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Everything posted by MyPC8MyBrain

  1. noticed some weird hardware error issues recently, not sure if they were there the whole time or started recently, i tried to eliminate variables to try and narrow this down but i have no lead atm, it is not caused by the under or overvolting, its not a driver compatibility issues (went back to original OEM image), seems to be related to the dgpu but no additional info can be found even system logs are very vague, it wont happen during CB23 run nor when running Valley bench, but if i open Afterburner or 3DMARK just to the main interface not even running tests yet it will trigger these hardware errors instantly, can someone please help validate if this is just on my system?
  2. the system pulls noticeably allot more power from the wall with the 330 brick, 280w is the average sustained pull form the wall during Time Spy bench, with the slim brick it pulling a max of 235w but averaged much lower 180w sustained, difference in scores is 0 during CB23 bench with 25.5k scores if i recall correctly it wont even reach PL1 limit, it utilized 81w max for the whole run, it wont thermal throttle either unless i hammer it with 4-5 consecutive runs without cooling for a minute, even fans don't ramp up through the run, i haven't tested my current config with my special sauce yet, i believe adding that will get me over the hump to the 26k score,
  3. same here, if you get the 7770 without dgpu, connected to external enclosure via thunderbolt with 4090 gpu you should have a chunk of change left with twice the performance if you went the 3080Ti or the A5500 route in the 7770, the 3080Ti and the A5500 are both priced over $2200 option for the 7X70 line,
  4. my best 7770 3DMARK Time Spy score so far 12145, allot of tinkering to find the right undervolt balance, what's interesting is with the right undervolt settings i am finally able to maintain 4,423 MHz average clock frequency throughout the test (with all my previous attempts i got good scores but cpu always ramped down to 2000Mhz), still getting slight thermal throttling but not enough to ramp the whole system down, 25.5k scores in CB23 are a regular occurrences now, trying to hit that illusive 26k CB23 score, (id share my tests graphs and TS settings but i am not allowed to upload anymore images ) https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/85032368 (with LM TIM application on both cpu and dgpu) TS > FIVR: CPU Core -146.5 (-150 effective) with IccMax 185.00 CPU P Cache -73.2 (-75 effective) Cache Ratio > Min/Max value 8/36 Turbo Groups > all performance cores set to 47 (everything else left to its default settings) MSI Afterburner Settings Core Clock (MHz) +225 Memory Clock(MHz) +1400
  5. i have used your Dell Fan Management tool, i observed well above 3600 rpm, i think it goes above 4000 rpm, but i never stress tested with the tool monitoring during stress test just when it switches to cool power plan there's a ramp up window during that i observed, i can run a quick test to see what we have here,
  6. wow how are these fans moving any air for the system being this clogged after 4 months, interesting, there's another SunOn fan model, you seem to have a model with dense fin formation like the Delta in one of the systems i received, the Sunon in my current system has a less dense formation then yours (i noticed it immediately when i saw it), be very carful when removing the cover, the cpu and gpu are not very secure or supported in there, any movement could cause paste movement and loss of performance, i noticed over 10c increase from adding m.2 drives in and out, at first i thought it was the m.2 drives adding overhead to the cpu raising its temps by 10c,
  7. @Jack YouTube is your friend, spend some time watching few videos on how it is done you should grasp the process pretty easy, if you scroll back you will find handful of repaste tips and pics i posted throughout this thread, good luck,
  8. 7770 stripped down P.2 the replacement unit that arrived came with Delta fans with denser fin formation (i think that's the part @Aaron44126 replaced), on the left is the first unit with Sun On fans, the one on the right is the newer replacement with Delta fans,
  9. despite the 330w brick and obvious extra power being pumped through, 3080Ti remains stuck on 120w max usage, i raised another ticket with dell pro support for this, lets hope its a simple configuration error carried over from the 7670, if they fix this issue my next issue will be finding a solution to running fans at full blast manually, the 20 year old logic still embedded in both windows and Dell's old bios power plans is just too anemic for these powerful cpu's, we need to be able to use fans on demand, especially for buffering heavy work loads in advance,
  10. im baffled, no thermal throttling despite the high wattage pumped through, i thought it was some mistake the first time i noticed it, i guess i wasn't imagining things after all, with the 240w brick thermal throttling is almost instant (below vid is with ultimate power plan in windows and Ultra Performance in bios on),
  11. 235w was the max i saw with the 240 brick before (with the same power meter), just run AIDA64 complete stress test, during the test the unit pulled constantly thorough the whole 10min test 275w, and was not thermal throttling for some reason (need to investigate further), the 330w brick is big thick and heavy, not something id ever want to travel with,
  12. the cpu still has a 242w power limit that has to be removed first to change its behavior, see below in preparation i have "Power Limit 4" set to 0 (0 means no power restrictions), if you haven't changed yours it should read 242, that is a hard cap on overall power, plugging a 330w brick without changing this shouldn't change native cpu behavior, that 242 in PL4 field is the instructions to ramp down before wattage consumption reaches 242w, you could set it to 330 if you feel safer with a power lock, my brick is out for delivery and should arrive shortly, my cpu reach its 157w limit every chance it gets, if i run it in bench without gpu load it will run with 157w for quite some time before it starts ramping down, i suspect native setting might be limiting your cpu, power plan will be limiting power too, you need to be on ultimate power plan in windows and in bios on Ultra Performance to get the max out of cpu and gpu during bench testing,
  13. NVidia cheater driver settings, which at this point I suspect majority of 3Dmark scores are saturated with, my 7770 true score is 12100 so far https://www.3dmark.com/spy/33265268
  14. the 7770 in the link i used must have sold by now, the 7770 in general is still listed click here they been pushing lots of specials for outlet products with deeper discount then before the past two weeks,
  15. interesting, out of curiosity i plugged in a power meter to the wall jack and the power supply to the power meter, run a 3DMark Time Spy bench, during the 2 initial tests the power usage was around 175w-180w, during the 3rd and last phase of the test that suppose to be cpu focused stress test, power usage spiked up over 235w few times, i also noted that when on cool power plan and power saver in windows the draw from the wall is still between 40w-60w at idle, out of that HWInfo reporting cpu using only 5w-6w, when the unit goes to sleep power draw from the wall jumps between 1.8w-3.6w,
  16. the GPU cannot ramp up at the same time as the cpu, if it has a none cpu dependent chores yes, a task requiring both to run together at their peak is where issues begin, they can do it each on their own but the juggling act of running together is very tall order for 240w power supply, together they demand more peak power than is available to the system and why i ordered a 330w power supply, the cpu has a locked Power Limit 4 (PL4) value which tells the cpu to power itself down when overall consumption reaches the magic number of 242 (PL4 value should be 0 for the cpu to never ramp itself down), the cpu in its turbo cycle it will consume every bit of its 157w allotted which leaves 83w for the rest of the system including the 3080 that cannot use its full 150w power potential unless the cpu is slowed down somehow to free up power,
  17. Thank you @PHVM_BR to be fair i don't really have a base for comparison beside online statistics, i never owned such a powerful mobile station, it is harder to compare this to previous generations, during the test the cpu healed its 157w for quite some time, it settled somewhere around 70w deep into he run, nope, it didn't reach 100c during the 30min run, one core reached 91c at max peak, i was not focused on the 3080 wattage consumption, during bench cycles I could tell the gpu and cpu were fighting over power availability, especially when the cpu was in its turbo cycle it was a fine line balancing the two when undervolting just on the merits of lack of power not even in thermal issues territory yet, the 3080 at any point didn't reach over 86c, mostly 74c, that is the most disappointing part, i couldn't reach the missing 30% in performance left on the table, i am quite happy with the cpu itself the 3080 is a big disappointment (any dGpu will be), it is capped at 150w for the 7770 (the 7670 is capped at 125w), from the little experiment i run i can confirm without a doubt the gpu is not happy living with the cpu in such tight space, the system performs folds better even when undervolting, i just disconnected the pci bridge and power to the dGPU, i didn't fully remove the pcb which i suspect if i did the result would be even better,
  18. as some of you aware I have been evaluating the 7770 as a replacement for 7670, I like the 7770 size, ergonomics, and form factor over the 7670 16/10 ratio and narrow stubby build, I do miss the nicer screen option, moving to actual performance the 7770 run even hotter than the 7670 idling out of the box between90-100c, not a good start, run the usual benchmarks with out of the box default settings, needless to say they were not good, went about optimizing the OS environment removing bloatware, stopping/disabling services etc., this improved system performance to some extent but not what I was expecting, it was still thermal throttling badly, I decided to re-paste both the cpu and gpu, after that I dropped roughly 15-20 degrees idle temp, but throttling was still an issue no matter what I did including undervolting, this wasn't good enough, I was still getting relatively poor result, I decided to re-paste again with LM this time on both gpu and cpu, and so I did, after that temps dropped roughly by 30c from initial idle temps, I was finally idling at somewhat acceptable temps, further digging around I realized how critical having control on cooling is for these systems, but it is non existing, there's no way to increase fan controls, the existing power plans are designed for older gen cpu's and can’t keep up with burst of power, cool in bios and power saver in windows gives the best result when it comes to idle temps, it’s cool and the cpu is so powerful that even in its lowest state it can handle decent daily loads without even breaking a sweat, the issue begins when I want to use dGpu, all power plan mainly block GPU power, accept for ultra-performance in bios plus ultimate performance in windows will allow to fully unleash dGpu full potential, that is when the system having tough time handling the heat and its almost instantly, to conclude these system are actually amazing if you don't include a dGpu in the systems configuration, the cpu on its own can perform amazingly, this was not without painstaking hours of fine tuning and undervolting the systems cpu and the insightful help of Unclewebb (TS Author), despite achieving some respectable results, it was still thermal throttling (though rarely) even with dGpu not in the mix, I did a small experiment where I disconnected the dGpu, and sure enough the system run flawlessly and performed incredibly well with almost zero thermal issues, i have one more experiment to conduct but i have to wait for a component to arrive, i am curious to see if changing to 330w power supply will further iron out and boost the system further,
  19. it appears so, clicky here the above is just the first one i found, there are more listed in the second link below there are other configs with the newer Iris installed in the 7670 and 7770 specific click here, (this is again sales and marketing nonsense from both sides Intel and Dell)
  20. for whatever reason dell insists on shipping performance chassis with Intel UHD iGpu instead of the new beefier Intel Iris iGpu they ship with none performance chassis, you are likely running the same iGpu in your M6700 from previous generation, the new Iris should be able to get a more respectable result, i wanted to build my 7770 with Iris iGpu but dell straight up refused to let me have Iris chip instead of the antiquated UHD in the performance chassis, i also requested to have my system build to have the 330w SFF power supply, dell refused to sell me the 330w with my system config but informed i could by it on my own separately,
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