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Everything posted by extremecarver

  1. Well, 2024 we then likely have 90/120hz OLED with 500 nits. If that then comes with Ryzen 4 I will be upgrading from the 16z90P series. The new devices look like another step in the right direction (not sure how battery life will do on the OLED - OLEDS have more room for improvement vs old backlit LEDS)
  2. How are your LG Gram's holding up? In general mine holds up pretty good. Battery degradation is for me noticeable after nearly 2 years of use - but still pretty good. Clearly not as good as it once was however. The main problems are - the super flexible screen - seems to get more dead pixels. I have 8 white pixels if I count correctly. I never had such a problem before that slowly more pixels became dead - but then it's way more flexible display as I ever had before. Luckily the resolution is high so it's only visible on a full black screen (or single color). On the plus side - besides the dead pixels the screen is still very uniform and the backlight hasn't lost power. It's still really hard to see on the balcony in shadow when it's very light in summer however. Would still prefer a semi matte solution (and 50-100nits more brightness). More annoying is the paint slowly loosing touch with the magnesium body. I used a blade to scrape of the paint on the edges because micro bubbles if formed are pretty sharp. I think this happens in combination with sweat. Never had such a problem before on another laptop. It's a bit more annyoing around the touchpad area. Cannot easily flatten it there. Fingerprint reader has clearly become degraded too. Get about 50% wrong results and yes I updated my fingers in Windows. I still used Windows 10 as some days on 11 had much worse battery life so I rolled back and don't plan on upgrading as long as Windows 10 is supported. Keyboard had some keys getting stuck - taking the cap off and putting it back carefully solved it. Great - the display hinge still works like new. Touchpad glass is still very good - and the keyboard hasn't gotten smeary either. The palm rests lost some texture and are a bit stickier - but less so than on other notebooks used before. Overall - not as sturdy as some older Lenovo Thinkpads (e.g. T440s) but actually better than my previous laptop - a Thinkpad T480s (which I never should have bought because it had too many problems right out of the box). I would give it 9/10 (considering the light weight, or 8/10 not regarding the weight). Components/hardware inside all fine - no problems. The chassis of the Gram 16 still holds up very well - even though I often stuffed it into my backpack without any cover while hiking/backpacking/travelling. If I could chose - I would opt for a plain magensium chassis without color however. The main upgrade still would be a brighter and less mirroring display - the second big upgrade of course would be if it used AMD Ryzen platform for even better battery life and thirdly some more supports below the chassis so it flexes less (anything I glued on didn't survive long term). I will wait out I think another 2 years before upgrading - and then hope for a laptop with those problems solved - and also will chose 32GB RAM. Cutting video 16GB RAM is a bit troublesome. I don't compile other stuff on the laptop - I do that remotely on servers (with 64 respectively 128GB RAM) so only video cutting is where the Gram 16 is limited for what I ever did and really noticeable not that fast - it's both the internal graphics and the RAM however which are a factor. I don't cut video often so I do want IGP only as battery life overall is more important to me. I do want to stick to lg gram form factor and weight class with great battery life. Oh yeah in super low temperatures the battery fared really bad. Used it in Nepal at -5° Celsius and the numbers dropped liked a stone. Was happy to get 4 hours or so at those temps. Yeah my T440s didn't do better but never had such a great battery life in first place (meaning it lost comparatively less).
  3. You can downgrade to windows 10. I would not bother with the problems of 11. But then even with 10 I'm using classic start menu (like 7) and lots of other old functionality... I would not bother until there is windows 12. 11 is just like 8 a version to omit..
  4. The score on the 2021 was plain rubbish. I never scored below 1800 and that's with 26-27 degrees, and usually around 2000, can push 2200 if in front of Aircon or 2400 in winter outside. So it's 2000 Vs 2979. That's the max real multicore improvement you will get. Usually it's a but lower. Single core anyhow not much change.
  5. Notebookcheck tested the 17" 2022, only 10-20% faster (except cinebench r20 that increase by 25%), less battery life and better matte display, that's about it for changes. Then however windows 11 simply still uses more battery than windows 10. Not sure how much of the worse battery life actually is due to crappy 11. Only the dedicated GPU version has much more power because of increased cooling. As the i5 runs into heat problems very quickly the i7 again won't be any faster, maybe again a bit slower in real life. So far only German language test is published...
  6. There are some new low quality reviews out - the only interesting thing is that they had the brightness at around 350-370nits. So likely brightness was improved a bit (within the lottery). Yeah you get more CPU power (same graphic power without the additional graphic card) at the expense of battery life - and a matte screen. With low prices for the last year version could also buy last year and exchange screen I guess.
  7. Still no quality reviews of the gram 2022 except the Korean one? Cannot find any - even though it's available to buy in many markets for a month or so... The 16z90p could be had for around 950 euros on sale. Great deal (i5/16GB/W10pro)
  8. Same I rolled back to 10 after 11 was just worse overall and I could not find a single improvement for myself
  9. Yep the 2-1 are heavier and of course not matte. It seems the LG gram are in stock now, while the older versions can be found at good discounts. 1100 euro for the 16z90p in the German business version 16GB, windows Pro, i5-1135 for example. The 16z90q goes for 1500 euro minimum now. That's about 100 euros more than last year the P models with 16GB. Oh my power cord broke after not much use at all. Well doesn't matter, it was heavy all along so I don't mind it was used as backup only. But he'll, power adapters with fixed cables are rubbish anyhow knowing that usb-c cables aren't the most robust anyhow.
  10. For a full upgrade U agree. If you can get the panel around 180usd somewhere and often work in light environment, it's a bit different. The rtx2050 version surely will be around twice as fast for heavy load on all cores. As for the single fan version I would doubt that. Though of course maybe the fan spins faster, is a bit larger? Otherwise don't expect more than 40% increase on all core and 10% on single core load. Exchange against a bit less battery life. LG decided to put quite a powerful alder lake inside. They could have gone for the 15w version too and let it run at 25w and get better battery life but worse performance. I'm pretty sure the 2P core alder Lake will be around the same or better than tiger lake quad core in battery life. Windows 11 of course is way worse than 10 so far. And with alder lake downgrading to 10 may make little sense.
  11. https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/515401256 So the first standard LG gram 16 surfaced. It's single cooler like 2021 only. Screen measures at 367 nits. Identical to the portable screen. So I think I may just order a new panel to upgrade my 2021 model once they show up... If you want more performance you need to order the rtx model or we need to find a way to get the dual cooler retrofit to other models. So the anti glare is a semi gloss? Or is it really grainy? Where did they settle?
  12. are there any updates yet? I haven't found anything. Bit strange Korea is so quiet...
  13. Most important is the Intel graphics driver and making sure the display self refresh stuff is activated. Without it no S10 and way higher power consumption. Make sure all power saving stuff there except darkening your display are activated. The rest is the usual stuff mainly important to disable processes and enable devsleep for the nvme. Make sure the nvme supports it. 4w should be easily possible even though Windows 11 is not battery friendly. Downgrade to 10 for better battery life. On the 16 I can get down to 1.6-1.7w with display on. Minimum brightness, or 2.4w at 50 percent or so. Don't exactly remember
  14. No that's the same overweight huge charger as last year. There are half as heavy half size 60w chargers out there. The gram max charges at 50w anyhow
  15. But the battery runtime while surfing/video was worse even though it has bigger battery. Can you take out the dgpu? Cause disabling doesn't seem to work usually.. (or maybe if disabled in bios it will?).
  16. Yes read on old forum. Not sure if this now is the most frequented forum for LG Gram
  17. I guess the graphics card itself 10g, battery 35g, heatpipe and second fan 45g. Alternatively graphic card 20g, battery 70g??? As the overall battery weighs 330g for 80wH it I am correct, the 90wh should be around 360-365g. So solution 2 seems unlikely. Or am I wrong on the weight of a mobile graphic card? And both models have the new dual heatpipe? At least the old LG gram 16 usually was 1150g so there are 40g increase for the new model without GPU.. Could be some in between solution, Like both have two heatpipes nie, but GPU Version geht's a Second Fan too. I guess second heatpipe is half the game. Two heatpipes are desperately needed. Two fans. Not soo much as they are besides each other. Would be different with two locations. So far all other laptops tested where H models with 100w cooling or more. They managed up to twice the results on benchmarks. I'm sure P series can be much faster with stronger cooling plus upping the temperature limit to 100 instead of 90. 26-90 is only 64 degree Delta vs the usual 80 (20-100) of laptops tested. That's why there is 10-20 percent higher benchmarks possible for the gram, but for sure other P series will be faster and using more power/battery. That's fine. 35-40w cooling is enough for a huge difference Vs older LG Gram at only tiny weight penalty. It's clear the alder lake P28 needs a bit more performant cooling else the power increase will be much less (maybe 30 percent). Remember 28w should be the base power, and the old cooling solution only managed 22-24w depending on room temperature. So for putting the P series I really want 30-35w cooling capacity (even though I assume the P series will be more efficient than I above 10-15w, while less efficient below, from 30-35w or above the H series will be more efficient due to having more cores)
  18. Deleting the DTS crap makes sound volume louder. For some places I still need third party tools to increase volume however.
  19. https://quasarzone.com/bbs/qc_qsz/views/1266221 Here is the review. Super detailed nearly notebookcheck quality (except no comparison to other notebooks and the missing review on the coating) Edit: strangely the only thing they tested the non GPU model for is battery life. While the GPU model got 13:11 hours application mode, the non GPU model got 13:51 hours. I would want to see the benchmarks or opening up the case to see if the non GPU model has the same cooling solution or not.. the cooling on the GPU model is vastly superior to the old Gram. Note they tested at 26 degrees room temperature. At 20 degrees you would get about 10 percent higher numbers! I guess the screen is semi glare which is perfect, based on the pictures, but it seems identical otherwise to the 2021 model. I guess non GPU i5 would get another hour of battery life, if it's the same with alder lake Vs tiger lake. For sure the i7 is throttling so bad that effectively the i5 is same speed. Even worse should the Double heatpipe only be on the GPU model. The only difference is CPU speed, and the top end will be a few seconds only before throttling, so effectively no need for i7. Oh Yeah, if the battery life test was at 120nits/55percent brightness it is not improved over 2021 but identical.. not sure what the efficiency cores do then except improving multi core performance. This is a bit disappointing to me for alder lake knowing the gram has the most efficient base out there more or less that exists in x86. I have not yet seen any other P alder lake review. In the video there is talk about video editing. I don't understand it though, it's still too slow? That would be quite important to me, the old Gram simply doesn't cut 4k videos in Adobe Premiere. Otherwise quite surely we can soon find the new panel for 250 USD or so to buy and upgrade in the 2021 gram.it should be compatible without problems. Yes expensive but best solution to anti glare.
  20. There is already a Korean very detailed review out. The changes are not ending there. The version with graphic cards gets a 90wH battery, dual heatpipe and dual vent. It is 95g heavier. Sadly they do not say anything about the type of coating, and the screen is only 330nits average. Battery life no comparison to older model. The performance is up about 80 percent on multicore. 3450 cinebench r20. Actually that review is the very first review I can find for any alder lake P processor! You can surely again ditch the i7 and go for the i5 at same performance multi core and slight degradation single core. If you get no GPU I expect performance to be way worse as I would expect the old heatpipe because weight didn't change. I cannot find that review anymore. Maybe it was pulled because not supposed to be published already? Well besides the screen I think LG did everything right. Needs confirmation that the non GPU model sticks with old cooling, but essentially the new cooling was enough for 55watts sustained GPU and CPU power. So twice the old cooling, while still being super silent and off for surfing the web, or idle . The quiet mode turned out more performant than the normal mode. Performance mode is needed for real proper numbers as in quiet / normal the processor would throttle already around 70 degrees instead of 90 for performance mode. I hope the screen was pre production, but the panel number was new with a 2 Vs the old LG gram so unlikely. If they included a 500 nits anti glare panel with 90wH battery with new heatpipe, but without GPU I would instantly order to upgrade
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