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Everything posted by Eban

  1. Bar Kays - Soul Finger (Ok this is old even by my standards )
  2. Empire Of The Sun - Walking on a Dream
  3. @Mashcar Thank you for that! I have a hotair station. I will pull the card next weekend and see what we can see You did a nice job on HP BTW
  4. @Mashcar I am interested in this line. I have one of the cheapo aliexpress 980m cards and crappy vrm's has always worried me. Can you point me in a direction of how to ID and replace the mosfets, etc . I am novice at electronics but I can do very basic micro soldering. Thanks
  5. A new version of Zorin OS with working Nvidia drivers out of the box
  6. I know your right. @jaybee83 @Etern4l Thank you for your thoughts and ideas! I managed to quit smoking in my 20's because I was saving money for a trip to the USA. (Cigarettes were expensive in Australia then) anyway every time I wanted a smoke I thought of the money I needed for my trip. So, I guess I have to envision something I want more than the sugar Or I could take up meth....at least I wont get fat (just kidding)
  7. @StripeySnake Hi, any further updates on the janktop? Curious minds are enquiring
  8. Can you hypnotize me to get rid of a sugar addiction? I eat very healthy 2 main meals per day. Fruit and tons of veg, small carbs and decent protein. But I can never stop eating until I've had some sugar! I just feel unsatisfied until I eat something super sweet. This has been going on slowly increasing the sugar uptake for the past 6 months.
  9. Free on epic now https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/star-wars-squadrons I'm old die hard Xwing Vs Tie fighter fan
  10. That looks very interesting. I just had a quick look at the trailers on youtube....looks like my kind of show. Thanks for sharing, I will give it a try
  11. Die Antwoord - Various First song I heard from these South Africans was Baby's on fire. Truth be told I dont like many of their songs, but these 3 and few others are good. They were also in the 2015 movie Chappie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyy7y0QOK-0
  12. Paths of Hate by Jaroslaw Wójcik I first heard this watching Polish animation of the same name (second link)
  13. I love that web site! Thank you for sharing.
  14. Badfinger Baby Blue I just rewatched the breaking bad TV series. Some great songs right there.
  15. I agree it was very good. A bit short but not much more story to tell I guess.
  16. AC/DC Honestly I loved the Bon Scott years of AccaDacca, back when they were a glorified pub band. R.I.P. Malcolm Young
  17. ABBA -SOS Yeah I know everyone takes the mickey out of ABBA.....but I still like it
  18. Possum Kingdom by The Toadies I like it dark
  19. oh.. sorry @Sandy Bridge I didn't see this post before.
  20. Split hairs....you know what I mean. They been around since 2020 and I only just heard about them. So no not ooooold...just not latest 6 months as in "tech news".
  21. This is a little older tech but hey I never knew about it so maybe someone else would like to know. As a laptop I'm not sold on it. I like the idea but it seems a bit too.....yuppy (is that still a word? sorry I'm old) https://frame.work/
  22. The Blue Hearts - Linda Linda (Japanese punk rock band from around the time of the dinosaurs) I first heard this song sang by Bae Doona on the movie Linda Linda Linda Between you and me I've seen most of her movies, including all the Korean ones of course...Bae fan boy here
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