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Everything posted by serpro69

  1. No, webcam was not in device manager either. So it's clearly experiencing some issues. The question is, is it the only faulty piece (which I very much hope it is). So I disabled all devices in "Wireless" section, plus the webcam and SD card (not sure if that's usb or not, but what the hell) in the bios and did a restart - that unfortunately didn't help as far as the pre-boot performance goes. But then I tried to boot into Ubuntu from the flash drive and that did finally work. I also didn't see any usb errors in the splash screen anymore. I then rebooted again into BIOS - and viola, it works just fine now. Not sure which of the above is causing the issues. Most likely the web-cam, but I'm going to enable things one by one now and test it out more and then install Ubuntu back... what a day... Thanks again for all the help @Aaron44126 and @Rinconmike!
  2. The touch on the screen has been disabled in the BIOS since forever, but I will try to disconnect the cable for it just in case. I'm also not sure if kb/touchpad are connected via USB, but I tried to disconnect the touchpad and boot w/o it. I guess I could try to disconnect the kb as well and use an external one via USB port. Also tried re-plugging #3 and #4 (not sure what they are), but didn't try to boot w/o them being connected. But seeing the webcam issues in Windows now, I guess that's the natural next step to try first. So tomorrow I'll try to take the screen apart and see if I can get to the webcam and disconnect. Thanks a lot for the tips @Aaron44126!
  3. OK, weirdly now that you mentioned a webcam and BT, I decided to test if it works at all, and I don't think that the webcam does. Tried on two websites (ms teams and jitsi), discord, and some online webcam tests - none of them can detect the webcam. So it either broke or I forgot to connect smth. But in the Precision 5530 service manual I don't see that the webcam is mentioned as having a separate connection cable https://dl.dell.com/topicspdf/precision-15-5530-laptop_service-manual2_en-us.pdf in the display disassembly section. It does show 2 cables though, but doesn't really mention if either of them is dedicated for the webcam or not. And I didn't try to disconnect either of those anyways, so it's definitely not me forgetting to plug one of those back.
  4. Yeah, that's why I tried to disconnect/re-plug some other things inside as well. Not sure I can do more than already did in that regard. I also ran USB diagnostics and that came back w/o errors also. But I'm not really sure if those test internal usb connections also. Nope, I don't see any errors in the Device Manager at all. I guess it can be trusted, but I'll check if I can find some other software for Win do run some hardware diagnostics.
  5. So the story continues. Took apart the machine, took out battery, ssd, ram, disconnected kb and touchpad, and cleaned the fans while I was at it. Then I put (almost) everything back together and tried to: - boot up w/o battery - nothing changed - removed ssd and boot up w/o ssd and battery - nothing changed - w/o putting ssd/battery back, ran "thorough diagnostics" on RAM and CPU - all tests passed and still can't say that anything changed performance-wise - reset bios again - nothing changed - tried only 1 out of 2 ram modules (each at a time) - same same Then I put everything back again and tried again - and again getting very poor performance in pre-boot. Since I deleted the partition on which Ubuntu has lived, I am now trying to run/install ubuntu from a USB flash-drive , and weirdly enough (or maybe not?), I'm getting same usb-related errors that I saw in the installed Ubuntu when these issues first appeared. Also just to clarify, on the installed Ubuntu I tried to disconnect all USB devices and boot up - that didn't make the usb errors go away. I even tried to disable USB (and TB along with it) in BIOS and still was getting these usb errors. But with installed Ubuntu it did eventually "power through" and boot up. When I try to run Ubuntu from the flash drive - it does not even get to the screen with two buttons (try ubuntu / install ubuntu).
  6. I've finally gotten a hold of a sales rep today so will try to get him to give me a quote before these systems appear online on the Dell's website. Not sure how fast we'll actually get them here in Norway as compared to rest of EU and/or world, but hopefully at least on par with EU/UK (fingers crossed) Have been thinking for awhile between 7670 (perf) and 7770 and probably going for the latter. Not that much bigger, but an extra SSD slot is a welcome addition even if I'm not going to use it from the start.
  7. I will try that, thanks. Although dell reports the battery to be in good (or maybe even excellent, don't really remember) condition. Not sure how far that can be trusted of course. But might as well try all possible options before I start replacing parts :)
  8. Did that already - didn't help. I'm not even going to bother trying to revert the settings to what they were as it's probably going to cost me half my nervous system with so much lag... Yeah, I also don't think it did. Probably just a freakish coincidence. I am indeed. I don't have much time to be "active" in the forums these days, but I'm watching that thread very closely :) And while 7770 is planned to be my next main system, I still wouldn't want to just "throw out" my current one, so need to get to the bottom of this issue one way or another. Besides, after I deleted Ubuntu partition the laptop became pretty useless for me anyways (until I'm able to reinstall Ubuntu) - all I have in Windows is a handful of games 😛.
  9. Yes, tried that already - it resets the RTC? Didn't help unfortunately. I also read that you need to take out the battery for it to work, but that post was from years back and it seems to be now working even with connected battery.
  10. Yeah, that could be a possibility. Thanks for the tip, I'll try to do it and will report back. The bios is so slow that after working with it for the past couple days I wasn't even considering going back in there to try anything else...
  11. Yes, was planning to do that, but need to take it apart and there are two "problematic" screws on the bottom cover that I need to somehow deal with. Will try to do something about that tomorrow or later in the week. Could be. Any way to check/fix that w/o disassembly?
  12. Hey, thanks for the response. The "slowness" starts as soon as the dell logo appears and until the OS is booted. Anything I do before OS boots up - bios, dell diagnostics, boot menu (via F12), grub, etc - has a lot of lag and is very hard to use. E.g. in BIOS/diagnostics I can only navigate with keyboard due to huge lag. And even then, between a keypress and seeing changes on the screen I need to wait for like half a minute or more. But as soon as OS boots up - things seem to be working just fine. I didn't check the disk yet. I'll do that as soon as I'm done backing it up. You're talking about `chkdsk` or anything else? I don't think it's an issue with Windows, I don't use windows daily (only for occasional gaming), and not sure that cleaning windows-specific temp files will do anything. And the issue is present both in Ubuntu and Windows. Or rather, it's not present at all that I can see when OS is booted up. So probably `sfc scannow` will not do much either.
  13. I'm having some issues with my currently-main system and need some help figuring out what else I can do before I need to take it to service (since the warranty expired, unfortunately), and service is probably my last resort since it costs a ton here in Norway. Background: On Sunday, 12th, I've left my laptop copying some stuff to NAS while I went out for a few hours. After coming back home I discovered that the laptop got a bit "slow", so I've decided to reboot. The boot took much longer than it usually does, and ubuntu was throwing a bunch of "usb device descriptor read" errors in what seemed like a loop, but it did boot eventually. I tried to reboot again, and again got the same issues during boot. After booting up it seems to be working just fine though. I've also discovered that both the grub menu and the custom boot menu (F12) got very slow, and I actually need to wait between I press <arrow down/up> and see the changes in the menu. What I've done so far: - run diagnostics several times - no errors found (the diagnostics tool is also very laggy) - update bios (from 1.19.0 to 1.24.0) - reset bios to defaults (at this point I discovered bios is also extremely slow in responding to things, I can barely move around in BIOS) - reset internal clock (via pressing power for ~30sec) - remove ubuntu and grub, I now only have windows... The strange thing is - it seems that all the lag happens only in pre-boot. I'm now booted to windows and the performance is fine as far as I can tell. Before the issue appeared, the only change I can think of is installing the next linux kernel update (a patch version). But I don't really see how that could have affected anything, especially since now I don't even have ubuntu installed anymore. What else can I do to try to fix this issue? How else can I "debug" if it's a hardware issue? Any other advice? Thanks all in advance.
  14. Been wanting to watch the "original" version - La Reina del Sur - for some years now. I wonder which one is better. Just finished season 1 of Halo this week. Can't say I'm very impressed, but not so terrible either. Some episodes where OK, others I watched with one eye while doing something else.
  15. Indeed. I myself am more leaning towards 17", but it will be very interesting to see some performance comparisons for Dell's 16" and 17" models, as it seems that Dell is the only one offering the 17" this time around. And comparing two laptops with similar specs but in different size would probably give closest results if both were from the same manufacturer.
  16. Totally agree about this, it's as ugly as they come... The new Lenovo P16 on the other hand, that one looks (exterior design) quite nice and could potentially be a worthy competition to Dell for those considering 16". Definitely a step up from previous designs IMO.
  17. The Fury G9 does look interesting. I myself am still more inclined to go with Dell than HP though. I wish the new Alienware got Alder Lake HX CPUs and maybe some extra SSD slots. I would definitely consider that one.
  18. Oh man, I need to learn to be more like that. I tend to install updates almost as fast as they come out provided it's just one command away (`apt`, `flatpak`, etc). Probably partially because I do work in IT, and I know firsthand the pain of doing software updates after skipping a "few" versions. Although this of course does not apply to this particular case - firmware and drivers updates for personal PCs. I guess for me it's just a (bad?) habit + annoying notifications "you've got an update" that I want to get rid of. Although I also must say that on Linux I almost never encountered severe negative effects of updating stuff (provided you don't update from "unstable" channels of course).
  19. Started watching Tokyo Vice, 2 episodes in and pretty good so far.
  20. Has anyone compared the FHD and UHD panels on some of the previous models, like 7x60 ? How does FHD fare? I've mostly had UHD, but now thinking to go with FHD instead. I tend to usually set scaling to 175-200% on the UHD and hence don't see much point in it, so the price difference could be put to a better use. Besides, FHD should in theory offer slightly better battery life as well. Are there any downsides to it though to not consider FHD as an option?
  21. Wow, very interesting to read the last few pages... I think I'm pretty happy with having to return my 7560 and deciding to wait for 7x70 instead of getting a replacement right away. So the 7670 has two chassis, thin and performance? That's not the case for 7770, which only has performance? Is there any noticeable differences (apart from the size of course) between thin and performance if we don't consider heavy load on the graphics card? Let's say that display size and number of ssd slots aside between 7670 and 7770. Would it make sense to get 7770 instead of 7670, both with top CPU and either integrated or A1000 graphics card? I'm basically thinking about the same as @SvenC, I want max CPU, enough memory and storage, but I probably will not go for too powerful graphics if it's going to be out of my budget.
  22. Oh man, that color... looks absolutely amazing. Congrats on finally receiving your car :)
  23. Hah, yeah, I remember the first time I saw it I didn't know anything about the movie or the plot (no IMDB or anything back then ). What started as "bank robbery action movie" turned out to be something else entirely. The movie is quite good, but the soundtracks - even better :)
  24. Looks very interesting! Have you weighed the top polycarb plate separately? I wonder if a replacement could be found that would offer same strength but weigh less. I remember polycarb being quite heavy. Though from this photo it looks like it's quite thin, so likely doesn't weigh that much?
  25. Damn this looks hot. Can't wait to see how the final product looks like. And extra respect for open-sourcing this. I don't really see laptop OEMs doing anything similar anytime soon, so we definitely need more enthusiast-based projects like this one to break this "smaller and thinner above all else" trend.
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