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Everything posted by serpro69

  1. serpro69


    I used to enjoy cooking quite a lot, even thought about doing that professionally at one point in life. But lately it's become more of a "chore" than a "hobby" for me, unfortunately. I just have way too many things going on during weekdays to be able to cook anything beyond "quick and simple" 3 times a day. But I try to cook something more "fancy" at least once a weekend. I also love hiking and cycling, but mostly during warmer seasons.
  2. Dell Precision 7560, should arrive on Monday and I'm not a very patient person... :D
  3. Would be nice to fix those enormous emojis
  4. serpro69


    The pictures are really impressive. I often put space-related pictures as a screen wallpaper, and your North America Nebula or Rosette Nebula could easily qualify for that :)
  5. Xiaomi Mi Mix3 with Android 10. Love the "slider" design on it, and have been a Xiaomi fan for quite awhile now, so probably my next phone will be from them as well.
  6. I'm unsure why I even bothered to watch it in the first place.... probably the only James Bond movie I could survive through since Craig became the next Bond was Casino Royale, after that the whole thing was just getting worse and worse IMO.
  7. ...it's all in the title. I've recently watched The Shawshank Redemption, for the n-th time. Just discovered the other day my wife never saw it before, so obviously I immediately jumped at the opportunity to re-watch it
  8. The Expanse is great, such a pity it ended. Witcher is also very nice, season 2 was even better than first IMO. Also watched The Wheel of Time recently and it was such a horrendous experience. I wish I could unwatch all of it...
  9. Nordic music by Danheim. Pretty interesting experience to code while listening to this stuff
  10. serpro69


    Yeah, as I finished typing my previous post I discovered your thread :) Looks really amazing. Thanks for sharing.
  11. serpro69


    I used to play Airsoft a lot, was my main hobby from 2006 till around 2016. Have been moving around quite a bit since 2016, so that hobby of mine had to be put on hold. Other than that my hobbies are very much techy-geeky stuff. I also like astronomy, though I never owned a telescope myself, so I'm limited to videos and documentaries mostly. I would be very much interested in an astronomy-focused thread here as well :)
  12. I love different types of games, my most favorite are RPG and Strategy games. When I hear this question, the first thing that pops into my head is The Elder Scrolls 3. I think if I had to pick a list of 3, it'd be TES 3, Diablo II and Heroes of Might and Magic 3. The last two aren't just Great games of their time IMO, but they're also reminders of countless fun hours spent playing these with friends during childhood.
  13. 4 x 5TB in a NAS. Not nearly enough.... Waiting patiently till the day I can put up something similar to what @Custom90gt posted above
  14. That is true, there's no arguing about the performance jump in the 12th gen. But have you seen the rumors about Nova Lake that's supposed to come in 2025/2026: Sure, it's some years ahead and it's just "rumors", but still... I'm pretty sure 2-3-4 years from now there will be a much more interesting workstation than Precision 7x70, even if the latter does look really promising right now :)
  15. @Aaron44126 has already started linking the archives in existing threads, look at the Precision 7x60 owner's thread, for example: It has a link to the archive in the first post.
  16. Been eyeing Sea Of Thieves for awhile now. Heard good things about it, and a bunch of colleagues from work are planning to play it together as well. Have missed a few sales this year which included this game and still trying to convince myself not to get it... as if I desperately need another game I won't have time for :D
  17. Stopped visiting the old forums a few days ago. NBR is dead! Long live NBR!
  18. Would be nice to have a 'What Notebook Should I Buy?' section. I think it's quite valuable for people who don't quite know what to buy for a given use-case and/or price. The 'template' for new posts could probably be taken as-is from the old NBR forum in the same section - http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/what-should-i-buy-form-must-read-before-posting.29271/.
  19. A few years from now you will not want to touch 7570 with a 10ft. pole :) That said, the numbers do look impressive, but unless you can afford to get a new laptop every year - who cares and why even bother regretting what you have now. I myself am actually more interested to see if they will introduce some design changes, the current chassis has been around for long enough now. DDR5 support and PCIe4 (in all slots) would be a nice step up as well. But I'm still probably going with 7560 now and not waiting for the next 7570 to come out.
  20. Any recommendations for RAM upgrades? I'm getting an 7560 with 32GB RAM (2x16) and want to upgrade to 64. Anyone has any preferences when it comes to manufacturers? Kingston and Crucial seem to be cheapest where I live. Other options I have are HP or Lenovo, but they're twice the price... Not sure it's worth it really.
  21. Thanks @Hiew and @Reciever, given the time constraints and all, you guys have done a great job of trying to keep the community alive and giving all of us a place to move on to. Let's all make this new NBR home an even better version of what it was.
  22. Stopped playing "heavily" right before H&H update got out. For now just waiting for more content to be added to the game and trying to get more people from work to join when we resume again. I also played with a bunch of mods, and some of them are pretty sweet and even give you stuff to do in the last 3 biomes (Mistlands, Ashlands and Deep North). The only problem with mods - it's much harder to convince others to install them and join a modded server Maybe we should start an "NBR server" some day I'm pretty sure most people who ever played Valheim for more than a few hours - loved it and wouldn't mind to play more :) It's definitely a challenge on the first run. But it's also quite fun while you're learning what the game can throw at you. Once you learn the "tricks" it becomes easier. The one thing I really like about this game (and a lot of other people hate) is the steep difficulty change from one biome to the next - you kind of always get a challenge as you progress, which I personally think is nice. My second solo-run it actually seemed too simple for me so I increased the difficulty considerably through mods.
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