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Everything posted by anassa

  1. His ebay post says that the x170sm isn't working anymore and won't post, so hopefully he will eventually update this post too.
  2. ^^This - basically an easy way to have one metric of comparison over the different generations. Not necessarily useful for direct game FPS estimates, but still some kind of metric of comparison. Soon we will have the Steel Nomad update that can be used for the next few generations as a metric of comparison. Timespy came out in 2016? So roughly 7 years of use, hopefully Steel Nomad will have use for the next 7~8 years too. Once it comes out I think it might be fun to do a comparison between firestrike / timespy / nomad over several generations of GPUs.
  3. Pretty sure they went out of business and don't support it anymore
  4. To test to see if there is some other reason, I am going to try the 2080s on a EON15-X (P750DM2) with a 4k panel from Origin, but now I can't flash a different bios. It keeps on giving the "Security Flash Verify Fail" error. I have tried to flash the XMG bios, the dsanke bios, (both that worked on my other P750DM2) and the normal clevo bios. All have the same error. Did Origin do something to block flashing? I use afuwinx64.exe, and tried afudos.exe with usb boot via DOS, but also but that didn't get anywhere either. I "cd" to where the bios.rom file is, then use: afuwinx64.exe BIOS.ROM /X /P /B /N But it just gives the error mentioned above. It has worked fine on my other P750DM2. Actually... I just remembered the other P750DM2 is also an Origin EON15-X. Not sure what is up, now that it doesn't work. Anyone have ideas? I might just have to find the original dsanke post that has instructions
  5. @zex4 ya for sure - here is a link for it hopefully it works for you https://github.com/zuyan9/RLECViewer
  6. @zex4Why don't you try RLECViewer and see how that goes. The UI is really simple but I have had good luck with it. It allows you set a % of fan use in relation to the temperature. Oh and uninstall the control center when you try it.
  7. Reflashed to the dsanke bios. Used the info from this thread: Flashed the Bios from the file called: P7xxDMx-0729-9900ks-128G Flashed it without any issues, so now I am back to the dsanke bios but still doesn't work. Still a blank screen. I have still one idea left to try, so we will see. Also @kela-slk what display do you have on your P750DM2?
  8. @kela-slk Can you attach the dsanke Bios you used? There are a few of them. I just tried to boot from a windows USB and it didn't work, still dark screen.
  9. @Raven have you tried undervolting and see what voltage it could sit at comfortably? Then from that voltage overclock? Then you have a good between solution until you find a better way to go about the heatsink.
  10. @Don_prince Just out of curiosity, how would this help? Regular PC fans are just in-out directional fans, while laptop fans tend to pull in and push out to the sides, the fan blade shape is very different. Looks like a really cool idea though.
  11. Yes, I had said in a previous comment that it did work: It turns on fine and loaded Linux Mint. I should have tried Windows 10 earlier.
  12. I just found the 2080S for a really good price ~ $300 USD, so I wanted to give it a try, especially since I don't need to worry about a different heatsink like I do for the 3070. I also want to do the testing. In my thread (LINK) I am also testing different GPUs, I tested 1060, 1080, now I want to do the 2080S, then 3070.
  13. Windows 10. I just tried booting Linux from a USB to see if the screen would turn on.
  14. I was able to boot from a bootable USB with Linux on it . . . it would be embarrassing if it was just a Windows issue . . .😓
  15. I have Windows 10, but if we have the same bios then it doesn't seem to be a bios problem. Maybe I should re-install windows as you mentioned.
  16. I just sent you the .rom that I used to flash the XMG TM bios. Picture of the dsanke bios Picture of the new XMG TM Bios: Picture of XMG P7xxTM1(-G) bios in HWinfo as a TM: I wonder if there is not some really simple bios setting that I just needed to change and that both the dsanke bios and this XMG bios would have been fine. 😑
  17. What I see in the bios if UEFI boot enabled/disabled - should I disable it? There is nothing about legacy. And yes I have the dsanke bios that has everything unlocked. Sigh . . . just reinstalled the 1080 so I can bios flash using afuwin64 (in windows desktop) instead of afudos (from bootable usb in dos) since it would not flash. I got the 1080 back in, it worked fine, then search for the BIOS to flash again - did not install the 1080 driver because I was just planning to flash the bios - but windows auto installed a driver. Then I decided to run a Timespy pass just for fun - but it crashed and now it won't even go into the bios anymore. It starts - screen stays black, beeps once and just stays on but dark. This is with the GTX 1080, so there should be no problems. 😒 Update: Pulled the 1080 and put the 1060 in, to see if it was the GPU, it booted right up with the 1060, then I tried to use afuwinx64.exe and flash the bios. First time I got the "10 - Error: unable to load driver", couldn't get it to work, but I had found and downloaded the XMG P7XXTM1 bios update 1.07.28 file which included another afuwinx64.exe file. This one actually worked. First tried the modded bios, but got the "18 - Error: Secure Flash Rom Verify fail." So then I tried to flash the XMG bios. That one actually worked! So now I have the XMG P7XXTM1 bios for my P750DM2, in HWinfo it also shows the laptop as a "XMG P7xxTM1" laptop. Now to reinstall the 2080S and see if it will work. . . and it didn't. 😕 In the bios it says: VGA Card: Unknown VBIOS Revision: VBIOS Build Date: 02/14/20 The screen still doesn't load into windows and stays dark. I don't get it, shouldn't it just need an .inf mod and work? Why doesn't it display anything for windows, but shows BIOS fine?? @kela-slk Which bios do you have????? Do you mind making a copy and sending it to me? I want to give it a shot, because I can't figure out why in the world the screen is staying dark when loading into windows. Thanks
  18. Oh nice! But send off? NEVER!! As mentioned way above and quoted below - there may be newer nvidia series MXM cards available in the future too! I don't know what the "record" of oldest laptop chassis + newest generation GPU is, but it can be broken! Like a 2014 laptop with 2024 GPU. Who knows. I think with the increased prices, having tech last more generations will be more common, and it would just be cool to get more use out of systems that work fine, but just may not be chart toppers - which for most people would be good enough.
  19. Or the older P750DM / P770DM ones that came with the 970m/980m already have the heatsink for that form factor MXM card. It could bring some life into those old ones. If it only worked!
  20. @jjo192 What method did you use to flash this? I tried and flashed it onto my P750DM2, using DOS usb stick and afudos but it won't flash, shows some kind of "write-protected" error and then shuts down. It happens pretty fast so I can't really see the notification clearly. Honestly I am just trying to DOS flash it so I don't have to take it apart to get access to the bios chip.
  21. Depends on the setup: ~7,800 GPU score w/ OC 1080 GTX (~180w) and Aliexpress heatsink, 70F ambient, I get mid 70s ~11,000 GPU score w/ OC 3070 RTX (~140w) and stock unified P750DM2 heatsink (meant for a 1060), 75F ambient, I get high 70s (on external montior) ~4,300 GPU score with OC 1060 GTX (~80w) and stock separated P775 heatsink with poor contact, 70F ambient, I get low 70s
  22. @kela-slk Oh nice, so you got 10,814 graphics without any kind of overclock, looks like avg is around 10,500 so that is right on. I have the eurocom PSU so I am not worried about the power draw. The biggest difference is that I can't even see anything on boot up. You could, you could install drivers and everything even if it pulled too much power - it worked for you. That is where I think it is a bios issue for me because of DM2 vs TM. So I want to get it to work then see what I can do to tweak it. Or at least try
  23. Was this score overclocked? Or just default 2080 Super? Also you have a P775TM right? Not a P775DM2?
  24. @Developer79 Thanks for the input, but I think you missed the part where with the GTX 1080 installed everything works fine. So I am 90% sure it is not a display issue. If I had switched out for a new one or something along those lines then it would make sense. But this is a case where only the graphics card has been swapped, so there is somehow a disconnect of recognition or something between the GPU and the internal display, which is why I think it may be bios related. I think he had a different issue where he was able to boot / install but when it was on load it would shut off, and he used eurocomm charger and it worked. I think the problem is I don't have a TM1, but a DM2 😅
  25. I also remembered that a few years back when I first flashed the dsanke bios I don't think I flashed the RTX version since I only had a 1070 with no RTX cards in the books for me. So flashing just the GTX bios might be the issue. I am crossing my fingers that with a newer bios will work - even if I have to use a modded driver. We will see
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