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About katalin_2003

  • Birthday March 16

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  1. 4060 is the graphics card model, nVidia RTX 4060.
  2. Hello @murrah_123. For a little more, you might want to consider the 15" Vostro. It has a slightly better chassis than the Inspiron, USB-C and a webcam cover.
  3. Hello @Matej the connector needs to match the pitch of the service connector on the motherboard. I believe it’s 1.25mm. Another way you could accomplish this, without worrying about the pitch, is to use some Dupont style individual wires with a 0.08mm2 area (28 AWG).
  4. Hello @eucalipt and welcome to Notebooktalk. I'm not familiar with this exact model but I believe the silver rectangle, to the right of the fan, can be pried off. Do it gently with a thin plastic pry tool. The SSD should be under it.
  5. Hello @Honest Lady and welcome to notebooktalk. When you say mouse do you refer to the touchpad, underneath the laptop's keyboard, or an USB mouse? If it’s the former, do you have an USB mouse to check if the cursor moves?
  6. While always a possibility, I’m not sure how reinventing the wheel would help in a discussion about a current OS. If you have suggestions on where to start, please feel free to open a thread about it.
  7. I don't know the exact source.
  8. For whatever is worth, on the 7560 Precisions I ordered, the motherboard is deprived of this switch. Maybe they did the same and released a revisioned motherboard for the 7760 as well. Now while a dab of solder would bridge the circuit, I consider it too early to do it, I would ask support if they could replace your motherboard with a switchless one. As for the drive, I agree with @Aaron44126, I wouldn't count on it anymore.
  9. Thank you @Ionising_Radiation. Ouch, sorry to hear that. I ran Memtest86 on it, it took ~10h and it PASSED. Additionally I ran the DELL Memory Test and Memory Stress Test and they both passed as well. Haven't had any issues with it during my normal workflow either so time will tell.
  10. Good point. I’m going to go this route and look for a thicker aftermarket one. Thanks! EDIT: @win32asmguy I was wondering, was the 4mm heatsink you tried the same design as the one in your photo? The reason I’m asking was maybe you could’ve probably saved on the height, by what looks to be 1mm, by running the silicone/rubber bands in the grooves. I'm seeing all sorts of designs and leaning towards a pure copper one: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B092V9GF43/
  11. It does. Good on their part to not only include the extra heatsinks but the thermal pads as well. Good change from the time of the M17x Alienwares where you had to order caddies and screws separately. Thanks for the tip. I swapped the RAM earlier and noticed the difference between the heatsinks. 👍🏼 Will swap them out once the new drive arrives. By the way, while in there earlier, I noticed they got rid of the switch on the motherboard, under the blue tab, the solder pads are there though. Guess they got too many calls about it.
  12. So I finally ended up securing a 2x32Gb kit of Crucial Ballistix that arrived today. The Precisions 7560 all arrived with 1.7.0 BIOS. After replacing the OEM Hynix modules, the XMP option was right there, in the BIOS menu, under Performance. It currently runs at 3200Mhz. I must say I’m very satisfied with this new line. Very nicely built.
  13. I can’t advise going with one brand or another with these PCIe Gen4 drives as I have no experience with them. I just ordered a 2Tb Samsung 980 Pro, model MZ-V8P2T0BW. It should arrive this Wednesday. While it should fit, I can’t recall where I read about them running hot. I'll let you know how this goes. Maybe I’ll try with the stock heatsink that comes with the OEM drive.
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