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Everything posted by 1610ftw

  1. No comment on Nvidia, they are losing whatever credibility they may have had in the laptop realm with their ridiculous naming - roughly 3080 performance out of a severely pared down desktop 4080 chip that is then called 4090? Yeah right.... Intel keeping it real on the other hand, 13700HX is an apt name for that CPU and indeed more memory speed would be nice, especially with 4 kits installed in DTRs.
  2. If you look closely above the performance has already been posted. Nvidia apparently could not make up their mind from the start about how to name the top tier card but when in fantasy land it is apparently best to go all in and they thought that with no performance relation to anything in the desktop sector any more why not call the GN21-X11 GPU the RTX 4090. As you can see in the chart in my post somebody may have suggested that 4080 ti would be a more fitting name given the (lack) of performance of that GN21-X11 GPU but the marketing department seems to have prevailed and went with an "easier" nomenclature of 4070/4080/4090 instead of the other two options. So to sum things up from what it currently looks like for the top tier GPUs: initial naming convention: 4070/4080 Ti / 4090 leaked TimeSpy benchmarks 4070/4080/4080 Ti names based on HP Omen release infos: 4070/4080/4090 option that would have seemed more logical based on performance and chips being used: 4070/4070 Ti/4080 Compare that to Intel where the desktop 13700 and the laptop 13700HX are much more similar and where it could be argued that they are close enough for the laptop version to be rightfully called 13700HX. Nvidia on the other hand chose a chip that is by all accounts based on a dumbed down version of the desktop 4080, put it in a laptop with severe power restrictions and called it 4090. As somebody else said: They do not call them Ngreedia for nothing....
  3. That guy is great and doing society a real service by saving all this hardware from the electronics trash bin, love it.
  4. That is the difference between wanting something to be a certain way and reality. At the top end there is only Nvidia who completely obliterate the competition of AMD and Intel, no wishful thinking will change that. And they are efficient, too so they will also rule the laptop world. I am very happy that I am interested more in CPUs than GPUs as I would rather not give Nvidia loads of money for the 4080, 4090 or one of their mislabled mobile cousins.
  5. Thanks for testing that. I have been a proponent for a two brick solutions for these laptops for some time now. Use a really big one in the place where it is used most intensely and a lighter one for traveling and at least it will not be power limited any more. Would be interesting to see if running a TimeSpy test you see any differences in power consumption and score. With current gen MSI units I have seen short peaks of up to 350 and a sustained draw of well beyond 235W.
  6. 13700HX spotted in the new HP Omen in Romania: https://wccftech.com/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4090-16-gb-4080-12-gb-4070-8-gb-4060-8-gb-laptop-gpus-confirmed-by-retailer/ The jokster 4090 mobile moniker seems confirmed - Nvidia obviously has no shame - and interestingly not even the top HP model seems to get the 13900HX.
  7. Well you can hope for that but the early leaks indicate a 17300 TimeSpy score for the 4080ti mobile - hope they will not be stupid enough to call it 4090 mobile. As you know one can easily do 17500 with a stock desktop 3080: courtesy of notebookcheck: https://www.notebookcheck.net/Nvidia-Ada-RTX-4080-Ti-mobile-and-RTX-4070-mobile-score-significant-leads-over-the-RTX-3080-Ti-Laptop-GPU-in-leaked-Time-Spy-benchmark.669440.0.html Edit: New leak from a Romanian site seems to indicate that the top tier will be indeed named 4090 which imo is a joke as the desktop card is by now about twice as fast in stock condition. The sweet spot seems to be the 4070 which is about 12% slower and costs about 35% less, at least in that HP Omen model: https://wccftech.com/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4090-16-gb-4080-12-gb-4070-8-gb-4060-8-gb-laptop-gpus-confirmed-by-retailer/
  8. I have no issue with Clevo releasing the usual BGA books that everybody else does these days but releasing such a run of the mill design and give it the name X270 is at least misleading. Getting under the hood will only be for swapping memory and storage these days and maybe you'll be lucky to be able to upgrade your wifi card. Sad state of affairs. Still 18" and 13900HX is exciting, much more so than graphics that seem to be on track to give us approximately the stock performance of last gens 3080 desktop cards.
  9. Not sure I will be able to do iGPU only but that would be cool. An iGPU only mode is a nice feature on the Alienware 18 and several MSI units I had/have.
  10. Only on the X170KM-G as the iGPU isn't connected on the SM-G. No idea how much it will help with better battery life but I am going to find out 🙂
  11. OK guys, I would like to bring my X170KM-G up to speed and try the special bios that allows me to enable Optimus. Currently EC and Bios are both 1.07.01 and I was thinking to first update to EC1.07.04 and the regular Bios 1.07.08 and then in the next step to the unlocked bios that has thankfully been provided by brother @ViktorV Any obvious issues with that or some in between steps that I might be missing?
  12. How the mighty have fallen... I would rather get an MSI GE77HX instead or the big Tongfang with watercooling. X170 was king of the hill, this is just another middling laptop with a 12700H, 2 memory sticks and 2 SSDs. I hope that Intel paid them well and that in exchange they can release another socketed model in the next generation - then it would be worth it 🙂
  13. Make that for laptops keeping up with desktops, being upgradable and easily serviceable. On their own the performance can certainly be impressive and laptops are just more portable than your average high end watercooling rig - at least that has improved even though it has improved to the detriment of performance. But yeah, much less fun in getting a BGA book and about the only thing you can do without voiding the warranty is to tinker with the thermal paste. What bugs me the most is that not even the CPUs can be swapped any more as this would be easy and not depend on a certain green, red or blue GPU company supporting manufacturers with hardware. But then without help in updating microcode to support all CPUs that fit on a socket this would again be turning out to be a one generation solution like almost all of the last Alienwares, Clevos and MSIs that had a socketed CPU.
  14. Looks like the tragic loss of the Clevo DTR team at the 2021 company outing
  15. I still like socketed designs as they are really nice for tinkering and when out of warranty they give you a lot more options / less costs with defects but indeed until I see it I will not believe that we get an upgradable laptop again with intergenerational upgradability like we had for so many years with the Clevo units for CPU and GPU. Even then this was all mainly aftermarket as the manufacturers never officially supported this at a price that could be considered interesting so this is something else to consider. I hope you will be right that we get some OLED or Mini LED, too as the first new screen where we have specs is a classic TFT model but with 165Hz and 480(!)Hz: https://www.panelook.com/resmodlist.php?st=&pl=&so_attr=&resolutions[]=8400&panel_size_inch=1800 And I would definitely tell you that getting the X170 is a good idea - it even has a sub and can get very loud which is rare for a laptop.
  16. At least they do not get up your hopes like Clevo and Alienware before only to then offer no upgrades whatsoever. I got the X170KM-G here and I knew there would not be any CPU upgrades but it is getting really disappointing when there are also no GPU upgrades. But then as an owner of the last socketed Clevo you know what I am talking about...
  17. One could get the impression that you kind of like Alienware laptops 😉 Indeed truly intergenerational upgrades seem to be a thing of the past as even in cases where the hardware would easily support it for CPUs neither Clevo nor Dell have come through for us. Not sure about the panel as so far only a 2560 x 1600 panel has popped up (and that would be my preference) but I would expect that we will see both that resolution and a 3840 x 2400 option. Maybe not right from the start but if 18" catches on.
  18. Upgradability has mostly become a tease - just look at the last Clevo notebooks with sockets - no upgrades possible for the last 17.3" and the two last 15.6" laptops. I still welcome the serviceability with potentially cheaper repairs and the chance to go for the highest possible CPU with a lesser GPU but there isn't something like a real upgradability any more. As for being skinny I think this is a given and I resent it almost as much as the BGA build.
  19. Probably a BGA book but still pretty cool to see 18" make a comeback. Wouldn't be surprised to also see an MSI GT88, a Dell 7880 or a Zbook 18.
  20. Will have to check with the new unlocked firmware but when I tried with the old locked firmware it wasn't possible.
  21. Has anybody already activated Optimus and checked out how much battery life improves? I am planning to possibly have a quick look this week after updating the bios on mine but it would be cool to hear from other members. Also is there any way to use the 4th SSD slot with a 10900K? It is really annoying to lose one SSD slot but I am not interested in downgrading from 10 to 8 cores.
  22. Speaking of Macrium, yesterday my 1TB WD 850 system SSD disappeared and my 7760 would not boot any more. Turns out that it was the SSD after all after I first had a suspicion it was the PCIE 4.0 slot. Unfortunately for me I tried another SSD in there and wanted to do it the quick and dirty way as the SSD was a bit too large for the Dell supplied SSD bracket and then I saw this morning that there was the small switch that only gets pressed down when using the bracket - helps to have enough light when doing that kind of work 😄 In any case the backup went really well as I had internal backups up to 1 hours before the crash and my preconfigured recovery pen drive and a spare SSD, too. Could have happened while I was away and it would not have been much of an issue. So very pleased with Macrium - that was quick and effortless or at least it would have been if I had not missed that tiny black switch....
  23. Yep, completely unnecessary and not smart at all to complicate fan control like that once you realize that not all users have the same goals and tolerance to noise - impossible to please everybody. Not sure though I would hold the bios settings against HP in particular - they probably do not expect a normal user to spend any substantial amount of time in the bios and my Dell also tends to get louder when in its bios for a while.
  24. I think that I must have about a dozen of those licences by now - always buy them in packs of 4 🙂
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