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Everything posted by Azther

  1. ah cool, sorry havent checked the forums in ages, life got in the way. thats a rather strange adapter design compared to mine
  2. from what i remember mine worked fine it just didnt show up in bios since it wasnt officially supported. i cloned my OS onto the NVMe and it booted just fine. Mines a V2 adapter for reference
  3. ive been away for awhile on the forum but this topic looks promising. i have a m18x r1 with a 780m in it. so would be nice to have possible upgrade paths
  4. not sure what gen drive your using but for me, its a gen3 ssd. so it maxes out at 3200mb/s. Havent tried a faster one as im quite content with gen3 speeds
  5. Azther

    LastPass Hack

    And people thought i was being overly paranoid for using KeePassXC instead for an offline portable solution lol, sad that this has occurred but on the other hand glad i decided to go the offline route.
  6. think the main appeal for the IoT variant is its activated via HWID instead of KMS and ofcourse the 10 year support vs the 5 year support of the non-IoT
  7. yeah aeroglass was pretty awesome, shame it doesnt work on the latest LTSC.
  8. ah i see, its more the case that the themes i originally posted here were wba themes, so i assume they wont work or load into curtains. Your looks pretty amazing tho edit: just realized ur only using curtains for transparency rather then for the entire theme, so i guess yours is an msstyles theme
  9. Figured id post this for those who decide to experiment with display OCing so they know what to expect on these older displays. Recently went on holiday so had the laptop powered down for a few days and this is what happens when the display is cold. Takes a few minutes to warm up and as it does so the pixels come on row by row going down the screen until it all comes on. So if you are OCing and see this dont panic, it just needs time to warm back up again if you power down the machine at any point for an extended period.
  10. you would probably be better off going with that bare metal NTLite LTSC config that someone on reddit made. Least then you can edit ur own iso without having to worry about potential hidden nasties. I simply went with standard LTSC and ran chris titus's all in one tool to cut down on the unnecessary stuff
  11. looks awesome, which theme is it? i would of gone with curtains if the win7/vista themes were compatible with it
  12. this is rather interesting, got a link to the posts with the GP106 or tesla m6 working? or was it just word of mouth? my r1 has a single 780m in it currently but would be awesome if i could put something higher in there to modernise it like my r2. I didnt go with 880m due to it being a heavily overclocked 780 and apparently thats lead to failure issues?
  13. I gave windows 11 a fair shot (ran enterprise for a couple months on my m18x r2) and yeah, had too many annoyances and was generally more sluggish compared to win10 LTSC 2021. So in the end i went back to LTSC 2021 and plan on staying there unless something better comes along.
  14. not really certain to be honest, ive always ran my hyperx kit at the default 1600mhz. I know theres 1866mhz of the same ram but i already had 3 sticks of 1600mhz left over from my old clevo so only had to buy 1 extra to fully kit out my restored R2 lol
  15. Another update for those who are interested, seems 22h2 introduced mica into apps and titlebars and with MicaForEveryone you can also enable acrylic effects. Heres a screenshot of it in action with DirectoryOpus combined with StartAllBack enabling transparency on the taskbar and start menu.
  16. ah ok, when i upgraded it from LTSC 2021 to enterprise it activated automatically *shrugs*
  17. another thing you might wanna consider also is if u have LTSC already, you can do an inplace upgrade like i have and it activates enterprise edition automatically unless you wanna use education for a specific reason
  18. not really, its trial and error from best i can tell, if it starts artifacting then i wouldnt use it, i just tried 75hz myself and kept it there. others have reported 80 and 85 work but white lines start to appear beyond that
  19. ah good, sorry didnt see the edit. Only thing to be aware of is the screen might display odd behavior when the screen is cold (if the laptop has been turned off for awhile for example) but once its warmed up it goes back to normal (takes about 5-10mins) just depends how high you go with the refresh rate
  20. heres how you do it within CRU, highlight the 40hz option (under detailed resolutions) and hit edit, then change the timing to native HDTV and then pick ur desired resolution like so: then after clicking ok, hit the export button and change the drop down to exe and name it whatever you like: after that just run the exe created and hit Install, then once u reboot ur pc the 40hz should now be whatever custom value you set it at. its a registry change as far as i can tell, when you reinstall windows it reverts back to 40hz so you would just rerun the exe again
  21. you have to edit and replace the 40hz option and export it as a .exe, then u run and flash the EDID with that custom exe and reboot. im sure @ssj92 can go into more detail about it as he helped me with it. this way you get the 60hz option as well as the custom higher refresh rate, mine runs at 75hz without issue. If you like i can upload my exe but obviously use at your own risk.
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