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About DaMafiaGamer

  • Birthday 01/05/1999

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  1. Thanks guys haha, yeah @Vasudev I miss the days you could overclock a 1070 mxm to perform like a desktop 1080 as it had more cuda cores than a 1070 lol. Safe to say Nvidia would NEVER do that again. No vbios locks, could mod the wattage with ease, ah those were simpler times, now you’ve got to deal with NVIDIA’s cancerous dynamic boost, ec limitations and more, that’s not even including the worst: everything being BGA… Now that Clevo abandoned us I’m left looking at framework and those measly 8 lanes of pcie 4.0 the framework 16 offers for the gpu, oh well an upgradable gpu is still something I guess.
  2. Well where do I start? I joined a year and a half ago but have been inactive, partially due to life lol, kids to look after, work… The OG NBR guys would know how it feels haha. I miss the times I’d post up sketchy laptop mods showing crazy wattage pulls, well they’re returning 😂 In that time off the forums I learnt how to code ecu’s, specifically BMW’s with E-Sys, Tool32 and ISTA, provisioning CarPlay, upgrading I Steps and even remapping… quite interesting work and dare I say I enjoy it as much as I did shunt modding haha. I would also like to apologise for not uploading the Clevo Dsanke Bioses, I’ll be updating that thread shortly with the link. Where is the old NBR Gang at, you guys still about? @Papusan @Mr. Fox @Vasudev @jaybee83 @Reciever
  3. Unfortunately bro I bought a GE78HX, going to test the waters and see if that EC limit still exists even with the shunt mod. 😅 I used to get around that hard limit by disabling the Nvidia platform controller in device manager, gives you the full beans for the cpu and gpu…
  4. I’m sorry I never followed this up, life got VERY busy a few days after my post… I’m going to have a look around the forum to see if the link to the bios mod has been posted, if not it will be linked here.
  5. It’s been a while… I think you might have forced me out of an early retirement from laptop modding @seanwee Those timespy numbers are crazy haha makes me want to try it!
  6. I've finally joined! I'll be uploading Clevo/MSI Bios's in a matter of hours. Other mods and such will be posted by the end of this week. Sorry it's taken this long, my hard drive conveniently died after making a comprehensive backup of everything I posted on NBR!
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