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Everything posted by runix18

  1. It did not instal properly for me also, but even so, the app was running as intended.
  2. You might have a fault in the small brown band that power the lights.
  3. As per title, I was wondering if something like this stunning display would work in Clevo P870DM or P870 series?
  4. Buy another one. That right there is a possible fire hazard.
  5. You can even put the aliexpress heatsink for the TM inside, it will work just fine.
  6. Pls share with us where did u seen 3070 for like 350€ ? Links, anything?
  7. There were somewhere some pics of how to mod vapor chamber for RTX 2000 series but I cannot find them anymore, maybe someone who saved them might help you. If you want to upgrade the display check this site. Pay attention that you will also need another edp cable. You might have problems with the 165hz panel as it is not supported by the bios.
  8. That is also a fine idea, but I was thinking of something like this
  9. That is nice man. Looks almost the same mod that I had to do when moding the old DM for the 3.1B. When I will afford an 3080 I will go for a different approach. I am thinking of a 3mm or 4mm thick copper plate 124x100 mm in which to CNC mill 2mm in the required places to form the place for the inductors and mosfets.
  10. From Europe only. hit me with an offer.
  11. Tbh, you are better of with de lidding the 8700k, liquid metal and OC the sucker to almost 5Ghz.
  12. Also follow this tutorial for the Ch43a programmer. Software + drivers use this. Unfortunately I do not know where the bios chip is located on the mobo, maybe somebody else can help with an image.
  13. The heatsink is made of copper (or should be at that price) so technically it cannot perform worst that the stock one. The pads should stay the same (as for compatibility reasons, or so I hope). Latest version of stock and or dsanke is recommended. Even so you will have to resort to inf mod for instaling drivers.
  14. Does not worth it anymore because it is a dying market. Everyone goes for the thin and light crapola that we are used to. For your laptop this is what you need. select GTX1080 RTX2080 RTX3080 air heatsink. At least you have an option. If I were to go for a 3080 I have to make my own heatsink because nobody provided a solution for the original DM p870.
  15. 1. Yes you can, even the old DM clevos can take it with the right mods. 2. The heatsink is not compatible, you will have to source one from Aliexpress. (or make one😉)
  16. Clevo lists 2 separate bioses, dsanke is not because is the same bios. That's why he is listing it as P7xx (xx meaning 51 or 75). For example this is dsankes TM ported custom bios list. Can you spot P751TM somewhere? No, because 751TM is the 15 inch version of 775TM, ergo the same device internally, ergo same bios. File Name Compatible Model Version BIOS Source PCH N650DU.rom Clevo N650DU 1.06.02 N/A H170 N650DU_16T.rom Clevo N650DU 1.05.06 Clevo N9xTP6 H170 N95_KP6.rom Clevo N95xKP6 1.05.06 Clevo N9xTP6 H270 N95_KP6+125mV.rom Clevo N95xKP6 1.05.06 Clevo N9xTP6 H270 N95TP6_B0506.rom Clevo N9xTP6 1.05.06 N/A Z370 N95TP6_B0506_67th.rom Clevo N9xTP6 1.05.06 N/A Z370 N95TP6_B0711.rom Clevo N9xTP6 1.07.11 N/A Z370 P7xxDM.rom Clevo P7xxDM/DM1(-G) 1.05.11 Clevo P7xxTM/TM1(-G) Z170 P7xxDM_Old_Graphic.rom Clevo P7xxDM/DM1(-G) 1.05.11 Clevo P7xxTM/TM1(-G) Z170 P7xxDMx.rom Clevo P7xxDM2/DM3(-G) 1.05.11 Clevo P7xxTM/TM1(-G) Z170 P7xxDMx_RTX.rom Clevo P7xxDM2/DM3(-G) 1.07.24 Clevo P7xxTM/TM1(-G) Z170 P7xxTM1_B0724.rom Clevo P7xxTM/TM1(-G) 1.07.24 N/A Z370 P7xxTM_B0511.rom Clevo P7xxTM/TM1(-G) 1.05.11 N/A Z370 P7xxTM_B0511_67th.rom Clevo P7xxTM/TM1(-G) 1.05.11 N/A Z370 P870DM.rom Clevo P870DM(-G) 1.05.11 Clevo P870TM/TM1(-G) Z170 P870DMx.rom Clevo P870DM2/DM3(-G) 1.05.11 Clevo P870TM/TM1(-G) Z170 P870DMx_RTX.rom Clevo P870DM2/DM3(-G) 1.07.15 Clevo P870TM/TM1(-G) Z170 P870KM.rom Clevo P870KM/KM1(-G) 1.05.11 Clevo P870TM/TM1(-G) Z270 P870KM_RTX.rom Clevo P870KM/KM1(-G) 1.07.15 Clevo P870TM/TM1(-G) Z270 P870TM_B0511.rom Clevo P870TM/TM1(-G) 1.05.11 N/A Z370 P870TM_B0511_67th.rom Clevo P870TM/TM1(-G) 1.05.11 N/A Z370 P870TM_B0715.rom Clevo P870TM/TM1(-G) 1.07.15 N/A Z370 W650DCDD.rom Clevo W650DC/W650DD 1.06.02 N/A H170 W650KJKK.rom Clevo W65xKK1/W65xKJ1 1.07.15 N/A H170 W650KL.rom Clevo W65xKL 1.07.08 N/A H110 If you are so scared of bricking your device better stay off bios mod flashing.
  17. P751TMx and P775TMx are the same internally and bios wise, so yea it will work.
  18. You will not and never find Prema bios. They do not exist freely because the bios comes only from resellers or from the BIG MAN himself and they are flashed remotely so you cannot actually own them. So... until Prema will allow public download we can always use Dsanke bios.
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