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Everything posted by 1610ftw

  1. If all else fails you may want to swap your 11900K for a previous gen 10 core CPU. These do not seem to have the shutdown issues even with earlier software and they also have superior multi-core performance. If you continue to have the shutdown issues with one of those you may have a defective board.
  2. If someone needed at least 17" and more than 2 memory and/or storage slots there would be a much smaller selection. The X170KM-G offers that.
  3. Yes I know the studiobook. I was talking about the Zbook 16 G9. It does not hold that kind of die but it still has an MXM style GPU and all that memory and storage (4+4). If you would scale that chassis to 18" the HP could use almost the entire added real estate on the motherboard for a bigger die and even free some additional space by going with a BGA instead of MXM solution that would be better suited to handle the 4090 chip and its bandwidth requirements. Again I do not think this will happen but it would be possible to do that.
  4. This is the wrong thinking for an ultra high end card - of course it will only be in a few select laptops. But these days we just pretend that a card is ultra high end in order to then sell many more then if there was a truly high end offer. Motherboards would not have to ditch a ton of things if they finally went back to stacking things in laptops - HP does this in an extremely compact 16" chassis with 4 memory sticks and 4 full size NVME slots and a vapor chamber so an 18" version of that chassis surely could handle the 4090 chip as most of its additional real estate could go to the GPU and that would be a lot of real estate going from 16 to 18". But yes this will probably stay a pipe dream. As brother @Papusan points out the numbers make a lot more sense with what we have now - pretending that something is special that can be built and accommodated much more easily is a sure fire way to make a lot more money. It helps that these pretender chips can be put into almost every half decent laptop chassis while a truly high end chip would be relegated to only a few units.
  5. They could have just kept everything as it is now but with names adjusted to one tier lower. Then introduce the 4090 chip in super high end laptops that can go up to at least 250W and preferably more if the laptop manufacturer is crazy enough. That would have been fun. Now there is only some fun in the Intel and soon AMD CPU's but the GPUs are at best meh. Before I would have thought that the 4070 would be reasonably cheap and a bit better than last generations 3080 Ti but now it really looks like it is the least interesting card for this generation. As I said somewhere else if one isn't adverse to (for me) hideous gaming looks the Asus Strix G18 looks interesting with 2.5K with the 4080 and I also have to mention the Tongfang/Uniwill water cooling solutions with 16 and 17" screens that seem to be priced quite well. Other than that lots of high priced stuff that does not really add a lot with regard to performance.
  6. Thanks for the clarification - I did not know if the 2 x 4GB may have been Samsung memory but I somehow doubted that you would be very happy with a total of 8GB memory 😄
  7. I think Nvidia made a boo-boo there. They were probably shooting for a mildly disappointing 10 to 15% increase and instead completely missed the boat. At least 3070Ti laptops will fly off the shelves now...
  8. What a blunder - I guess we will see if Nvidia makes a few changes with all the bad reviews pouring in.
  9. That has got to be one of the biggest blunders in this generation - take a family of far superior chipsets and go down so many tiers that finally with something like the 5th tier chip you cannot even surpass the direct mobile predecessor in raster performance with what used to be the second best and now third best mobile card. What is interesting is that when there was an early leak the 4070, 4080 and 4090 were really close with regard to performance in Time Spy and now the difference between the 4070 and the 4090 is huge and that is even before we are looking at memory: This was wccftech via notebookcheck: https://www.notebookcheck.net/Nvidia-Ada-RTX-4080-Ti-mobile-and-RTX-4070-mobile-score-significant-leads-over-the-RTX-3080-Ti-Laptop-GPU-in-leaked-Time-Spy-benchmark.669440.0.html Apparently somebody at Nvidia had second thoughts about performance and both made the 4070 20% worse and the 4090 20% better. All of a sudden the 4070 does not look like a good value any more relative to the 4090 and 4080!
  10. I am tempted by that 10900K! Your signature says; ZtecPC X170SM-G Prema | SL 10900k | Nvidia RTX 2080 Super (Currently DOA) | Corsair 3800 @ 3200 14-14-14 | 17.3" 1080p 144hz So it still has that screen and the Prema bios and I take it that the memory is not the Corsair but something different?
  11. First thing is of course that you should try to fix your unit. If that fails or isn't worth it then I would recommend to go with a Dell or HP workstation. Build quality will be better and you will get a socketed GPU (or no GPU) if you want and parts availability should be better 5 years down the road and the same seems to go for overall reliability. Depending on where you live you may also get great offers on refurbed units directly from the manufaturer with added warranty package options. What made Clevo special to many of us was the ability to swap the CPU and/or GPU which isn't possible any more and then there was the @Prema bios which also is a thing of the past it seems as at least for now he has moved on to Tongfang / Uniwill but they so far do not have much of a track record for longevity so I would not recommend them for a laptop that you want to keep for such a long time.
  12. Saw that, too - looks promising and that was apparently without overclocking so it would be around 37K stock and not just for an exceptional outlier. That is if TDP does really scale to double what the 7745 gets which I am not sure about but still this will be a chance to get 35K+ CR23 without blowing 200W on the CPU alone. Too bad that these 16 core CPUs will probably not come with Thunderbolt support that I would currently still need for 10G network speed. Edit: Just saw that the 7745 needed 95W for that score so it would be 190W for double the number of cores with everything else being the same - that would not really be that much better than the current top of the line Intel chips and with a lower single core performance.
  13. Thnaks for trying that - quite a difference in temps and fan noise 🙂 77°C and barely audible vs roaring fans and close to 100°C on the laptop - one can only do so much with so little volume... In my tests I have found that on a laptop one can easily go 10% higher with a unlocked CPU when one only has to complete a single run vs. even a 10min. run. Over 10 minutes sustained power will rear its ugly head and usually it will turn out that most laptops can only sustain something between 80 and 125W of CPU power over a longer time period and even less with non-deafening fan noise.
  14. I prefer a unified heat sink for laptops. This can then be combined with user adjustable power limits for the GPU and CPU. As for your system a combined 700+ Watt for CPU and GPU is probably a tad unrealistic in a laptop 😉 A realistic goal would be 350 to 400W air cooled and as an add-on 450 to 550W water cooled. Offer that in a 4 to 4.5kg chassis and many people would go for it as they seek the best of the best in a laptop.
  15. Excellent, will you also get the liquid propulsion package?
  16. Hehe, obviously you do not get 40K+ for nothing 🙂 I found somebody on Reddit who claims to have reached 37K with his air cooled 13900K at 220W but with a very small undervolt:
  17. We will see in due time I guess if others come close. As for median scores on notebookcheck.com they do not come from single but from repeated runs and the HX processors seems to react very favorably to undervolting as they are power constricted. So at 200W I can see that an aggressive undervolt may increase performance by 20% or a bit more. As for other numbers I think gizmosliptech recently got about 33K+ on an Asus 18" with no special cooling and there was also a video of the MSI GT77 at a show where it reached over 33K with obviously no special cooling. On top of that the Asus only needed 170W to reach 33K so with some time for tinkering, cooler ambient temps and an excellent bin I would not be surprised if the 13980HX can reach that much and probably more like 33 to 34K for everyday use. What is a good air cooled score for the 13900K these days? Looks like most people are into liquid cooling so it is hard to get any reliable numbers. In any case even non LN2 cooled desktop processors still seem to be ahead by about 15 to 30% on average mostly due to the obvious advantages in cooling and power delivery but that is a lot better than with GPUs where the difference is more like double that amount due to excessive and unnecessary chip and power delivery constraints.
  18. Highest CB R23 core so far at more than 37K - probably really good silicon to achieve this at only 200W. I am VERY astonished about only 92^C - this is either an exceptional specimen or some added cooling is going on there. MSI Titan GT77 HX 13980HX and "4090" GPU Say what you will but Intel is putting Nvidia to shame with the performance that they allow us to have in laptops.
  19. Hmm, why not go for a desktop then? I guess it could make sense as a portable machine for people who have two of the watercoolers in two different places and they can then carry that thing between these places but I would prefer a laptop that does not depend on a watercooler to achieve decent performance. The X170 heatsink that is an improved conventional heatsink with added watercooling capabilitiy is a more universal design although it probably is just as heavy as this monster 🙂
  20. I take it you got the SSD heatsink, too - how are temperatures with it? That laptop must weigh about 12 lbs with all these goodies installed - that is quite some weight in such a relatively compact package 🙂
  21. It is possible you will be limited with regard to multipliers and undervolting so unless you get a great deal on a 1290E I would pass - even a 10850K will be a better option and if you want to have a decent shot at above average silicon go for the 10900KF.
  22. LOL@Asus looking unprofessional - my thoughts exactly which is a shame as they seem to know a thing or two about cooling and I also like their keyboard layout.
  23. Here is the most important part for people who want to game in 4K: THE DESKTOP GPU IS 66.53% FASTER THAN THE LAPTOP GPU IN 25 GAMES Those who can should get a QHD capable 4070 and at home game with a desktop - over two laptop generations the savings will pay for that desktop PC and QHD is perfect for even an 18" screen.
  24. Check out the Asus G18, too - that one might be priced very competitively and it has a nice big 18" screen. Alienware could also be a candidate depending on the CPU you want. And indeed no point waiting for Clevo - if it comes to BGA books others can do that better unless you need a 3rd or 4th SSD slot.
  25. That is a Rog Strix - would also be interested to hear which one. Rog Strix G18 seems to be the best bang for the buck this generation at 2.5K with the 4080 and the 13980HX. I cannot stand how these look and they only have two memory and storage slots but if 2+2 slots and the looks are OK they offer excellent performance from what I can see. @Talon is it correct that the CPU only went up to 84°C for that 33K CR23? That would be extremely impressive!
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