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Everything posted by Prema

  1. Someone had to do it: Especially since we won't see anything new from Nvidia on the Notebook front for a while and Intel just pushing their re-fresh...
  2. The new power button seems to work: https://www.3dmark.com/spy/40645089
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome! Yeah, at first it was kinda difficult to find the power button, but now I almost never miss it... I've soldered an additional power button now, just to make sure:
  4. Life's good bro! Though it's been a little hot lately (isn't it everywhere?), could use some sort of cooling for benching. That run above was during a "cold" 20c night... 😅
  5. Oh, hi there strangers! 🙏 My name is Prema and I heard you do like benchmarks: https://www.3dmark.com/spy/40266707
  6. Here you go for FAN and pump speed control of the water-cooling unit: https%3A%2F%2Fstore-g9br3.mybigcommerce.com%2Fcontent%2FDrivers%2FControl%20Center%2FControlCenter_4.23.47.3_Eluktronics.zip
  7. THX guys! Good to see the old gang hanging in there...I assume life has been rather unusual for many of us since 2020... come again
  8. Got to 'remote play' with this one yesterday: It's a real shame that Intel now not only blocks their usual 4x overclocking bins but also undervolting as well as BCLK changes on their current generation of mobile chips...
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