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Everything posted by Eban

  1. Well here is another possible incentive for paying membership to NBT......If you subscribe a larger slice of space for screenshots? Maybe even a little 'credibility' badge in the market place? Sorry @Reciever I know your busy and have many things to do. It's just another idea to throw in the pot.
  2. I first saw the TV series of Battlestar Galactica as a kid (that and of course Star wars, Star trek) Wing commander in the 90's.....I really wish I could have flown a Viper
  3. I literally just checked distrowatch.....I thought Garuda dragonized looked suspiciously like Kali linux Nice colours
  4. Neil Young - Theme from Dead Man movie Written and Directed by Jim Jarmusch, Staring Johnny Depp, Robert Mitchum, Billy Bob Thornton, Iggy Pop, John Hurt, Gary Farmer, Crispin Glover and Mili Avital. Kind of a slow song but very poetic, good for the background.
  5. Oh I remember reading somewhere on the old NBR about a Ranger that did this. Turned out to be the keyboard! Stupid design shuts down pc if kboard wasn't found Hook up a different one if you run out of other ideas
  6. This wowed me back in the day
  7. This is SOOO discordant an so catchy at the same time.....cool! EDIT Reminds me of Captain Beefheart
  8. I am too juvenile for my real age
  9. Oh ... Good one! I first heard this in the Cristian Slater, Samantha Mathis movie Pump up the Volume 1990
  10. Its Friday, I'm going mountain walking tomorrow, I just ate a huge dinner and I'm feelin good! Nina Simone - Feeling Good
  11. Oh...didn't know that one. Thank you for sharing.
  12. Ah yes now I understand. I agree..... P.S. poor bloody salmon
  13. Sorry? Humans do a better job on the environment?? See thats what I mean. I don't know anything about bears....how to track them, how to avoid, how to hide, how to fight. A bear newbie! I thought this guy had it right....other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Where I live in Japan they have a dog that was used to hunt bears (not so long ago) (Beautiful dog)) but no bears left in this part of Japan.
  14. Learning a second language is supposed to be good for brain plasticity
  15. Metro Exodus is on sale if you want to try it. https://www.gog.com/en/game/metro_exodus
  16. Drowning pool - Bodies I like to listen to this while doing flower arranging Yeah just kidding...Ikebana is not on my hobbies list, but I see people doing it at the community hall I go to each week for Japanese lessons...very pretty.
  17. Some more info. Lab tour EDIT: TLDR Not yet viable for gaming laptops. Next generation possibly. (few years)
  18. Not really serious...I just find EVERYTHING to be fascinating, especially things I have no understanding about. But yes I was also trying to lighten the mood with @ryan clown picture
  19. To be totally truthful I do not understand bears. I'm Australian and whilst there are plenty of critters who want to kill you we have nothing like a bear. Pigs, dogs, big Kangaroos, spiders, scorpions, jellyfish, snakes, lizards even sharks. But a bear to me is just an alien creature. I did watch a while ago Grizzly Man from 2005. I am sorry to offend those that are offended BUT....Him and Steve Irwin got what they deserved. Don't play with dangerous animals kids. Spiderman was a fluke shot.
  20. So on the recommendation of a random internet stranger who said "If you like The Last of Us you will love Station Eleven! So of course I totally believed the stranger and........ So far I'm only up to episode 7 (10 episodes in season 1). I'm still just not sure if I like or hate it There is a LOT of time shift and 1899 stuff happening. The story line in this is a bit thin at the start, though the time shift tries to fill the gaps in later episodes. The characters are also a bit "who TF does that" their reactions to an end of the world event don't seem plausible (but then I've never experienced one myself so who am I to say). I mean the reason I loved The Last of US is as Ed Wood was fond of quoting "The suspension of disbelief" (I already knew of parasitic organisms that control their host). The characters are so "normal", so 'guy/girl next door" types. Final opinion has yet to be determined for Station Eleven
  21. Damn....I never even thought to check on my bookmark security! I didn't realise it was a thing. I ended up using the in built sync on brave browser (thanks to @serpro69 for the heads up)
  22. @ryan What the hell is that? Scary clown Here is a nice clown for you
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