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Everything posted by johnksss

  1. That was one of the reasons why I did not jump right on it. As right now I'm still waiting on my programmable Mercedes Benz Keyless Go keys that some how got destroyed in transit. Total time 34 days. They just sent out another batch today. Yes, card does kick out lots of heat, but i usually leave fan speed on like 35% and it seems to do fine, but on normal or warm days...That is another matter. I'm on the fence with getting the EK-Quantum Vector² Trio RTX 4090 D-RGB ABP Set - Nickel + Plexi or the EK-Quantum Vector² Trio RTX 4090 D-RGB - Nickel + Plexi. Says they should have some by the 31st and get here by April 7th. So sometime next week if I preorder. Been trying to see some real reviews of this block with our card and not really finding anything of interest though.
  2. @Mr. Fox I see you ordered a block for your card. Do you think it will help? And how long is yours going to take to get to you? I'm on the fence about trying to do another block and if it will make a serious difference or not.
  3. https://www.microcenter.com/search/search_results.aspx?N=4294966937&NTK=all&sortby=pricehigh
  4. As it was explained to me by a higher up. They know the game and they are on board for now, but it's to each MC's location to make that call. Denver is not having it! I called and asked.
  5. Well damn! LOL They have plenty in Colorado though. I seriously might try to grab a second one if they come up again.
  6. I didn't believe it so I reserved it and went to the store and sure enough it was there. Amazon has it for 600+
  7. So friends... I decided to grab a 28" 4k 144hz monitor the other day... https://www.microcenter.com/product/636259/acer-nitro-xv282k-kvbmiipruzx-28-4k-uhd-(3840-x-2160)-144hz-gaming-monitor?storeid=101 For 379.99 I'm going to say it's a win win. Plus it has built in KVM. Games look way better than they ever did on my AOC 32" and the color is definitely better so far. Entry level HDR400 so nothing fancy there. Base seems sturdy enough and it rotates 90 degrees in either direction. 2.1 HDMI and 1.4 DP. I have to say its way better than I was expecting for the price. Of course I bought a warranty with it because you never know. LOL
  8. LOL, nope. Just a normal man-ly man shake. Exactly how @tps3443explained it along with having it set in the bios.
  9. Not sure, I think 1080 or 1080 Ti's. That one is an S550. The one I had before was a S430. I looked at a few S63's and S600's but they all had engine and transmission issues, but the owners saying they run great!🤦‍♂️ Dealer level scanners do not lie and people were asking me what it says. I'm like it says...275.00 dollars and I tell you other wise, have a great day and walk off. The S63 from that (2003-2006) era is 496 HP and if you make a pully change then it shoots up to 540+ give or take a few HP.
  10. I forget, you may not watch any of his movies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Weathers
  11. Most definitely a worthy replacement! Still not ringing any bells... What about now?
  12. @Mr. Fox My new to me ride. That's who I bought it from. The other one...
  13. I don't think it works like that for laptops. And these warranties vary from store to store. Ohio store is a hell no! Unless there is something wrong with the product, then that store will honor the warranty. Our particular store said they know the game and are cool with it. How do I know? Because I flat out asked the General Manager of our store. And it's still the same business model after they revamped the store with new people. At some point it may change, but as of right now, nope. We do have a 2 year warranty on my nieces laptop which is up around Christmas of this year so some where near that time I will ask what does our warranty cover if the laptop still works, but it's a repair or replace warranty. And it's BGA. No telling they have the exact same MB at the end of 2 years. That warranty was 300.00. Those days have been over for the over clocker so no worries about buying 4 at a time anymore. Miners do not count. As I'm not a miner.🙂 Actually you can thank the internet for that. If it didn't exist then you would have no clue what we pay for out here and and vice versa and all would be happy and content.🤣 And if we were use to paying the 2700 price then it would not be any different. We either pay to play or we don't play. And we have our own issues as a country that you don't have to worry about. so there is always that.🙂
  14. Or maybe I drive it out to you as I seem to have lots of people wanting me to come to AZ to visit right now. 🙂 Edit: That's right. You don't know. I no longer have that Benz anymore. Got into an accident and they totaled it out.
  15. Lets see...All my money back minus the cost of warranty or ebay/offerup/craigslist/facebook market place/forum stores - where the best I can hope for is half at the current market rate then have to pay fees...hummmmm. Yeah I'll pass on that. lol The warranty is so you pay a bulk price once...then every time after that you pay the upgrade cost. And in some cases there is no cost at all and you get change. But! You will need to make sure your microcenter operates like that. Edit: And that can be all my money I paid today back in just under two years time. pretty sure no one is going to pay you 2k for a 2 year old card....
  16. Thanks. Ummm, that is a whole lot of explaining about paying more for a card. 😆😆 I did none of that when I bought my Kingpin 3090. The price is what it is when paying for top of the heap cards. And the cheapest one of those cards out here is 3500.00 and the price I quoted was 2500 from tweaktown. So looks like you still got out cheaper.🤣 Side note: I paid just under 9 grand for 4 Titan X's back in the day. And drove to Vegas to pick them up.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I was at the MC for like 4 morning a week for two weeks trying to get a Stix after I could have grabbed one on day one, but with what Jays2cents card was doing I passed on it. Then tried and they had 15, but all 15 were bad so I gave up on getting a good one of those. I would have been really mad if I got a worse card and spent far more money. Going to have to disagree with you there my friend. Everything about your card is good, but the price of course, but that's a given. (And we all know what we are getting into when spending our hard earned cash)(You will never hear me going on and on about complaining about price. I might mention it once, but then time to move on and enjoy my part.🙂) If they get one in at MC I'm there like white on rice, but anywhere else I'm going to have to pass. Right now no ones warranty policy is better than (Some of the Microcenters) MC. And no way I'm holding on to this card for 5 years. when the 4090 Ti and 5000 series hits this card is going back at a "no loss" price.
  17. Im just going to box it up and send it back. This also has no pads on the back while the stock backplate had pads all over the place.
  18. The picture you posted is for the Gaming Trio. Not sure if that makes a difference, but that block also looks different from mine. The picture on the box also does not look like the block inside the box.
  19. You called it. It has fewer power stages. Now i can take it to the shop and have them mill out the needed space but i'm like.....wth though.
  20. Maybe that's it. This one says XG7 for the Suprim. https://www.microcenter.com/product/662695/corsair-hydro-x-series-xg7-rgb-4090-suprim-trio-gpu-water-block I thought this block was for the X as well.
  21. Well, decided to grab the Corsair water block tonight and guess what.... it doesn't fit.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  22. Problem is... He already put the card back together and ran the card.
  23. I have to actually buy another one as my last one broke. I’m using 3 d5 pumps in various locations at the moment. Those chillers look real nice, but I am still content on the one I bought brand new for 1000 (1HP) dollars on Amazon.
  24. Right before I got this SuprimX I was trying to grab a 4090 Strix, but from what they said at MC. All 15 cards were bad. And they knew this because they tested all 15 cards. I mentioned this a while back. And the only way they could have known something was wrong was either Asus gave them a heads up or people brought a bunch of cards back. I may ask about that when I hit the Center in the next few days.
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