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Everything posted by tps3443

  1. The RTX4090 is managing 20,200+ in TimeSpy Extreme. THAT IS BONKERS FAST!!! Because it’s doubling most stock RTX3090’s. Roughly 64% faster than my “Balls to the wall 3090 Kingpin Hydro Copper” The 4090 looks to be a solid improvement for sure. I just don’t think I’m ready to deal with the upgrade yet. I just pre-ordered a 13900K, and I’m actually curious to see how that CPU’s handles my current GPU. I may grab a 4090 Next year around Tax season. How it stands though, my GPU is super fast already and I don’t need a new one. At least with the new 13900K I’m doubling my multithreaded ability. I do think Nvidia is a disgusting cow if they don’t bring DLSS 3.0 to current Ampere GPU’s. A lot of people waited for months or years to even get a RTX3000 graphics card. And this new DLSS could work on Ampere GPU’s. Nvidia loses nothing by making it backwards compatible on Ampere. And they would just gain ground over AMD. If Nvidia brought DLSS 3.0 to Ampere, people would love them again. Or at least like them lol. Especially since RTX3090’s have OFA or “Optical flow sensors” and all the other stuff that can handle DLSS 3.0. C’mon NVIDIA!!
  2. 7% was large on something like a 7980XE too. We had several bios revisions for the X299 Dark motherboard. I tested every single one. I knew them all like the back of my hand. But older microcodes performed much faster usually about 7% faster in Cinebench and 3DMark physics test. But to utilize Resizable bar for newly released Ampere GPU’s, we were forced to use newer bios that all motherboard manufacturers started releasing. It was lame because you get better GPU performance at the cost of less CPU performance. I know some Asus X299 guys were making custom bios using the old microcode to work around this. But, it’s this type of stuff you find happening with all computer platforms. Newer bios may gimp your performance.
  3. Well, I hope my bios is updated to support new CPU’s. I feel like when I eventually power on this Unify-X Z690 with my 13900KF, it’s probably not gonna post at all. Maybe @Mr. Fox updated it. 😎 I doubt I’ll ever be benching any 12th Gen. So no worries there. I do hate being forced to run newer bios though. Especially from what I’ve seen on some platforms as high as like 7% faster performance just by using an older bios.
  4. Well, you don’t really need an upgrade on the CPU or the GPU. You’ve got a 12900K. Probably a good one too. And a 3090Ti Kingpin. I’m probably not changing my GPU either. My 3090kp feels extremely fast in games still. I’m looking forward to playing Starfield more than anything right now when it does finally release. I’ll probably take a week vacation off work LOL. I have about 100+ hours of Paid time off saved up right now anyways. I paid MSRP+tax for my 3090KP. And I paid for the KP waterblock as well. I’m enjoying this thing to it’s fullest. It has about 1,000+ hours of solid gaming time on it already.
  5. I just found it. Lol. I clicked on absolutely nothing and it popped up. Thanks!
  6. @Reciever How do you like a post or react to a post when using a phone to read these forums? I don’t see an option. Is that only available on a desktop? This is what a post looks like on my iPhone. But I just can’t figure it out for some reason.
  7. Disable the page file in windows. And you’ll see that 32GB of ram go bye bye playing demanding games maxed out. This was actually a new discovery for me. I play the game RUST a lot. It’s a fairly well optimized game now. Normally It only uses about 10-11GB of ram fully maxed out running around in a large map with my page file enabled. However if you disable the page file, the ram usage goes way up! I tried to disable my page file and I noticed lower and flatter latency graph and much better minimum fps performance on a few titles I have tried it on. But these games will eventually crash because I end up consuming my full 32GB of ram after hours+ of playing on end. This really makes 64GB needed if you want to turn off the page file. Which does provide smoother latency performance for some reason. I always thought 32GB was overkill until disabling my page file in Windows 11. I’d leave it off if it were up to me. No more skipping in certain games, with smoother performance too.
  8. I ordered from Newegg as well, only the 13900KF model. I haven’t received one of these emails yet. How many hours after your order did you get the 2nd Newegg email?
  9. It is really fun testing new CPU’s, while everyone else is also testing theirs too at the same time. I probably won’t get a 4090 until Q2 2023. This is much more exciting then iPhone launches I know that.
  10. UPDATE: 13900KF Pre-Ordered!! So freaking excited! What a deal for $629 that was. Honestly, I wanted the standard K to be totally honest. But, I’ll take a KF. This is my first Intel CPU Pre-order.
  11. Newegg is upsetting me right now. I needed to split purchase to pre order my 13900KF, because I’m a broke A$$ kidding lol. Anyways, they won’t take PayPal either for a pre-order, so instead I bought (2) gift cards from Newegg. They emailed 1 right away. The other is still pending for some reason.. I hope they don’t sell out of these things. This is really so silly. I just want to order my 13900KF. I’ve already bought these non-refundable gift cards. And my hands are tied. Doesn’t make sense how they process two orders for the same thing at the same time. And only send one of the orders right away. I’m constantly checking this email. Waiting for this last gift card code to come through. Once it does, I’ll be pre ordering a 13900KF. Fingers crossed!
  12. I might just get a 13700KF. It’s practically a 12900K and it’s only $429. Any thoughts? I’m torn. This is such a huge upgrade as it is, I skipped 12th Gen all together.
  13. The 13900KF for $629.99 is an amazing price!!!. I’ll have a really nice upgrade from my 11900K. I imagine it will be competitive with 7950X multithreaded with slightly faster single thread performance.
  14. I try to keep a few hobbies alive. But cars are too expensive for me. Motorcycles are a little more reasonable, which is why I go that route. My mind set is, I can have super car like lambo or Ferrari performance for something that’s about $10,000+ brand new. But then of course upgrading it is also super expensive, because they too are restricted and gimped from the factory just like computer parts. We’ve got to reflash the ECU’s due to manufacturers literally neutering these poor engines stock fueling to maintain some new and very strict tree hugger Euro emissions which drastically hurts peak HP/TQ. Super Heavy steel exhaust systems with Catalytic converters and O2 sensors on machines that don’t actually have to pass emissions in my own state and numerous other states is also pretty stupid. Why do I want a catalytic converter and O2 sensor when it doesn’t even have to pass emissions? So far I’ve removed all of the factory exhaust on my current motorcycle it shaved 25 pounds and gained a lot of HP. The titanium headers and exhaust is also beautiful as it changes colors over time and gives a nice gold, blue, purple. It’s beautiful! If I could have a house built with titanium and carbon fiber I’d do it! LOL. One can dream! If you like guns, maybe consider getting in to 22LR pistols and suppressors. It’s a very cheap gateway in to SO MUCH fun. You can shoot in the back yard at 2AM if you like LOL. They have some suppressors now that read lower dB noise levels than dry firing the same gun with no ammo.
  15. Nvidia needs to bring DLSS 3.0 to Ampere graphics cards. Make these GPU’s both have a fair shake against each other. I mean, they are selling them both! They have tons of Ampere GPU’s on their hands to sell along side love lace, why not give the people a reason to buy them!
  16. This is exactly why I’ve held on to my 11900K so long. At 4,066Mhz CL14 Gear 1, it is 65GBPS bandwidth, and 36ns latency. And the IPC is better than most would ever think. I can also run 5.4Ghz all cores at 250 watts Cinebench. 🫣 But, I’ve got a nice Z690 board and DDR5 now. Waiting on 13th Gen.
  17. Nowadays just about any air cooled 3090Ti can match me, including your own. I only have a 3090 non Ti. That sweet performance in the video above, is exactly what you’ve already got under the hood with that 3090Ti KP. You may even be a little faster.
  18. I’m looking at the 3090Ti in the 2nd chart showing 61fps avg in Cyberpunk 2077. This is 1440P, Psycho RT, DLSS2. That performance is not right. Below is a video I made. This should help anyone with a 3090 that’s full overclocked. Yes, the 4090 is still a beast. But if I turn off DLSS it’s still in the 43-50 fps range. I’m gonna say my GPU full OC vs a stock 4090 is 35-40% rasterization improvement. “Which is very good” It is the DLSS performance from the 4090 that is so incredible. Although, I don’t typically use DLSS much since I have the raw GPU power to go without. Cyberpunk 2077 was the only game that really needed DLSS. Anyways, this is my video. Take a look at the average frame rate. It’s really impressive. https://youtu.be/Tod5tN7myM8
  19. Delete This 3090KP HC is Pretty fast! Admin edit: if you have a double post please report it and it will be taken care of. :)
  20. Looking at the RTX4080 (16GB) model. Even that is an upgrade over the 3090/3090Ti. I can manage about 12,000+ in Timespy Extreme, and it’s totally stable everyday. But that 4080 (16GB) model is managing 15,000 stock. That’s a 25% jump and we haven’t even begun overclocking the 4080 yet. I’m gonna say maybe potential for 35-40% overall with a fully overclocked and watercooled 4080 (16GB). Looking at these numbers again, I’m getting lured in to the Nvidia bi-annual trap pretty fast. Just imagine the 4090.
  21. This is the Strix LC 3090Ti. It really does well. The AIO is working at least. @Papusan What can that 3090Ti manage in something like Timespy extreme? Admin edit: Please refrain from double posting. Thanks!
  22. I do not doubt that you cannot get good temps out of the air cooled card. But you’ll be that much more ahead with the AIO cooled GPU. The above is the same power draw but it’s still running 10C hotter with maximum fan speed. And the Asus LC’s pump was only turning like 700rpm If you max out the fan speed and pump speed on the Asus LC AIO GPU it too will run much cooler. I am gonna guess and say 50-52C. The Suprim X 3090Ti is a beast though. What sort of clocks can you sustain?
  23. The Asus AIO card far surpasses the Suprim X in temps. AIO vs air provides a good performance gain in temps. First pic: Asus 3090Ti LC. Second pic: MSI Suprim X 3090Ti Both pictures from TweakTowns review of both cards. Also, keep in mind with AIO swapping fans, and maxing out pump speeds, repaste, this is beneficial for AIO GPU’s. But the Asus 3090Ti LC runs cooler with more power consumption.
  24. You buy a bare motherboard, and a bare cpu, then we buy our own cooler. And we even assemble it all. AIB’s should consider selling blank GPU PCB’s with no cooler. And then we just buy our own cooler for it. They could start a whole market for just GPU AIO’s. And GPU waterblock. They need to standardize mounting holes. And the memory position for most GPU’s. And it would work.
  25. I can’t see a bunch of people forking over tons of money for RTX4080/4090. With all of these cheap 30 series cards. If I needed a GPU I would be hunting down any new or used 3090 with a 450-500+ watt bios on board for cheap. When I had my 2080Ti even overclocked to the moon on water cooling, I felt like I needed a little more power in certain titles yet. It felt like the age was getting to it just a little. It was still very fast and all, but it didn’t feel as good as it could have. I don’t notice this feeling with my 3090, maybe it’s just luck or timing, and there hasn’t been any ultra demanding new titles released lately that make your hardware feel slow. But, this 3090 is 2 years old, and it’s a beast. Obviously, I’d always want to upgrade to anything that’s substantially faster regardless if we need to or not. But, I am far more excited and concerned with moving to Z690 chipset with a new and improved CPU, than I am with replacing my GPU.
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