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Everything posted by MyPC8MyBrain
i've read that and was unable to replicate here, hybrid mode on with dGpu Enabled in device manager i am seeing 60-65w total system power at idle, hybrid mode on with dGpu disabled in device manager i am seeing 40-45w total system power at idle, hybrid mode off i am seeing 35-37w total system power at idle, (with all 4 M.2 slots occupied, cool in bios and power saver in windows, 4K, 2xSoDimm)
this is quite odd, ive learned that having iGpu active as in "Hybrid Mode" Enabled is drawing 60w overall at idle, this raises system temps idle at about 6c-7c, switching "Hybrid Mode" off as in working directly with dGpu 100% actually lowers systems overall wattage to 35w draw at idle with 6c-7c lower system temps, isn't that suppose to be the other way around and the whole point behind having iGpu with dGpu?
i am also showing dynamic boost in system info (i am with with latest NVidia game ready drivers, that was also listed with Dells signed driver before i changed) BTW i have to eat some of my words back, still with Dell's default paste 500 point higher than my best dGpu score with LM TIM https://www.3dmark.com/spy/33797525 in MSI Afterburner i did not overvolt dGpu memory clock, only core clock to +275MHz, new cpu FIVR undervolt also changed a bit CPU Core -122.1 (effective -125mV) with IccMax 185.00 CPU P Cache -122.1 (effective -125mV) with IccMax 185.00 CPU E Cache -97.7 (effective -100mV) Cache Ratio 8/36 Min/Max Turbo Group all cores set to 4.7MHz only thing missing for me to be happy with the system is a way to peg fans manually to max speed, and regain the missing 30w TGP, which i have a growing suspicion Dell copied/carrying over default limits from the 7670 dgpu with 125w TGP to the 7770 with 150w TGP,
maybe some of you noticed in my videos a small batch file run before bench starts, it is a small script i wrote to help switching bios power plan and windows power plan, with one click it will change from bios "Cool" and windows "Power Saver" to bios "Ultra Performance" and in windows "Ultimate Performance", and vice versa when clicked again, to have this working you will need to first disable "Modern Standby" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power] "PlatformAoAcOverride"=dword:00000000 "CsEnabled"=dword:00000000 [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\ModernSleep] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\ModernSleep] restore and activate the classic power plan schema, install "Dell Command PowerShell Provider" finally paste the following script in *.bat and run mode con: cols=40 lines=4 @echo off powercfg.exe -getactivescheme | findstr /i "saver" >nul && (powercfg -s 4591f705-2228-47e6-acef-44df2d359f8b & powershell -Command "& {Import-Module DellBIOSProvider ; cd DellSmbios:\PreEnabled ; si .\ThermalManagement 'UltraPerformance'}" & echo -= Ultimate Active =-) if %errorlevel% equ 1 (powercfg -s 04afbba1-f17c-42c8-b76b-7dd8fd264253 & powershell -Command "& {Import-Module DellBIOSProvider ; cd DellSmbios:\PreEnabled ; si .\ThermalManagement 'Cool'}" & echo ** Power saver Active **) TIMEOUT 3 > nul (if you get an error confirm power plan guid in script match your windows version (powercfg /L)) want to toggle "Hybrid Graphics" ON/OFF here's a script for that, paste the following script in *.bat and run to toggle Hybrid Graphics, mode con: cols=40 lines=4 @echo off powershell -Command "& {Import-Module DellBIOSProvider ; cd DellSmbios:\PreEnabled ; gi .\HybridGraphics|Format-Wide CurrentValue}" | findstr /i "Disabled" >nul && (powershell -Command "& {Import-Module DellBIOSProvider ; cd DellSmbios:\PreEnabled ; si .\HybridGraphics 'Enabled'}" & echo -= HybridGraphics Enabled =-) if %errorlevel% equ 1 (powershell -Command "& {Import-Module DellBIOSProvider ; cd DellSmbios:\PreEnabled ; si .\HybridGraphics 'Disabled'}" & echo ** HybridGraphics Disabled **) TIMEOUT 3 > nul using PowerShell we can now change most of bios settings from windows, craft the right string and send it with PowerShell for instant mode changes, below are the variable (as of bios rev 1.7.1) that can be accessed with their command and path options,
i receive hopefully my final third replacement 7770 yesterday afternoon, to my surprise it wasn't spitting lava out of the box as experienced before, even on ultimate performance in bios and windows it was happy idling at mid 60c, decided to tune Dell's original image instead of wiping out and using my enterprise edition, got it to where im almost happy with it enough to get a baseline where performance are with this unit, getting 22500 in CB23 and a 11800 in 3DMARK Time Spy bench, this is with original Dell paste, i have not yet cracked this unit open, with max 25700 for CB23 and 12177 for 3DMARK with LM TIM, i can surmise that there's overall 10% increase potential with LM TIM for the 7770 unit, most LM TIM gains are from cpu side not much benefits for dgpu from what i can tell, it is prob better to keep dgpu with regular paste because that layer serves as heat shield protection when cpu is revving pumping temps up fast, i think it would be most efficient especially for the way both cpu and dgpu are setup inline on the heat pipe, i am starting to think that the stiffer thermal application Dell uses serves another propose intentionally the compound get stiffer after application to help with bonding due to mobility and lack of full physical support,
since @PHVM_BR brought the subject to our attention I've been researching Dynamic Boost 2.0 bit deeper, from what i learned and possible saw in person is a 5w Dynamic Boost 2.0 for our specific sku, Dynamic Boost 2.0 doesn't mean it will boost to max TGP rather attempt a prefixed predefined boost value, that boost may be as low as 5w in our sku case, i haven't found a source to verify what exactly Dynamic Boost 2.0 is for our specific sku, with heat dissipation being a big factor we all verified we can reach 120w under some circumstances, before i test locked my cpu to 30w i only saw short spikes from 115w to 120w during benching, when it was locked i could see 120w sustained (rails were listing 134.5w)
that may have been the perception a decade or two ago not so much today, Precision line is Dell's most expensive from their offerings, consumers today are educated, well versed, not to mention well connected with their community and technical peers (even government entities) 😉 what precision represented years ago as industry standard is now common knowledge and standards all manufactures follow in order to compete with Dell, today just about any run of the mill laptop will do the same designated workload used to be reserved to the few powerful stations which there's almost no distinction today when it comes to power engineering laptops, i deliberately am using the word "laptops" because the line between a workstation almost doesn't exists now days, things have changed dramatically since this old perception was put in place 20 years ago, to be fair that 330w brick is anything but portable, i would not appose to a dual AC adapter solutions 240w / 330w based on needs, this way one could dial his needs when more juice needed and be more green and light when not needed, @Dell-Mano_G if that was an option and the logic as a consumer id purchase both power supplies with my system at the time of sale.
i cant help but ask myself where is this going? im all for desktop power in a mobile station, but it has to work not just "run" with power, these products and specs look great on paper but don't really work efficiently in a small chassis, how is twice E core will work in same chassis before pigs fly or laws of physics change?
the replacement for my original replacement should be arriving tomorrow (to Dell's credit they sent two replacements, the first replacement had some dGpu issue), i decided to run another test on the original unit, i removed dGpu completely out of the chassis, the goal was to see how the chassis will perform with the dGpu plate dedicated for cooling without anything below it, results were interesting AIDA64 was unable to get it to thermal throttle, temps stay at max 78c or below 80, that's with me changing and locking a new TDP (going off Intel XTU own auto tuning numbers) i changed and locked PL1 at 110 and PL2 at 165, CB23 single run score is 25700 atm, during CB23 run system consumed around 210w sustained (dGpu out of chassis), cool down is almost instantly back to temps below 40c, and idles at 31c,
we are all here pretty much disappointed as well (accept maybe one owner), i have not tested with turbo boost 3 off, and i have not noticed that it disables dgpu boost, agreed 100%, new ordered from Dell the 3080Ti option alone is over $2200, paying that price for sku that's not performing as expected is the same as flushing hard earned money down the toilet, i paid almost $4500 for my current 7770 configuration out of that $2200+ is just for the 3080Ti, for $2000 yes id absolutely keep it and be happy with with its very low (relative) performance, for $4500 I'm afraid it would be a no go for me, my dGpu bus is capable and should be running PCIE x16 4.0 lane speeds, currently it is only running at PCIE x8 4.0/1.1 speeds at best, can someone please confirm if this only my system please, (i tested a single nvme in every slot to rule out PCIE lane sharing)
at what? nothing stated there contradicts or conflicts with my result or suggests a different configuration, i have 7770 in hand and tested your theory even with PL1/2 both locked at 30 the dGpu still only draw max 120w out of allotted 150w no matter what steps i take, and I've even went the distance shutting every peripheral off in bios to make sure there's no current waste, i even went further distance and order a 330w Dell power brick and still no go, no matter what i did dGpu will not draw beyond 120w (you can watch the bench i run with 330w power brick few posts back, that's with bios recognizing 330w brick with matching PL4 limit, that test alone rules out any TDP+TGP power limit theories out there). ill disclose few random observation there was one time never to happen again where i saw 130w for a split second, with that i also saw 750w max dGpu power limit, i believe its some math fluke by HWiNfo as it never accrued again, on the other hand 115w-120w max dGpu usage is consistent throughout. i am very happy with CPU performance, dGpu is a BIG disappointment from getting a capped sku to not having it even perform to its cap is another BIG disappointment,
i believe i understand the point you're trying to make, it just didn't work the way you envision it, locking PL1 and PL2 to 55-65 did nothing but slow the test down to a crawl with a score of 9k, dGpu usage wattage/TGP wise remained the same regardless of manual cpu cap i imposed, sound like you believe the cpu "reserves" its entire TDP range which is simply not the case,
therefore my logical conclusion would be... if the test afterwards was able to draw 225w, at the least this suggests dgpu had 35w buffer it choose not to/or was unable to utilize in the dgpu focused phase before! the premise of lack of AC power was proved wrong with the 330w brick tests i run, to me it is obvious that something is actively preventing dgpu from even reaching its current 150w declared TGP even with plenty of power available and thermal buffer (small as it may be),
locking PL1/2 to 50w will not set the cpu to lower MHz, few cores can still go as high as they can within that 50w limit, the only way is locking cores manually, doing so will defeat the premise of your theory limiting the systems full potential, if thermals will allow power plan rules will place cpu cores at highest regardless, it doesn't need too, 157w happens when all cores utilized to the max, they usually alternate with only few holding high MHz until thermals saturate the system and it starts ramping down, during Time Spy runs i have seen both cpu reaching its 157w PL2 limit and dgpu using max 120w (with HWiNfo), you can observe wattage draw during different segments of Time Spay right off the wall in the videos i posted few posts back, i also seen the system push almost 300w in AIDA64 bench (with 330w brick),
the cpu is at 4.7MHz because that's the highest its allowed to ramp up (all cores locked via TS at 4.7), power plan aka Ultimate Performance places cpu to its highest state until PL2 rules are broken and then cpu is placed within PL1 power limits followed by reducing MHz to reduce thermals, the graph is showing that the cpu was able to run through Time Spy bench without breaking PL2 rules which would have placed it in PL1 limits, the unit is essentially maintaining manageable PL2 terms during the bench with undervolt,
i made bit of a mess with the info i submitted earlier, here is live capture with info present live so there's no confusion, not trying to break records just to capture power usage during runs with 240w brick CB23 Run 3DMARK Time Spy Run 330w brick CB23 330w Run 3DMARK Time Spy Run 330w AIDA64 Run 330w (290w+)
here are the graphs for my best score mentioned earlier, note cpu is holding 4.7Mhz throughout the run, this is very different from previous runs with early cpu undervolt and gpu overclock setting, with all my previous settings that purple line would dip to around 1.7MHz almost instantly (yes this is replicable), with 30w withheld from 150w = 120w which what we all able to get in effect, 25% performance missing from an already capped 175w dGpu to 150w we only get 120w from, if Dell allowed us to regain the full limited 150w i bet we could close the gap we currently see, https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/85032368