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Everything posted by MyPC8MyBrain

  1. setup_var CpuSetup 0xE 0x0 # Enable ACPI S3 Support (default 0x1) setup_var CpuSetup 0x259 # Slate Mode on S3 and S4 resume (Default 0x0) setup_var CpuSetup 0x25B # Dock Mode upon S3 and S4 resume (Default 0x0)
  2. one can also try to hunt down the specific codec missing in this case it should be HVEC which can be downloaded from Microsoft directly https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/hevc-video-extensions-from-device-manufacturer/9N4WGH0Z6VHQ?hl=en-us&gl=us my situation is slightly different, i have many old files from older cameras, there was no regulatory back then (still isn't), it is practically impossibly to track a 20 year old camera codec, the bundle K-Lite provides up to this point resolved any codec issues i run into,
  3. call Dell's customer support and ask for replacement unit, plain and simple, don't try to explain why just say this unit is not working for me its overheating, i want a replacement or to return the unit, they are aware of heating issues with the 7670 and wont argue trying to save the sale by sending a new replacement asap. (i just returned two 7670 for overheating, both original order and a replacement unit went back, just put it to performance mode in bios and you will have native solid 80-90c at idle reason 😉 )
  4. mainly increased CPU and dGpu performance, as CPU onboard gpu is disabled and iGpu becomes sort of dedicated GPU tunneling everything through it, also for control external screens assignment for iGpu or embedded gpu,
  5. i am surprised i didn't think of this earlier, by now its a second nature i don't really think about it anymore, you most likely missing lots of codecs since its a new default system, Download and install K-Lite Codec Pack (i recommend to use Mega, select install everything option) afterwards you should be able to render your file in media player, you should also have a new media player classic 64bit & 32bit also included with Mega i suggest making 64bit variation your default, it is the good old classic media player with lots of controls never exposed in the original version, you can swap rendering engine and much more, been using it for years now, occasionally i will encounter an odd video that wont render properly, for those i also have VLC Media Player installed (not used as default), VLC adds few odd or very new codecs to the collection which will make virtually any media file render properly, (it is recommended to update these two every 6-12 months or whenever new media file doesn't render properly)
  6. yep, change your bios power plan from balanced to performance and try again, (in windows use either power plan you like, power saver or balanced to compensate)
  7. i am by now a certified Dell junky, i don't know when or how i ended up like this, no one warned me this Dell stuff will mess you up for good 😄 i went the Razer route while back, tried both 15 and 17, tried an Asus model as well Lenovo (wont touch MSI with a stick), i need my Dell logo proudly prancing or its not a workstation for me 😉
  8. @Aaron44126 Thank you :) just as yourself i don't use my laptop for its "portability" its mainly stationary on my desk, occasionally ill bring it to the kitchen to watch something while i make dinner, and i never use it on my lap, i do have Samsung's CHG90 a 49" ultra wide screen taking most of my 7ft. desk space (the CHG90 is connected to a custom build Corsair ONE i160 sitting on the left of the screen), leaving me with sliver of minimal space on the right side for my laptop to coexists at a slight angle, previous generations of full size mobile Precision 17 were too big for my desk and personal taste, seeing the XPS 17" with smaller footprint than my current 15" M3800 made me a big fan of the XPS 17", even the latest 7670 with its bit odd taller screen ratio next to my old 15" still has smaller footprint, if the new 17" is an inch less wider than previous 17" generations i think i can live with that, the expandability and options under the hood with the 7770 are phenomenal and cannot be matched anywhere, if only the heat can be little better managed i would keep it, i am thinking i will give the 7770 a go with same config as with the 7670. 12950HX, 3080 Ti, 4k screen, 256GB NVME (i already have 4 2TB 970's), 8GB SODIMM module (will upgrade later with 64GB aftermarket kit), any other hardware recommendation/consideration I should make?
  9. it seems that the 7770 has a similar but more robust heat pipe under the hood, not seeing any 7770 being returned makes me think should i give the 7770 a go? my main concern beside having the same heat issue is with it being too big for my liking, i am currently using M3800, comparing that to the XPS17 size i loved it size wise for a daily driver, even the 7670 as chunky as it is (which i actually like) has a smaller footprint than my current m3800, anyone moved from traditional 15" zise to the 7770 with first hand experience?
  10. keep an eye out there might be another deal in refurbished department, i just sent back two more brand new 16" 7670 with 12950HX, 4k Touch, 3080Ti, 8GB SoDiMM, 256GB M.2,
  11. for reference i got mine with 12950HX 8GB Ram 256GB M.2 4k Touch and 3080 for around $4200, it appears that i paid $2400 more for the privilege of having a 3080, minus 24GB ram and minus 750GB storage, Precision 7670 + 12950HX + 32GB Ram + 4k Touch + 1TB drive + Win Pro lic at $1800 next to older lesser 5000 Precision series at $2400 is an admission of guilt in case you missed it 😉
  12. ooh.... my eye clicky here apparently I am not the only one returning his 7X70 system, Dell's outlet listing 17 7670's at eye watering reduced prices for platform that's just been released, listed at -70% below retail, with higher peripheral specs minus my gpu are going below 2k 😮 while older lesser generation systems listed right next to these are priced much higher! every 7670 configuration listed there is with the 12950HX under the hood 😞
  13. use HWiNFO or hwmonitor tool (i prefer hwmonitor simplicity) to see what is going on behind the scenes with thermals, Mhz, volt & wattage consumption, and many other critical stats when you run tests on your systems or at idle, you will gain a lot more insight to your systems behavior,
  14. in performance it is thermal throttling on you, the same goes for optimized (Balanced), give cool in bios a go, you should complete most cpu task much faster and remain cool to the touch,
  15. the 4 power plan in bios needs overhauling, these been dragged over and over from previous generation and don't really fit the bill for these new powerful cpu gpu combo floating the market now days, if we take a closer look half of them are pointless and obsolete, Balanced cannot really balance this many cores, gpu, and igpu efficiently, Cool is the only viable option for daily driving this chassis comfortably, Quit is completely obsolete and pointless, there are no spinning drives etc. to govern now days (nor further ramping down of fans is really desired for these powerful combos), Performance just drives everything too hot for daily driving with chassis limited thermal capabilities, (although performance in bios and classic S3 balanced or power saver in windows is manageable for daily use)
  16. did you make sure in bios under performance menu "Intel Turbo Boost Maximum Technology 3.0" is turned on? is that 4.4 number static or fluctuating each boot? it might just be counting the min and max Mhz it run that session that far, it ramped to max 4.4 and run as low as 800,
  17. here is a little farewell gift to my Dell 7X70 fam all 2352 visible and hidden bios options extracted into easy to use and read format, proceed with caution, with great power comes great responsibility! All setup_var Bios 1.6.3 Options 7X70.txt plain command list Bios 1.6.3 7X70.txt (some of the variables may be listed under other menu options not CpuSetup) all menu options Name: SaSetup Name: MeSetup Name: CpuSetup Name: PchSetup Name: SiSetup Name: Setup Name: BoardInfoSetup Name: PciBusSetup Name: SetupVolatileData Name: SetupCpuFeatures Name: CpuSetupVolatileData Name: TbtSetupVolatileData Name: MeSetupStorage Name: DebugSetupVolatileData Name: TcgSetup Name: IccAdvancedSetupDataVar
  18. @operator YVW 😉 original high score was with LM TIM, granted these scores can be further improved, i only run 2 tests for each phase, i didn't spend too much time trying to get the highest score in each test, whichever the highest score out of the two was i recorded and moved on, so further tinkering and more patience can yield better result, this run was very good for on the fly test and was one of the highest score overall for either unit, as a baseline and tuning progression i think these tests represents this unit fairly, i would have kept it if 30%-50% were not neutered from the gpu and cpu, overall yes it gets hot and will get hotter under heavy loads which is acceptable and expected, this is still a robust versatile workstation platform with allot under the hood, but it can be set to run very cool and packs allot of punch, it just lacks adequate thermals to get the most out of its hardware lineup which will inevitably remain bound and locked to thermal limitation in this specific design, indeed, gpu overvolt alone if stable should result in consistent 5%+ increase gpu score on 3DMARK,
  19. here are tests i run on the new untouched 7670 with original paste from Dell, this unit had a much better binned cpu I was able to further undervolt it in certain stages of testing, i did not try to achieve the best score possible in each stage, i am sure these scores can be further improved, i run two tests and recorded the better score in each phase, specific CPU undervolt settings used for this unit -174.8mV on CPU Core with IccMax 255.75 -29.3mV on Intel GPU -29.3mV on CPU P Cache with IccMax 255.75 -29.3mV on iGPU Unslice -69.3mV on Sytem Agent -29.3mV on E cache Long Power PL1 set to 91W (FYI Default should be 55 not 85 on TS!) all Cores set to 4.7Mhz (GPU Core Clock +200Mhz overvolt using MSI Afterburner (memory clocks can be overvolted +1000Mhz but shows no score improvements)) in the end it is acting the same as the pervious one with similar results and scores even with Dell's paste, which leads to the conclusion that the thermal solution in this beast is simply insufficient even with Dell engineers castrating both cpu and gpu it is just not enough to contain this monster cpu and gpu at the same time or either these on their own. Bios Balanced -> 3DMARK Score: 4572 Graphics Score: 4664 CPU Score: 4113 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/31887499 Bios Cool -> 3DMARK Score: 5206 Graphics Score: 4811 CPU Score: 9739 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/31887788 Bios Ultimate -> 3DMARK Score: 9869 Graphics Score: 9927 CPU Score: 9554 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/31888414 Bios Ultimate + LoadLine -> 3DMARK Score: 9898 Graphics Score: 9926 CPU Score: 9746 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/31889453 Bios Ultimate + LoadLine + Resizable BAR -> 3DMARK Score: 9956 Graphics Score: 9999 CPU Score: 9720 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/31890095 Bios Ultimate + LoadLine + Resizable BAR + Hybrid Display off -> 3DMARK Score: 10124 Graphics Score: 10113 CPU Score: 10192 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/31890707 Bios Ultimate + LoadLine + Resizable BAR + Hybrid Display off + GPU 200Mhz Overclock -> 3DMARK Score: 10614 Graphics Score: 10687 CPU Score: 10224 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/31891381 Bios Ultimate + LoadLine + Resizable BAR + Hybrid Display off + GPU 200Mhz Overclock + Secret Sauce -> 3DMARK Score: 11132 Graphics Score: 10710 CPU Score: 14335 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/31892178 Bios Cool + LoadLine + Resizable BAR + Hybrid Display off + GPU 200Mhz Overclock + CPU Undervolt -> CB23 Score: 22332 Bios Cool + LoadLine + Resizable BAR + Hybrid Display off + GPU 200Mhz Overclock + CPU Undervolt + Secret Sauce -> CB23 Score: 22263 Bios Cool + LoadLine + Resizable BAR + Hybrid Display off + GPU 200Mhz Overclock + CPU Undervolt + Secret Sauce + single channel 8GB SODIMM -> CB23 Score: 21990 Bios Ultimate + LoadLine + Resizable BAR + Hybrid Display off + GPU 200Mhz Overclock + Secret Sauce + single channel 8GB SODIMM -> 3DMARK Score: 10786 Graphics Score: 10537 CPU Score: 12458 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/31897743
  20. just the other day before i heard from Dell back i heard from the private user who pm'd me about his vbios, in preparation i deployed a new installation first using support assist from dell to deploy win11 pro, during the setup and after before i tweaked anything i was reminded why i got the replacement in the first place, i was idling at 86-90c doing nothing just like the video after a fresh install from Dell itself, i didn't like that predicament and went for a new manual install of my enterprise win11 version, it too overheated but after tinkering i brought it down to 56-60c at idle, there's no heat buffer left to get this station to work properly imho, im just disappointed by Dell efforts to pack eye candy that doesn't really work properly just packaged well and backed by undefeatable support backend,
  21. no other manufacturer has the support Dell offers and why we flock to their offering, Razer 17 did have 4x m.2 slots the best of my recollection (i could be wrong), MSI has a lower finish and material quality but offer unparalleled performance in their cheap chassis, i don't think we are whining and complaining per say, just looking for value for our buck, any basic computer hardware now days can do just about any task, the question is how it is performed, imagine you bought a new car and on the next day driving to work it over heated, how would you feel about your new car if every new customer reported the same issues? given that a 20 year old car can drive to work without breaking down just like an old pc can do allot just slower, if i paid 500$ for a 20 year old car and it breaks down ill deal with it, buying a brand new spanking car that has issues just idling is not an adventure i want to invest time and effort in,
  22. I'm sure they are working on the next iteration as we speak, it wont be any time soon prob mid to end of next year, Lenovo, MSI, Asus, and Razer all have workstations in the same class i believe, they are just not A-La-Cart and or business class oriented the way Dell is, they are less popular or known in the wild but they are out there,
  23. on the topic of equivalent workstation solutions out there Razer Blade Pro 17 also has 4 ssd slots, 4 ram slots, and vapor chamber design in a sleek premium milled aluminum chassis (not a fan of the 3 green snakes on the back of the lid but that's negligible), tested 2 cpu generations back with excellent performance for its class (the 15 inch model too), i was able to get in touch with the member who reported 157W TDP on his 7670, unfortunately it turned out to be a user error, he was looking at the wrong item value, this the response I received from Dell engineer regarding VRAM and TDP limitations, both units have been scheduled to be picked up going back to Dell on Friday, Hopefully they will come out with a better product design and implementation going forward, reluctantly I will not be perusing the 7X70 platform,
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