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Everything posted by Maks0098

  1. When the charger is turned on, the indicators light up yellow. When the power button is pressed, the power indicator flashes green twice and that's it. I tried to reflash the main BIOS chip, I took out the CMOS battery, after that the laptop when I pressed the power button - the keyboard backlight started to light up, the fans started in turn, and then the backlight turned off and the fans rotated at 100% and the power indicator blinked orange. I also tried to reflash the EC, nothing helps. I also changed the video card to a known working one. First after power failure and first start - the above happens, and subsequent starts only the green power indicator blinks twice and that's it. Could the problem be in the video card power cable? Or is the problem somewhere in the motherboard or matrix?
  2. @SWarnock,you can flash your video card with the BIOS from the iMac, I flashed my P4000 so that it was more powerful. I can send you the file. for your card, the frequencies will already be 1657 MHz and the power limit will be increased from 75 watts to 100 watts (this can be changed using Mobile Pascal TDP bios tweaker). So you will get a more powerful card without extra charge, I have been using mine for a long time, so it seems safe and other users also use it without problems. the power will be at the level of the GTX 1060 mobile.
  3. you had to use PEG, SG can't work with two cards (without some complicated manipulations). You had to put in the main slot a card that works in PEG and in the second slot RTX, as you did, but you had to enable PEG.
  4. but you still have to either manually install the driver through the device manager or modify the driver, I think you understand this.
  5. I think it will work, because MSI GT80 has EDP, like your Clevo. and the video card supports EDP. I know that it was successfully installed in Alienware M18x R2 without any problems, so I think you won't have any problems either, except whether the video card will fit in the case and whether everything will fit on the heatsink.
  6. Hello everyone, I finally became the owner of a Clevo laptop, I took it in a non-working state without charging. I have a question, does the thunderbolt that is in the laptop support charging? Can I charge the laptop through it and start it up?
  7. It seems to me that this program does not measure megabits per second, but megabytes per second - that’s the whole point, why the numbers are small, but I don’t understand why the increase is almost not noticeable between 1600 and 2133. Here are the results with Aida64. There is a huge difference here
  8. Hi, I tested my memory at both 1600 MHz and 2133. Here are the results at 1600 (the first was saddled by simply launching the program and starting the benchmark, the second by running the program as administrator and the third had already installed 10 gigs)
  9. Regarding the fact that it does not have video outputs and only SG mode will work - of course I know, it worked for me on my M18x R2, but on the 17 R1 it refuses. The question is, why can't vbios be flashed? I flashed it using nvflash with some certificates when I overclocked it. Why then won’t it be possible to reflash it? I can’t simply attach it with a clip, I can’t reach the contacts. I think that the chip is reflashable with 99% probability, since we reflashed it with Nvflash and everything worked.
  10. Hello everyone, I want to install a working Tesla M6 in my 17 R1. But it refuses to be displayed in the BIOS even, I think that I need to try to flash a modified VBIOS for 980M. This:https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/244249/244249. But I can't do it with nvflash on the laptop where it starts. It gives an error of some kind of incompatible PCI id Device. It seems that I need to flash it with a programmer. But I can't do this because of the low-profile BIOS chip on the video card. My Ch341a programmer with a clip can't hook on - I don't want to unsolder the chip. I have a question, maybe there are some other programmers that can flash this chip without removing it? here is a photo of the BIOS chip for comparison with the 980M
  11. There is still an option to take a new 30 pin cable for your laptop, this will be the most reliable and cheapest option, perhaps. since 30 pin FHD matrices are easier to find and they will cost less, presumably. And the cable will not be expensive, here is its part number 03GPF4. here is the link to this cable on Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005729775527.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.1acb5Piw5Piwhw&algo_pvid=5e753bc7-f6df-4c0c-b087-3c473da28042&algo_exp_id=5e7
  12. in general, you could take an adapter and connect your 40 pin cable to it and its 30 pin output to the matrix - they are inexpensive, but I’m not sure that it will work 100%
  13. Are you sure it's the screen? It could be a video card, simply, your integrated video card sends an image to the main screen, and the hdmi and dp outputs are connected to the discrete one. So, maybe your motherboard is dying and because of this, artifacts appeared on the built-in video card, but the question is, what kind of artifacts do you have? can I have a photo? Maybe it’s the matrix cable, I doubt it’s the matrix itself. And I think you should at least check the image on an external screen - then you can understand that everything is fine with the discrete. Regarding the 40 pin FHD matrix - see my photos, there are all 40 pin FHD 17.3" eDP matrices. You can search/select yourself on the website panelook.com
  14. what he shared is that it takes the edp signal from the motherboard and converts it to an hdmi output, but if you take its adapter, you will only need an edp cable and a power supply
  15. Everything is set to high and super resolution 100. My 3920ХМ is overclocked to 4.5 GHz. This is the result with 99W power limit, the average frequency of the video card is ~1600 MHz. This is the result with 110W power limit, the average frequency of the video card is ~1700 MHz.
  16. I used a 75 Hertz screen so that it wouldn’t stop at 60 fps, but at 75. If anything, I flashed the BIOS for a video card with 1772 MHz and 136W power limit using Mobile TDP Pascal Tweaker. But I constantly lower the Power limit to +67%, +80% using MSI Afterburner. I think that later, when I disassemble the laptop, I will flash the same BIOS, but set the TDP to 110W, since with 136W the video card gets very hot. My Tesla M6 didn't heat up that much with 136W. It seems that the issue is the greater energy efficiency of the video card and more watts go to the chip and less to the memory.
  17. The preset is medium, naturally without ray tracing, because it’s not RTX. This is a performance measurement with ~98W power limit using MSI Afterburner. Temperatures do not rise above 71 degrees. This is a performance measurement with ~109W power limit. Temperatures do not rise above 79 degrees.
  18. You can use CRU (Custom Resolution Utility) to add other screen hertz. For example, 50 Hz or even 75, if you want a smoother picture (it may be that your matrix has degraded, like mine, and when it’s cold there will be stripes at 75 Hz, but then it may warm up, I rarely use this Hertz card, but maybe yours is better matrix state), I use it often in one game where I don’t have enough performance for 60 frames. And I don’t notice almost any difference in games between 50 Hz and 60 Hz with vertical synchronization, but with FPS just below 60, the difference is colossal. in office tasks, scrolling pages - this is already noticeable.
  19. @Lex_Amorph, Perhaps you could get it to work with a newer driver with a GTX 1060 notebook base using the method described by ssj92 to set the use of a different card through the Windows register. And have you tried setting the video card in Windows itself?
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