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Everything posted by runix18

  1. That F means the lack of a functional Igpu (wich in this laptops will not work any way), so if the laptop has support for the non F version, they will have support for the F as well, which most of the TM have.
  2. Why do you call it a TM when it is actually a KM, and also how did you manage do make it work on a 16x lane?
  3. Aren't the 2080 mosfets the same as 2080S? If so, why does the P870 does not shuting down with a 2080 with a 200W vbios?
  4. Hi, So from what you all know I am an owner of a Clevo P870DM with TM port bios, meaning it got the sound bug stated in dsanke bios description. To be more precise sound only work properly with basic windows driver (no realtek audio manager working) and no Creative Xfi software working either. I started wondering what will happen if I swap the ALC 892 with a ALC 898 on the DM audio board (already checked the service manuals on both and saw no major differences on the pinout side - so in theory it might work). I am now at the moment where I am trying to source another DM audio board and order the chip from ebay. Please add you input to this, as all help and advices are welcomed. @ViktorV please share your thoughts.
  5. From what i know, no Clevo P7xx/8xx DM DMX KM TM had a mux switch.
  6. In device manager check and see the hidden items, maybe it's there but just hidden.
  7. Check to see if it show in Device Manager in windows. Check to see if you disable it in bios (you can actually do that on an unlocked bios, and from what I know Obsidian came with unlocked bios). Check to see if something is wrong with the physical wiring .
  8. Then you will be probably good with that config, and probably you will not need to change the psu either.
  9. When I sold my Gtx1070, the guy actually came to my home and I replaced his dead Gtx1080, and then he left it for me to do whatever, he was happy that he got a working laptop. I de soldered the GPU and the memories and I actually came to the conclusion that I had a bad gpu core (a missing pad) and a bad memory on the card(missing pad). I am now just searching for a working (possible working GPU) and VRAM. But the thing is that it must be very cheap, otherwise it does not worth the effort.
  10. You can remove a button but it can become very easily damaged. Better not do it. You can clean with a very soft brush with special cleaning fluid or 99.9% isopropyl alcohol.
  11. To be honest I thought that X170 has a different power delivery than P870. I will go on the service manuals to see the differences. You actually made me curious. I can only imagine what the castrated rtx 3070 desktop chip... cough cough... RTX 3080 mobile can do with 240W.
  12. As per title say. Looking to buy cheap broken/dead gtx 1080 (mxm or desktop) PS: Do not need the heatsink for any version of card. Hit me with offers EU only - or international very very cheap.
  13. As per title I have a spare Gtx 1080 Gsync - upgraded to 2080 on my P870DM How much these things go today?
  14. Price check Config: Intel I5 9600KF 32 GB DDR4 RAM Gtx 1060 MXM GPU (MXM 3.1B) Display FHD 1920x1080 15.6” 256 GB NVME SSD + 750GB HDD Original 240W charger Windows 10 Home with licence
  15. To answer you a definitive answer (I have also seen the answers you got from the russian forum), you have the following choices: 1. Go with the cheapest plug and play version - 1060 2. Go with the cheapest heatsink mod requirement - 2060 3. Go full power on plug and play - 1080 4. Go full power in heatsink mod requirement - 2080 5. Go beyond with 3080 - new custom heatsink and inf mod (or modded bios @srs2236 can help you with that) To be honest, I think that one can invest in at least a 1060 (heatsink fits and its plug and play. g sync also works - if you get a gsync card)
  16. Has the same but less of them. For 4k 60hz gaming you will be looking at a config that will reach thermal limits with this kind of laptop. And also you will need a 330W power supply.
  17. I mean a Maxell could work, but you will have to keep in mind that the heatsink might not fit due different shape and size.
  18. You will need Pascal cards in 3.1B form factor (clevo style cards). Where are you from?
  19. The difference of around 30w is lost in the VRM circuitry, especially in mosfets (which are not very efficient).
  20. Ok, you are right (I saw that are different variants of the card, my bad for not looking at a clevo one), but still does not add up because GTX 1080 was a 200w+ TDP card and had no crashes. I am curious because you cannot blame the TM power delivery (especially on TM that has a way better power intake, mosfets ratted for higher amperage), than the rest of the P870 lineup. Also the power switching is done onboard of the card (the VRM is completely on the card itself). So I am inclined to believe that is a bios/vbios bug that involves maximum clocks.
  21. Hi Viktor, I am curious why would that happen? Does P870TM has a weak power delivery system? I mean Gtx 1080 was drawing more than 200w at times and no crash. Is the 2080S drawing way more (it is a 150w card)? And by the way do you know if one can swap the memory modules and strap on the 2080 to make it a 16GB card?
  22. Better not mess with ME. If you do not like it just disable it through Cofee Time and flash bios.
  23. Go in bios, switch to Legacy and see if you have display output. If you have display output on legacy, reset uefi keys restart and see if it works. If you do not have display output it might be because incompatible/missing bios entry's in NVdGpuDxe driver module in bios.
  24. If it helps you, I have secure boot enabled, TPM 2.0 enabled, and Windows defender reports as Core isolation working as well, and I have a heavy modified bios from another laptop so... the problem is elsewhere for sure.
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