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  1. I'm going to see if I can find a right angle down RJ45 adapter and a 90* backwards RJ45 adapter to get the ethernet cable down and under that power line with the rear of the laptop elevated. I expect the power in will already be right angle... if not I'd have to get a 90* for that, too. I dunno... this XPS 17 is looking better and better short term.
  2. I have heard just one momentary whisper of fan noise for about 5 seconds from the 9710/11800H/3050since it arrived April 7. I expected some fan noise when I installed or ran my trading platform, which is a resource hog, but so far I've had none. I don't game, but I've had 40+ windows open with an HD video running and my trading platform spinning in a fast market and Slack and Chess titans on full settings and so far nothing, zero fan noise. Only a 3050, though. I bought these cool little laptop feet for $12 to lift it off the surface a bit but I'm not sure I even need them.
  3. Thanks, I saw that and https://github.com/White-Tiger/T-Clock Was thinking having the ability to put the date and time all on one line instead of stacked might be best option for the smallest size taskbar.
  4. Just acquired a XPS 17 9710 with base display and 3050 after my trusty M6700 finally gave up the ghost. It's been a decade since I had to setup a new laptop, so I'll be asking some dumb questions. Thought I'd finally try this form factor while I wait for the Precision 7770 to become available. First thing I notice, the date is only partially visible? Is there a fix for this? So I finally found a workaround fix. I found this page that shows how to edit registry to make the taskbar smaller, and used a different value: https://shaadlife.com/make-windows-11-taskbar-smaller/ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Add new > DWORD (32-bit) Value named TaskbarSi Double click and set the hex value to 0 for small, 1 for medium (fixed my problem) and 2 for large (pretty big). Now the date is not cut off at all.
  5. So nothing on the big chassis 17” or 17.3” workstation yet, the rumored 7770? Dang, and on the day my M6700 finally bit the dust. What a great laptop she has been. Guess I’m shopping for a 7760 now.
  6. So if you want to find a capture of your old NBR user page google 'notebookreview members/your-old-username' It should give a search result that has the URL. Mine was http://forum.notebookreview.com/members/asleep.59228/ Plug that into the Wayback Machine and it will show you old captures. And speaking of old... 👴
  7. Cool, did not realize. Once it only resolves to the new url then it’s a matter of content content content and time. I think some well titled & placed topics on other forums will help keep the momentum ball rolling. I see https://twitter.com/notebooktalk is a dormant account, I don’t know if it’s available to acquire or not? Having a header design and logo will pretty up the forums a bit, make it look less brand new.
  8. Appreciate y'all doing all this. As for attracting traffic, I'll put the obvious first steps out for discussion: 1) Petition the redirect URL for NBR to at least add this site to their posted suggested options (if not make it the only link): https://www.techtarget.com/technologyguide/ 2) Acquire a URL with NotebookTalk in it (or change forum name to similar one you can acquire.) And after you get things organized here the way you want them... 3) Initiate some SEO for the new site after you settle on final URL. As to content, I really appreciated Aaron's Dell Precision key posts post with links to prior posted troubleshooting and resolution for those models. I think similar posts for other brands/lines will attract more members. But for the most part I think over time you'll get the If you build it they will come response as old and new members discover the new site and filter back in.
  9. Aaron, didn’t you have a 7760 and returned it? What was your experience with it, good & bad? I kinda need to buy something soon and the 7770 seems to be at least months away from being deliverable. I’ve always appreciated how dead quiet my M6700 remained, liked the heat exhaust and ethernet/power out the back.
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