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Everything posted by Eban

  1. Um....guess I'll give Resident Evil 4 remake a try
  2. Saw this for first time a few years ago. Reminds of a LOT of humans.
  3. The only stupid question is the one not asked!! Living in a foreign country now I ask many questions daily. Language, culture and of course it being Japan I always have to ask...WTF? Nanja Korya
  4. Eban


    As a "prepper" I worry about this kind of thing TLDR: Big magnetic storm from the sun due to hit earth Friday. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-11912361/Second-giant-hole-20-times-larger-Earth-rips-surface-sun.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event
  5. With this Panasonic running so damn hot I'm willing to give anything a try. Currently thinking about making a custom copper heatsink. This is the stock type and that silver "metal" is real garbage, very brittle (as in I broke one accidently) The entire laptop is sealed, take it in the shower with you if you want....but it makes for very bad thermals. Edit: After digging I found out the metal is zinc. Not much flexibility
  6. Eban


    Live like there is no tomorrow
  7. Where did it say 4090? I got message that topend it would only go to a 4060, hence a "budget" gaming laptop. While still faster than my Legion Y740 it cant compete with a desktop for price Vs performance.
  8. For the price I might still buy one just to have an 'on the go' semi capable laptop (after tweaking the hell out of it). But for playing games I would build a desktop with much better specs for same ca$h
  9. K5-Pro thermal goop (Thermal pad alternative) Tested on Panasonic CF-31 (mk2) Intel Core i5-2520M @ 2.50GHz Running Window 8.1 I've had this laptop maybe 6 months and It has always been hot. Like 50C on idle and pegging 98C just by thinking about opening a youtube video. From what I have been able to learn this is not that uncommon.
  10. Missing an I in that name. Lo IQ Nar ... for the price it's good for kids or a really tight budget. Just the specs on newer systems make me shake my head at the crap big companies are rolling out the door. 16"? 4060? BGA? I hate to say it but my next PC will be desktop
  11. Then there is my favourite version
  12. I used to date a gothic/emo chick avoid the dark side....but then the pastel is a bit too far in the opposite direction also.
  13. 1:02 in and I'm almost wetting myself laughing at this guy....I can see the poor little kids faces going WTF
  14. @ryan Didn't you like chess? Free now on Epic https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/chess-ultra-91bba3
  15. Röyksopp - What Else Is There This song has just haunted me for some reason.....I keep coming back to it periodically
  16. An air duster and some K5 pro thermal "goop". I will try the K5 pro on my Panasonic toughbook cf-31. The thing thermal throttles watching Youtube video's The duster I have already used. Works ok.
  17. Just watched Alone in the wilderness Story about Dick Proenneke who spent 30 years alone living in an Alaskan off grid cabin he built. Very appealing. I was always attracted to this stuff. As a kid my favourite books were like Robinson Cursoe and Smith Family Robinson
  18. Ok I reread the post. It was OP says his memory chip heat is down.... I think I'm a gonna try some of this K5 stuff on my Panasonic cf-31.....hot little bugger
  19. Nightmares on wax - You wish Shmoooove & melloooow
  20. So...yeah. I just read through this post on Reddit because I couldn't believe the picture. And I'm really not 100% sure I DONT want to try it and see what happens Has anyone here actually done this and ready to share the details? One poster says his temps are down 10c-15c ?!?!?
  21. @Papusan Thank you, I used the direct download link and saved a copy of 8.1 patch.....just in case
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