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Everything posted by Taraquin

  1. https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/tool-mirror-added-universalamdformbrowser/40353 A way to access hidden bios features like memory overclocking etc on Ryzen notebooks. I consider getting a cheap Legion/Ideapad just for the fun if itπŸ˜‰ More info and real life testing: Ram overclock from 3200c22 to 3733c20 and tuned subs knocked off 23ns in aida and improved SOTTR by 25%!
  2. I often miss my P651RS-G. Sold it almost 2 years ago. It had a lot if good stuff: -G-sync -Tweakable bios (I overclocked and tuned ram from 2133cl15 to 2400cl14 with tight subs, got me up to 15% more fps in some games). Even supported 2666+ OC but my ram couldn't handle that. -Max charge setting on battery -Easy to open -Very nice temps repasted with Kryonaut (CPU -4C, GPU -2C), undervolted core and cache by -140/-190mv lowered temps by 10C, and UV/OC on GPU (1850@850mv, 3% better perf, 2C lower temps) and cooling pad with fan -2C on both. In Witcher 3 temps dropped from near 90C CPU/76C GPU to 70C/70C. Only thing I disliked was fan profile. Around 49dB even with UVs applied, wish I could run fans a bit slower at a bit higher temps. I have been looking for a similar notebook later (g-sync, ram tuning in bios, charge limiter, easy maintenance and tuneable fan profiles), but found no candidates I could afford. Some MSI titans fit the discription, but cost 2500usd+.
  3. Usually a flat line starting between 800 and 900mv somewhere at around 1800-1950MHz is best. 1800 is usually stable at 800mv or slightly above, 900mv may be able to run 1950MHz. Find the highest stable. If you have room to spare powerwise try slightly over 900mv.0
  4. Awesome project mate, glad it worked out πŸ™‚ Tip for OC: Use curve editor in afterburner instead of +MHz for OC. On my 1070 I could bare use +50MHz before I got powerlimit at 115W. Using curve editor making curve flat from 850mv I got 1850MHz stable using 110-115W som slightly below powerlimit. Temps down by 5C vs stock, performance up by 3-5%.
  5. Desktop is way easier :) Where do I find like emote? Was gonna give you but cant find it. Maybe phonebrowser issue?
  6. With 10th gen maybe, with 11th gen less likely unless gear 2. 4 dimms is not good for speed πŸ˜• IMC on 11th gen desktop is shit, very hard on good MB to get over 3733 in gear 1, 10th gen do 4000+ easy, some even 4500+. Rocket lake is not good, terrible efficiency, but okay with undervolt.
  7. 11th gen has gear 1/2 stupidity? Gear 2 is way slower, but much easier on IMC. I helped a couple of fellows on their MSI Titan with 10900K. 3200 was max for both, they got ok timings with Hynix DJR.
  8. I think it was platinum in hydra (3 cores could run 5.1GHz+ on 1.35v, 1 5GHz), 2 was in the 4.9 territory. Age 4 and Cyberpunk is the most CPU demanding I play. I have tuned ram (4000cl16 1t B-die) so it will have more CPU headroom than a 5600X running 3600 xmp. Ryzen 5k is very temp sensitive, as long as temps are below 70C it will run allcore about 150MHz faster vs 80C. Static OC tends to give more stable temps, while CO+PBO give more fluctuations, if a certain temp threshold is reached using PBO+CO allcore will drop and I can see that this may be beneficial in certain games that hit allcore heavy. Early patches of CP2077 used some avx2, that was a true CPU killer.
  9. I haven`t noticed fluctuations in performance when gaming with pbo+co. Lows are the same as static, but I get slightly better overall performance due to higher single core. Could be a few games where it matters, but haven`t noticed it in any of the games I play (SOTTR, TW3, CP2077). Within the same power limit my CO+PBO is superior to allcore OC on my setup, but I`m quite lucky and can run -28x1, -29x1 and -30x4 on my 5600X. both 4.6 allcore and my current pbo (it runs at 4.6 avg) uses around 75-76W, but I miss out on 250MHz singel core using allcore oc which lowers avg fps in some games like SOTTR.
  10. On my 5600X allcore speed went from 4.35 to 4.6 using -30 neg CO. Comparable allcore OC is 4.6GHx which consumes around 76W, but I miss out on the 4.85 SC boost so in general I would say CO is superior to allcore OC, especially if you game.
  11. Do you get tuning access to ram on this notebook? I see there are som 5600 ddr5 so-dimms being launched now. If lucky some 4800cl40 chips can be Hynix which on desktop may do 6400cl30+. 2 dimms seem to help a lot vs 4 dimms so even though so-dimm is underwhelming vs regular dimm one may be able to do 6000 ish on this notebook with Hynix?
  12. I had the P651RS with 6700HQ and 1070 from 2016 to 2019. It was perfect for me, g-sync, IPS, could undervolt CPU, easy to change thermal paste, overclocked and tuned ram, undervolted/overclocked GPU. It was awesome πŸ™‚ Many MSI laptops can be perfect with their advanced bios, but most lack g-sync due to no MUX or advanced optimus, that is the downside. The ones that has adaptive sync tends to be 2000usd+.
  13. Thx! Sounds good. Ain`t got a notebook atm, just desktop, but will probably get a notebook again soon when I find a perfect model (advanced bios for ram oc\cpu mods and adaptive sync).
  14. Using curve optimizer you can get quite good scores with 5950X even at 88W PPT. I agree that they should have made higher cap possible, but you can get quite good scores at 88W and neg CO πŸ™‚ If it's possible to lower soc, vddg, vddp etc you can free up aditional performance for cores aswell.
  15. Was active in the Clevo section with tuning etc, was sad to see NBR disappear, hope this will be the spiritual sucessor!
  16. I see in some reviews it has adaptive sync, others says it doesn`t, the display supports it but there is not MUX-switch, however advanced optimus should support it, I guess it has asvanced optimus since it had a 30-series GPU? Anyone got it and can share their experience? Seems like the perfect notebook for me if it has adaptive sync since price is good and you can tune a lot in bios which I really like after having different Clevos for years (overclocking\tuning ram, undervolting CPU etc).
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