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Everything posted by serpro69

  1. Not sure how 'LaTeX' would be used on this forum, we don't really deal with formulas that much here :)
  2. Do you mean the 'force dark mode' flag in chrome? That thing is horrible, unfortunately. It works well on some websites, but makes others practically unusable. There are also extensions that force all websites to be in dark mode, but they're not far better, and often make things quite slow as well.
  3. Is it possible to add (optional?) markdown support in the editor?
  4. Voted for `efgxt.net`. Reasons: First, the name kind of grew on me - it's weird and I like it :D Second, I agree with @Mr. Fox to not link the name to "notebooks". If we do decide to go the "NotebookSomethingSomething" path, I think `NotebookTalk` is pretty good also. `Notebookrevival`, while sounds cool for those who know the "back story", might potentially be misinterpreted by newcomers as "forum dedicated to revival of notebooks".
  5. video in 4k, audio in flac and other lossless formats, games nowadays take up a ton of space, backups, ...
  6. Been using Cooler Master NotePal U2 and U3 for years. I like the simplicity and lightweight design, usually take U2 with me when I travel. It also has adjustable fans by default, which is nice, and a big potential for possible customizations/upgrades. Haven't done any measurements though, and with stock fans it probably doesn't do much in any case, apart from elevating the laptop a bit from the surface. There was a thread on NBR about modding the U3 PLUS version (link to archive.org if anyone's interested). Plan to do something similar myself soon.
  7. That is a nice setup @Custom90gt. Too bad we're a ~month past Christmas, else I'd start writing letters to Santa... How noisy is it? I want something similar, but I don't have an "extra room for a loud server".
  8. Does anyone have a good "how to apply thermal paste" guide? I did it once or twice long time ago. Been thinking lately that maybe now is a good time to re-paste all my hardware, so I'd rather do it the right way.
  9. Add to that the fact that most of the "debloat tweaks" won't even work on Home and a bunch of things that did work on Pro once have been also disabled in later builds... What a nightmare. On a more positive note, here's what just popped up in my github feed https://github.com/hellzerg/optimizer. Coincidence? I don't think so Haven't use it yet, but it looks promising and in active development, so most stuff hopefully works.
  10. And that's on LTSC... Imagine number of services on 'Home' or 'Pro' edition.
  11. Yeah, I know, I'm exaggerating of course. As much as I hate Windows, "I'll only believe it when it see it" when it comes to them dropping OS support prematurely.
  12. They have already been doing that with some of their apps. For example, native support for GUI apps in WSL was initially promised for Windows 10 and was available in "insider releases", but then they apparently changed their minds (which of course they deny) and wen't with "sorry, not sorry, only on Windows 11..." So I wouldn't be too surprised if they did cut Win 10 support
  13. Never used anything beyond standard Ubuntu installation + some tweaks here and there. And I usually don't have any issues with it. Haven't even explored what dell offers from their end for Ubuntu support, so this came as a bit of surprise :) Thanks for this info, I'll definitely take a look, even if just out of curiosity.
  14. Been watching Boba Fett. Not as great as Mandalorian, but still good. Also saw the first episode of season 2 of Resident Alien, and it seems like it will be as good as the first season.
  15. No and don't plan to. I'll probably stay on Windows 10 LTSC until it reaches end of support. I might consider 11 when the LTSC version comes out, provided it's more or less same as Win10 LTSC when it comes to "LTSC specific features".
  16. I usually do something along these steps: - backup whatever the laptop came with - download the drivers from dell.com - wipe and reinstall - power-up w/o connecting to internet - install previously downloaded drivers - disable Win-related spyware - connect to internet and do the rest of the setup
  17. Carbonara is what my wife calls "the first reason she fell for me" That bread looks amazing! Would love a recipe, unless it's a "state secret" of course
  18. I didn't have a very good experience with the pre-installed Windows 10 on Precision 5520 and 5530. Of course that could've been just my experience, and they might have improved on that as well. But it still comes with Windows 10 Pro, and I prefer the LTSC really, even if my usage of Windows is < 10% of the time. So that's the real reason I tend to do a wipe / clean installation. And even if you keep the pre-installed OS, shouldn't you backup the original partitions just in case?
  19. So I got me my 7560 yesterday Haven't had time to set it up yet. It came with Win10 and probably a bunch of bloatware as always, so I'm going to wipe that and do my usual dual-boot setup with Ubuntu + Win10 LTSC. I'm wondering if it's still recommended to backup the default partitions before wiping everything, and what's the best way to go about it?
  20. Is it possible to somehow "pin" custom activity streams next to the default "Unread Content"?
  21. The classic ones are normal sized and that's what I use so far, but the rest aren't. I mean, it's not that big of a deal really But I kind of don't see the point in the huge-sized emojis, especially since they add huge spaces between the lines and the text becomes ugly to read. In any case, just wanted to mention this. As I said, it's not really a big deal and definitely not something that needs to be prioritized.
  22. serpro69


    Would also be interested to know the approx price of an "entrance ticket" I'm pretty sure with this kind of a hobby, the sky is the limit (no pun intended) and there are always extra things to buy. But what would be a "minimal viable setup" to start with astrophotography?
  23. serpro69


    Please do once you feel they're in the "shape" that you like, would be very nice :) I usually prefer real-life photos to "digital wallpapers" on my desktop if I have a choice :)
  24. Thanks for the link, missed that one. Though strangely enough, I'm not getting the smaller sized ones: and the categories I have are also limited to 100px and classic:
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