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Everything posted by anassa

  1. The bios chip itself has the marking of: MP8715 F4729217 MPSF27 Still not sure manufacture/type to choose. Just realized that I thought was the bios might not be and I still need to find it. 🤣
  2. So trying to use the CH341A to flash the bios - anyone know what our BIOS chip is? It didn't read it automatically. @srs2236 @1610ftw You guys have any idea? I got the XMG TM bios, Dsanke TM bios, Clevo TM bios, BAKED bios so a few to try out.
  3. I think that might be part of it, the TM came with the RTX20 series, so it may be that the RTX 30 series just need a modded display driver to work. I might first try to just flash a TM one and see how it goes, I can always flash it back too. But we already have many who have successfully installed a 3070/3080 into older P870 or P775 models, I just don't know if they were all TMs or older DM/KM ones. We will see.
  4. Maybe I will need to flash the XMG TM bios or some other TM bios. But then the question is, is it possible to flash the Bios from the Bios??
  5. So with 2080S back in I can boot to Linux Mint 21.3 Mate after I mounted the ISO onto the usb using Rufus. It works! So now how do I get into windows and install a display driver? I think I missed the connect there. Also external monitor doesn't work - unlike the 3070 - but even though I get no display it is obviously still booting into windows desktop. I can even shut it down using shortcuts. @1610ftw
  6. That is actually a great idea! I will also give that driver above a test run. I think I will go back to trying the 2080S instead of the 3070 since the 2080S at least gave me the bios while the 3070 wouldn't.
  7. So just put the gtx1080 back in and screen works fine. So I will keep the gtx1080 until I get time to diagnose it a little more.
  8. External display, have not gotten interal to work yet 😑
  9. Did a Timespy run with 8700k @ 4.5Ghz all core and 3070 +450 memory, +150 core undervolt at 0.837v. Not fine tuned, just put in the numbers and it worked! https://www.3dmark.com/spy/45143270 Overall: 10,770 GPU: 11,495 CPU: 7,937
  10. Good News!! The external monitor helped! I was able to install a modded driver with NVCleanstall. Was able to do a Timespy run with: It looks like it is only the internal laptop monitor that doesn't work. Still need to figure out why the laptop monitor doesn't work. I have not updated the bios from the dsanke bios to XMG or anything else. Just added the external monitor. Did a quick little overclock on the 3070: https://www.3dmark.com/spy/45143270 Looks pretty good.
  11. Just tried a 3070 but it does the same thing except now no Dsanke splash screen. It just stays dark, but makes all the sounds of starting up normally and getting to the desktop. It has to be a display out kind of thing? Or bios? I brought a monitor from the office home, but still need the HDMI cord. Once I have the HDMI cord then I can test to see if an external monitor will work. If not, then it will be re-install the 1080, try the XMG bios and see if we are more lucky.
  12. Nice at least you got the driver installed. I think others will probably have some other ideas, but try to undervolt and see if it helps the pixels disappears. Here is one guide, but again there are more. https://www.msi.com/blog/msi-afterburner-overclocking-undervolting-guide
  13. This is a good price for a 1070 if you want to upgrade to it and give it a try: https://www.ebay.com/itm/266627544924?epid=23052980252&hash=item3e143d775c:g:5SUAAOSw0fplrKsp&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwGDYBRG6kOF3Ol6hKg1z4rUdFaVXIZmcRNo9SBfR7ERUKX1Hd2nzsT5PlHzek5Tyy5%2BQ9g1Su0mKmnZ0rYe0edf4GlXJaWpgyxQGD%2Fvj1VpS4di4K4wcFsaVlei1gbM44607YDx0Zhi3Q1lIy8cGHc25WJCV41uV2Wz5DiOrkFLrcBM1hgFedM8a6B0qyeW3hhYWVSYXRa806jSRpyShxdxx8Lr8ZWqjZ%2F5PeQbbYs%2BH%2BKyNmPpyGgFxLtjYAbx3eQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7zvvZqoYw He has it at 175 OBO with best offer, so maybe he will accept 150 + free shipping but with tax maybe still ~170.
  14. Oh ya flashing green pixels are definitely sign of a toasted card. Try undervolting it and see if it will go away. I had a desktop 980ti that was toasted, but as long as I had it undervolted it would work fine, but that only extended it's life for a year or two. Or you can always "bake" it to see if it will re-solder the connections, but that is also a big risk.
  15. Here is one guide: https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/nvidia-inf-driver-modding-guide.377158/ Maybe that will help, there should be some youtube guides too, it is a pretty common thing to do
  16. Yes thank you, good idea! I think it is time to make a folder with multiple different bios/vbios configurations just incase.
  17. @kela-slk are you saying it doesn't work at all or the 330w psu won't work? I have the eurocom 780w psu so then it should work right? Even if it pulled a lot of power you were still able to see the screen right? Or were you not able to see the screen with the 330w PSU? I will try to flash these and see if I can get the screen working then.
  18. True that, both 40pin and 30pin are eDP. Well we will see with an external if that makes a difference I guess.
  19. @zex4 Do you know why that would be the case? As @srs2236 mentioned we already have 200w 2080 cards that work fine. @Meaker I think I am going to borrow a office monitor and bring it home to see if the external works. I just had an idea - would it have anything to do with the internal display? Since the P750DM2 has 30pin, and the P750TM and any of the ones that came with RTX 20 or newer were all 40pin. I assume this can be confirmed with the external display working. I will try the external sometime this week.
  20. Hey all, So for my P750DM2 I found a 2080 Super from a x170sm. I have the dsanke bios, and with the 2080S I can get into the bios, the dsanke splash screen also come up before I press "F2" to get into the bios. In the bios I can see there is an unknown VGA and the vbios is I was going to use .inf mod, but as soon as I leave the bios the screen stays dark. I can tell that it still gets into the desktop as I can restart with start: "windows+x", "u", "u" for shutdown or "r" for restart. I tried to do a blind vbios flash, but that didn't change anything, I tried to start in safe mode but the display still stays dark. I used DDU to remove the previous driver beforehand too. I don't have an external display btw. Is the 2080S dead? Would it show in the bios if it was dead? Anyone have an idea of what I can try?
  21. How you can forget games like: Starcraft 1 & 2, and expansions Age of Empires 1 Others: Witcher 3 (not interested in the sex scenes though..) NFS games Firewatch (great atmosphere) Portal Counter Strike . . . and there are a ton others. There is never enough time to play through them all.
  22. @aldarxt Thanks for sharing your findings, I actually don't have a RTX 4000 to pull a vbios from, sorry! I wonder if something like the 3070 mobile could be flashed with a 3070ti mobile vbios. Of course it would be risky if the chip had defective cores, but otherwise a nice jump. Both use the GA104 chip. Also interesting is the mobile 3080 is the full GA104 chip just like the desktop 3070ti, the only difference being the VRAM being GDDR6 vs GDDR6X. There is also a 16GB desktop 3070ti version. I think the 3080 just needs more power, sure the GDDR6X has a higher power draw, but it is rated at 290w vs 165w of the 3080. The dekstop 3070 has less cores but still uses 220w, of course laptops have thermal limitations, but still . . . a 220w 3080 card would be interesting I think, and still possible to cool with a P870. For the GTX 10 series this exists: https://github.com/LaneLyng/MobilePascalTDPTweaker Not tried it yet, but might try on my 1080
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