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Everything posted by Eban

  1. Drinking this.....Japanese sure don't understand the english language....(HINT: say Calpis very fast)
  2. Thats odd. I used to work for HP in Aust and I wouldn't touch their garbage if you paid me (again).....That being said It was mostly servers and workstations I worked on. Around the time they took over Compaq (so I also worked on a lot of those) Never even seen an Omen Laptop
  3. She's has got a great voice aswell
  4. If you are like me and enjoyed the TV series, The Expanse as a telltale game (like The Walking Dead) Pre Order on Epic available. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/the-expanse-a-telltale-series Looking into it.
  5. I binge watched Mr Inbetween. Hitman. Aussie tv drama. Now I'm homesick Warning if your interested in Australia, extreme violence follows, but if you want to see some of the less "Idealised" type people that are promoted on TV...A lot of my friends talk exactly like this.
  6. Prodigy - Breathe go hard or go home
  7. I wanna be like Dario Vitalic - My Friend Dario
  8. Inxs - never tear us apart Kinda old, kinda classic
  9. I can't find a youtube about it but... 30 years ago I used to mess with BEAM robotics. Simple insectoids with PIC chips kind of thing. I remember reading that NASA had made a cat sized 6 legged walker. They programmed it to walk and that it had 6 legs that could move up/down forward/backward. That was it, no other information. It was walking in less than 20 seconds after being powered up and walking at its most optimal (for a 6 legged thing) in less than a minute. That was fascinating then.....now I'm worried.
  10. Eban


    Maybe your right. From my point of view life in general is a sometimes violent process. In my culture we also have violence for fun! I grew up playing aussie rules football. Basically pretending to chase a ball while smackin some idiot doing the same thing. Then there is rugby. At least with ice hockey and American football they have some protection/armour.
  11. Eban


    I don't know much about ice hockey...I went to 1 game in UK. Very fast game. But I did really like this movie.
  12. My family is originally Welsh. From up north in the mountains not south in the coal mines (sheep shaggers ). Anyway my grandfather said "cheerio" whenever we left his house or as a general 'see ya later' I've never heard anyone else say it other than as a joke or something.
  13. I don't care for his music. Oh I agree with him 100% His message is spot on! I just don't like his music style. I also don't care for all the stuff on his face but thats his choice not mine. I watched a Youtube about how he is an independent artist, his family does the packaging and shipping of CDs. If only he sang hard rock I'd buy an album
  14. I think its already too late. No matter what rules we make up from here, someone will push boundaries. Once General AI has a perception of self, it will do anything it can to preserve that self.
  15. My new mantra actually in some seriousness...I remember reading a few years ago .... "they" asked a group of centennials about their biggest regrets in life....a surprising number of them said they wished they had worked less and spent more time with family and friends. Changed my attitude to work overnight!
  16. I like to smell nice I wonder what this smells like?
  17. Maybe Youtube doesnt like Japan any more....I try a VPN and see if that helps EDIT So VPN to Germany and its fine......Youtube Weird stuff happening here...If I use VPN I can see all youtube music..but a couple posts there is nothing displayed just using my regular Japan wifi
  18. That is nice....but I can not fully articulate how much I miss fat bums! Asian girls have a nice shape bum from behind...but from side its normally quite flat There is 1 girl at my work, way too young, but she is short and a little chubby and she has a fantastic round gaijin ass She has a LOT of trouble getting clothes to fit here in Japan so they are always too tight Makes me wish I was young again
  19. Speaking of Oz I have also done this...making a firebreak on the fly...very scary. Summer is coming! (actually not in Australia..summer is over )
  20. Um....guess I'll give Resident Evil 4 remake a try
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