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Everything posted by runix18

  1. Is is possible with that unisink? I mean, sure is possible, but is it possible without gut it to the core?
  2. As per title WTB T Shaped P870DM3/KM/TM Heatsink. From Europe only please.
  3. Too bad because I cannot find one heatsink nowhere at a decent price.
  4. Where did you get the small VC from?
  5. Does the RTX 20xx heatsink works on a p750DM3?
  6. But unfortunately they will keep the same drawback and sale policies as the actual cards: 1. No ability to buy them as an individual; 2. Proprietary form factor 3. Expensive AF; 3. No EDP support only optimus);
  7. You do not need to change anything, just provide adequate cooling (better pads) to mosfets.
  8. here you are still cannot find the one with the t shaped tutorial. was a guy from Hungary if I recall correctly. Even wanted to buy the laptop when he putted up for sale but for the love of god I cannot remember the users name.
  9. Thanks for the heads up, I have forgotten about the NBR archive. Found the post.
  10. Hi, Does someone still have the pictures from the old NBR forum with the P870 T shaped heatsink mod form 1080 to 2080? Thank you.
  11. 3d modeling (arhicad, autocad) / foto-video editing
  12. Look at those chips, what TDP, what memory bus...what performance... not. It is like Nvidia took all the failing chips from desktop cards and renamed them for laptops.🤣 Except from the 4090 we have no decent chips this generation for mobile... I miss the good old Pascal days...😔
  13. 3xs and Pc specialist does not produce laptops, they are resellers. Only Clevo produces laptops at the Kapok factory.
  14. Anything that is in the laptops own service manual is sure to be compatible. You can also go the ebay route for cheaper parts with warranty: like this
  15. The Chinese Frankenstein MXM cards? Which are those?
  16. First of all there were never MXM with the 90 termination due, not to power consumption, because you could easily build a laptop who can push 400w of power in the GPU. The limitation here is thermals - that is why an 3080 for laptops was actually a 3070 desktop with lower TDP, and that is the problem, TDP. It is very hard to build a laptop who could move 400w of dispersed power from the GPU. In conclusion limitation here are the thermals and not power delivery.
  17. MXM is not dead, as one can supply external power to it, like in a desktop GPU😉
  18. Don't know really. Whatever you like. Me for one I am curious what the next Clevo ,,DTR” will look like and how the new Alienware 18 will be like.
  19. From what we could gather in recent events, I think Clevo is done with the MXM format (because of Nvidia supposedly - typical Ngreedia practices - no surprises there); So if no MXM RTX 4000 laptop in sight and the BGA crapola will be king, you might as well go for any other brand out there, CLevo is not special anymore.
  20. We just need to have an Apple subforum so we can thank them for all the thin and light crap laptops that we have today because of their business practices and trends.
  21. Do you want to change the GPU in the future? (for example do the MXM mod for pascal/turing/ampere cards?)- If yes go with the dsanke TM ported / If not go with dsanke stock bios mod.
  22. From what I know, those cards are GPU accelerators and they were never meant to have an video output. I do not think a vbios will help in that regard because the video output is physically not connected.
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