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Everything posted by raptorddd

  1. am on 21H2. service is greyed out i did search and found a registry to disable service. wich it does. it disables service but yet the service its still running. i know Mr fox has a script to remove it nut just want to disable and have the service stopped.
  2. is there a way or a program that would let you see how much time each frequency has spent.? just like in android several apps show you the time each frequency has spent in that state.
  3. congratulations. is there a way to know how many register memeber we have.?
  4. thank you ill keep an eye on this thread. i found a version history. found the preview but downloaded one that says out of band. not sure what this means. i didnt see it when i downloaded. so i runned windows update and wrote down the KB check KB number and it was the one before the outof band.
  5. i have search on how to...but wasnt sure. i just want latest stable. ill try that. question PREVIEW means like beta.? cause recent uploads date has preview on them and from may doesnt include preview word on them. could this be the one.? for x64 2022-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 21H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5015020) Windows 10, version 1903 and later, Windows 10 LTSB Updates 5/19/2022 n/a 665.6 MB
  6. if i were to clean install windows 10 21H2. and i did not wanted to update thru windows update but rather update it offline. i know i can get the update on microsoft update catalog. but i dont know the needed KB # .??? how do you find out the right KB to download.?
  7. what do you donsider hot.? i have no knowledge on gpus. my quadro 2000m runs at 63c. not sure wha temp would be to hot. 147 $ for m5100 that is expensive on amazon.
  8. am not on windows 11 nor do know much about windows upgrades ect. but to me new upgrade would catch my attention only if they make windows better faster than previous versions. like android adds new features. better ram management better battery more performace ect, i think android pie was the last with new feature that were worth the update. i care more about improving performance. than be able to have stickers on desktop.
  9. thanks i havent faced this again but if i do ill try this steps.
  10. thanks i havent faced this again but if i do ill try this steps.
  11. thank you. i already read the whole thread tooks me days. but wanted to be sure i understand all. so m5100 i read about the gpu fan not working. at least thats why i sort of understand. but almost at the end of the thread someone said using A17 bios the fan worked but not optimal speed.. that you had to manually turned them on. also read that some didnt get display on laptop monitor but could use external one. does the m4000 have the same problems.? am just trying to see if i could afford one and that it will work for me..
  12. any one could help.? have quadro 2000m Monitor Name: Samsung 184HT Monitor Name (Manuf): 156HT [DELL P/N: JHNX6] fire pro. m5950 m5100 w5170m any would work fine.?
  13. anyone has used TFX.? does it last long.? i have mx4 and looking for something better. mx4 only last for 1-2 months when i can see higher temps. upon removal of paste i can see some part of has dried. maybe i got a fake mx4. supposely QR code says its geniune.
  14. hi. i did the other suggestion but the turbo boost was disaabled not sure. i checked frequencies and stayed at stock. right now i havent faced any shut offs. maybe because while watching you tube i keep clicking on task bar with mouse button. so you suggest to use the dell driver.... i dont know what is dptf.?
  15. on amazon review someone posted that he used boiling water to make it easier to apply.
  16. am using mx4. i was thinking of trying ssy-157 but i seen videos they say its hard to apply. i also looking for a better paste than mx4 that last long before repaste. i just search TFX reviews says its good but not sure how long it lasts.
  17. what is the name for those pads.? how do i search for them. my gpu had them but at a repair shop they removed them and didnt put them back.
  18. now you get to choose what to apply. instead of a 1 click button apply all tweaks. very good.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaxBYrZFJZM this video shows the best method. by using a cpu made from plexi glass. and and a heatsink installed on it. you can see thru wich one seem best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaxBYrZFJZM
  20. Crash Dump Analysis Crash dumps are enabled on your computer. Crash dump directories: C:\Windows C:\Windows\Minidump On Sat 5/7/2022 11:50:53 PM your computer crashed or a problem was reported Crash dump file: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP (Kernel memory dump) Bugcheck code: 0x9F(0x4, 0x12C, 0xFFFFE703427A9040, 0xFFFFBC010E637880) Bugcheck name: DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE Driver or module in which error occurred: intelppm.sys (intelppm+0x138f) File path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\intelppm.sys Description: Processor Device Driver Product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Company: Microsoft Corporation Bug check description: This bug check indicates that the driver is in an inconsistent or invalid power state. Analysis: The power state transition timed out waiting to synchronize with the PnP subsystem. This is likely caused by a hardware problem, but there is a possibility that this is caused by a misbehaving driver. This bugcheck indicates that a timeout has occurred. This may be caused by a hardware failure such as a thermal issue or a bug in a driver for a hardware device. Read this article on thermal issues A full memory dump will likely provide more useful information on the cause of this particular bugcheck. The crash took place in a Microsoft module. The description of the module may give a hint about a non responding device in the system. On Sat 5/7/2022 11:50:53 PM your computer crashed or a problem was reported Crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\050722-6156-01.dmp (Minidump) Bugcheck code: 0x1000009F(0x4, 0x12C, 0xFFFFE703427A9040, 0xFFFFBC010E637880) Bugcheck name: CUSTOM_ERROR Analysis: Conclusion 2 crash dumps have been found and analyzed. No offending third party drivers have been found. Consider using WhoCrashed Professional which offers more detailed analysis using symbol resolution. Also configuring your system to produce a full memory dump may help you. Read the suggestions displayed in the bugcheck analysis above. The analysis process took 0:00:05 (h:mm:ss).
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