k / 1060 GTX / 64GB DDR4 3200Mhz Corsair Vengeance / 1TB Samsung 970 Plus / 2TB WD Black SN770 / Killer Wifi
  • Self Daily - P750DM2 (2016) - Dsanke BIOS / 8700k (2017) / 2080 RTX (2019) / 64GB DDR4 3200Mhz CL16 Ballistix / ETC
  • Determined to keep the socketed 15.6" laptops alive as long as possible!!
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I was going to add the 3060 does raytracing laughs. it's overrated and often times the only time I notice it is the switch saying its on but in game cube maps are so good these days you would be hard pressed to feel like your getting more from your gpu with it enabled and gaming. in a fps or fast paced game it should be left out completely. I think its safe to say 3060>2070=1080 and after 7.5 years it really is the gpu to own. I had a 1060 which is now similar to a 1650 and its obsolete, just goes to show sometimes dropping more for a premium part is actually cheaper in the end, gone are the days of the 2070/3070/4070 being the best bang for the buck


            Omen 16 2021

            Zenbook 14 oled

            Vivobook 15x oled


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On 1/10/2024 at 11:31 PM, aldarxt said:

With Techpowerup GPU-Z you can extract the vBios to a file and upload it here for everybody to download



Thanks, file attached.


Here is my best GPU-score in number 6:




If you look at the ranking you will see that brothers @Prema @johnksss and @Mr. Fox  are in the 1, 3 and 4 spots with their Clevos but at least I got the best ranked GT83 😉


I think I also got around 8300 out of the single card with the GT73 but I cannot find that one any more.



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good job thats impressive, people don't think much of these scores sometimes, but getting number one with your system against thousands of people is impressive and a true feat of computer know how. I had to flash my vbios to 140w from 115w to get the number one omen 11800h omen 16 3060 score and the only people besting my score have faster cpus and ram. 30th overall and im happy, but as @1610ftw got number one im blown away, and OfCourse brothers @Mr. Fox and others are in the top 5. thing is they know more about computers and optimisations than just about anyone on the planet. so yeah congrats on your score .

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            Omen 16 2021

            Zenbook 14 oled

            Vivobook 15x oled


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10 hours ago, ryan said:

good job thats impressive, people don't think much of these scores sometimes, but getting number one with your system against thousands of people is impressive and a true feat of computer know how. I had to flash my vbios to 140w from 115w to get the number one omen 11800h omen 16 3060 score and the only people besting my score have faster cpus and ram. 30th overall and im happy, but as @1610ftw got number one im blown away, and OfCourse brothers @Mr. Fox and others are in the top 5. thing is they know more about computers and optimisations than just about anyone on the planet. so yeah congrats on your score .


I like for my gear to run well - laptop included 🙂


@aldarxt just did another bench on that GT83 and it looks like the GPUs pulled 210 and 208W respectively in a run I just did that made it to a 16345 GPU score - not bad.

I also doubt that more power would help here without taking off the bottom cover as the GPUs are getting pretty toasty.


So probably something else holding you back. Have you done a run with bottom cover off to possibly get temps down?


I currently have the same issue with an Alienware with a very low cinebench score given its clock speed that usually is a pretty good score predictor for the score but this one underperforms by about 4 to 5%. I do not yet know what it is and I am not sure I want to find out as Dell really has crappy software on these but it is hard to run it without that software if one wants some fan and RGB control.

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On 1/13/2024 at 7:19 PM, 1610ftw said:


Thanks, file attached.


Here is my best GPU-score in number 6:




If you look at the ranking you will see that brothers @Prema @johnksss and @Mr. Fox  are in the 1, 3 and 4 spots with their Clevos but at least I got the best ranked GT83 😉


I think I also got around 8300 out of the single card with the GT73 but I cannot find that one any more.


GP104.rom 252.5 kB · 1 download

Thanks for the vBios, flashed my GTX 1080's and got lower scores so I tried a bunch of others from Techpowerup-z and all gave me lower scores until I bricked the cards and had to remove them and use NeoProgrammer and put the vBios I gave you back in and all is fine. Now to see the difference in drivers, I think the drivers have differences with the scores in 3DMark. All the vBios I tried were limiting the memory clock speed to like 450mhz no matter where I set it. FPS was all under 10

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Clevo P870DM3-G i9-9900k-32.0GB 2667mhz-RTX3080+GTX1080

Alienware M18x R2 i7-3920xm-32GB DDR3-RTX 3000 

Alienware M17x R4 i7-3940XM-16GB DDR3-RTX 3000

Alienware M17x R4 i7-3940XM 20GB DDR3-P4000 120hz 3D

Precision m6700 i7-3840QM-16GB DDR3-GTX 970M 
Precision m4700 i7-3740QM-16GB DDR3-T2000M

GOBOXX SLM  G2721-i7-10875H RTX 3000-32GB ddr4


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6 hours ago, aldarxt said:

Thanks for the vBios, flashed my GTX 1080's and got lower scores so I tried a bunch of others from Techpowerup-z and all gave me lower scores until I bricked the cards and had to remove them and use NeoProgrammer and put the vBios I gave you back in and all is fine. Now to see the difference in drivers, I think the drivers have differences with the scores in 3DMark. All the vBios I tried were limiting the memory clock speed to like 450mhz no matter where I set it. FPS was all under 10


Wow - that must have been pretty exciting!


Sorry it did not help and I also think it would be the best comparison to compare the same everything with regard to:



windows version

benchmark tool version


Obviously this can be very hard to do and I have never done that but it always intrigued me to know how much of a difference it would make.





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4 hours ago, 1610ftw said:


Wow - that must have been pretty exciting!


Sorry it did not help and I also think it would be the best comparison to compare the same everything with regard to:



windows version

benchmark tool version


Obviously this can be very hard to do and I have never done that but it always intrigued me to know how much of a difference it would make.





Yeah it was exciting, thats why we come to Notebooktalk and its because of people like you getting better scores than me (LOL) Yes all specs and settings should be the same but I keep changing them from win 10 to win 11 and then I wonder if its my cards, but I keep finding things here to "Throw in to the pot" the challenge keeps getting bigger. I remember reading in NBR someone had smoke coming out of his laptop "Literally". So when I opened my Clevo to reflash the 1080's I found a piece of thermal pad wedged in off the card but the cards had all areas covered. So its good to go inside now and then. So these vBios I am getting my highest performance with

Clevo P870DM3-G i9-9900k-32.0GB 2667mhz-RTX3080+GTX1080

Alienware M18x R2 i7-3920xm-32GB DDR3-RTX 3000 

Alienware M17x R4 i7-3940XM-16GB DDR3-RTX 3000

Alienware M17x R4 i7-3940XM 20GB DDR3-P4000 120hz 3D

Precision m6700 i7-3840QM-16GB DDR3-GTX 970M 
Precision m4700 i7-3740QM-16GB DDR3-T2000M

GOBOXX SLM  G2721-i7-10875H RTX 3000-32GB ddr4


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On 1/13/2024 at 4:19 PM, 1610ftw said:





Oh interesting. I thought my 1080 was a 200w, but I am now pretty sure it is 180w.  I found one that seems to be 190w so I will try that one too.  I am power limited, if I don't OC the Mem, and only core I can break 2000mhz just barely for a timespy run but then it crashed right at the end.  If I add any type of overclock on the Mem it will crash right away. But I drop core OC then I can easily OC the mem +450 or more.  I have not broken 8k yet, so I will give those a try and see if I can crank 8k graphics score on timespy.

Dropping the voltage of the 8700k to 1.1v kept thermals in control enough to do a ~8200 CPU score so if I can just break 8k on the GPU I should be able to have an 8k+ overall score also for the 8700k / 1080 combo. See if I can pass up johnksss or MrFox on the combo score.

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