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Everything posted by MyPC8MyBrain

  1. today i filled the additional empty m.2 bays with 3 Samsung Pro i purchased, got 10 degree increase penalty in cpu package during idle, anyone has an idea why this is? Edit: it appears that populating the M.2 (ssd5) located behind the door comes with heat increase tax,
  2. i am still tinkering with my new 7770, allot of mixed feelings so far, one very interesting tidbit i found out I think every 7X77 owner should be aware of, in theory and on paper iGpu is suppose to run a more efficient shift for mundane chores, for most parts it has been this way in previous systems i owned, i run day to day activities over the integrated gpu, when i need more gpu processing power i run the applications assigned to the dGpu, this has always been the assumption at least for me, i also know now why i was getting better performance with bios "Hybrid Mode" off in both the 7670 and now with the 7770, that's because running both iGpu and dGpu at the same time adds 10c degrees to the overall idle temps! having a iGpu on the 7X77 seem to achieve the opposite of the desired effect, it uses more power and needlessly increase system heat by 10 degrees Celsius, it is much more efficient to run directly off the dGpu ("Hybrid Mode" toggle OFF), my current 7770 idles at 38-39c 😉 CB23 run video https://a.uguu.se/tcBwWBH.mp4 (on Cool Power Plan in bios, on power saver in windows, if i switch to ultimate performance in windows the score will be over 24k, but i idle 10c hotter) more to come...
  3. i believe i have left virtualization with default settings in bios, i don't recall disabling virtualization on the 7670 for TS to work properly, double checking... @Aaron44126 Edit: you were on the money there, that was it! with VT off in bios TS is working as expected now YaY \ o /
  4. anyone here with 7770 running latest bios and utilizing ThrottleStop? it appears that my bios is either further locked or my board is bad, i am able to apply all UEFI tweaks as before only this time no undervolt is being applied, as in i set the numbers etc. hit apply but nothing happens, TS running values remain at -0 after applying, in Hardware Info tool i am also missing all voltages stats, they are just not listed for whatever reason, anyone can confirm that bios 1.7.1 is still working the same as bios 1.6.3 with ThrottleStop settings?
  5. a new build is underway, that indeed bit too odd for me too, the heat i can manage but the flickering and really long lags that's bit out there to debug, if I had to guess it seems like a memory issue or something in these lines, not risking it this early, i got permission to keep the current system until the new build is ready so i can play around with it bit, maybe the lag is just a bad OS image related, i will reinstall and repaste just to see what i can do with it, i haven't cracked it open yet, i was listening for the whine you mentioned but the system never turned off its fans, it runs too hot atm even at idle, a classic repaste must case,
  6. here is my initial report, the good, the bad, and the ugly for the new 7770... before the unit arrived i preprogrammed myself mentally to not like it, i am aware how it sounds, i was giving myself plenty headroom to be comfortable with my upcoming disappointment, as i pull it out the box was my first disappointment... i did not not like it as anticipated, it wasn't the lunch tray i was expecting, it is well built, not too big for a 17", and for some odd reason i actually like it better then my current 15.6" M3800 or the recent 7670, as you can see the whole thing was a fail, i first failed in not liking it. time to turn it on and see what we are working with, within few seconds i could already tell the thermal headroom the 7770 has is instantly spent, i was idling at 90-100c, to some extent i was expecting this just not this bad, on my first boot my screen was having some odd flickering i initially ignored, later they became more pronounced, especially in shell environment or when trying to reboot to safe mode i would get a black screen, with white blotches flashing white but no visuals, in full desktop environment i get mostly normal visuals with white flickering, that's with an odd long lag when trying to open almost any application takes over 5 minutes, even a new empty text i create to open it takes over 5 minutes,
  7. its likely a very old battery, materials inside degraded to the point it cannot hold charge, from your description it is clear that your system boots just fine with no errors, try removing the old battery form the chassis and see if you get the same behavior,
  8. @Mark_Eu in bios set power plan to cool (until you need the extra power keep your bios on cool power plan) this will reduce your surface temperature significantly unless you need to run a heavy GPU process, CPU will almost perform to its max when on cool power plan, but GPU will be capped unless you go to high performance or normal power plan (which will increase surface heat), as @Aaron44126 mentioned "IA AC/DC loadline fix" is a must for the 7x70 product line, between these two changes alone you should get back to high 30c low 40c idle temperature, to prepare a Grub USB boot device follow instructions here, when completed you can boot using your new USB to apply the setup_var UEFI bios commands you see mentioned here,
  9. @burntstew the plug has to be the same, you are not swapping the board just the battery connected to it
  10. for a mobile workstation that's ok and acceptable if they delivered on bottom line performance, its not like the 7x70 in performance chassis is slim or light, yet there's room for a full vapor chamber, and top of the line screen with high refresh available to us too not only Alienware, we are also pushing high end gpu each for his own needs which may differ from gaming it doesn't mean we don't need a 330w as a power option, everything is castrated on a workstation class high end/power gpu's now days used and required in many development environment for processing code faster than cpu not just useful in gaming.
  11. that id categorize as ridicules "human error" which they don't even bother addressing let alone design new engineering feats
  12. true but mainly beside the point, there's not one system fits all solution in corporate world, they can choose from any other lines that are not a precision workstation that incudes everything, there are budget mobile solutions, even in the workstation segment they have slim versions etc., when you splurge for their top of the line flagship loaded with top parts yes one is not expecting a slim station, we are not there yet but one should be expecting unparalleled performance with top of the line components and expandability at his disposal, not a 30-40% lower overall performance then a generic mobile gaming station,
  13. you are only focused on end user input, what are we the developers chop liver? mind you we been on the scene longer than most new users and been pushing and leveraging technologies and performance, we require a workstation level performance above flat gaming needs because we develop and play on the same system, a gaming station doesn't need raid5/10 etc., it doesn't need 4 SSD bays or 128gb ram, some additional ports also not critical for gaming station, but are critical with all the performance bundled for a workstation level station not the other way around, performance are only emphasized on gaming station and you are right that gap has formed and exploited the past decade but not for the right reasons, most of Dell systems are built A-La-Cart, beside artificial limitations there is no real performance differences for the components themselves in either segments now days its the peripherals that distinguish a workstation from the rest, there is no confusion there,
  14. that's a category for sales rep and marketing department not a real world performance class! within corporate sales there are multitudes of sub categories from servers workstations to value productivity, when a product carries the label of a workstation should comply to workstation standards regardless which environment its deployed in, a gaming station may not need expandability and port availability a workstation has, a workstation should be the culmination of everything in one station hence the keyword "workstation" it doesn't distinguish which type of work should be performed over it need to ace it all above every existing category including gaming, a gaming station should be a lower class than a workstation not higher imho,
  15. what defines a workstation? what defines and distinguish a workstation from none workstation designation is the ability to chew through heavy loads fast, with ease, and the ability to sustain these heavy load for long durations all the while while being responsive using latest technology available to boost to max performance, today the mantra seem to have changed, it is ok to slow down a workstation or cap them off just to make them work, not to their full potential or workstation level but just working seem to be more then enough now days, the word workstation and meaning behind the designation lost the value it used to represent.
  16. @PHVM_BR the same 7670 I returned was resold within hours the day posted for $2100 (i paid well over twice that $4400), at $2100 a 12950HX with 3080Ti and 4K Oled is not a bad deal, it wont perform to its full potential but at that price with its bundled hardware its not the worst deal out there,
  17. very true, A-La-Cart was always Dells way and why we loved the brand so much, everything is tailored down to ones specific likes and needs, it is to some extent still the same just with few new marketing executives working hard to justify their position by artificially restricting/segregating same components capabilities off Dell's flagship workstation in favor of millennial gaming trend, if you think about it the Precision is too prestige to buy for a young kid, but an Alienware directly marketed towards kids is another story regardless of how much they charge for it in the end, which is still in the same price range as Precision but it doesn't come across as presumptuous/irresponsible as buying a young kid who wants to game a precision workstation,
  18. hint... these components in other Dell as well as other platforms doing very well aka Alienware and Asus, 330w Brick, higher refresh, same cpu class, 3080Ti, on the flip side Dell castrated these high gaming platform with less ports and internal storage expandability, while the flagship workstation gets a 240w brick only 120Mhz, with hard wattage limit on the 3080Ti, there is no real reason beside greedy marketing to segment components this way, one system is artificially restricted so it cant really shine in gaming but has all workstation components while the other lacks most of the workstation components and expandability but can shine in gaming, as if one who has the needs for a leg in both world would will actually buy two of their high end system to do their work properly, the bottom line is there is no real reason or limit for these component beside Dells marketing executives pushing for this segregation, i am a gaming developer, personally i don't do gaming per say, i do often need to push the platform we work on with new data for that we run simulated gaming session for few hours to see if anything gets a "brain farts" before we wrap it up, the next day I will be processing data that can take days running nonstop with 100% load, next few days i may just brows the web respond to emails etc., that is what a proper flagship mobile workstation cycles should be able to endure without compromising or neutering performance in my view,
  19. true, but still it is allot of hands on work when it could and should be this way out of the box, most of us on here happen to be comfortable with tinkering around, this is not for the faint of hearts or anyone who's not comfortable messing around with hardware, huh... look at that, pretty cool, i am guessing the platform this was initially created for didn't have thunderbolt? i didn't pay close attentions to the gpu draw, just noted the hard limit stated in system setting and the low test results, i was mainly focused on undervolting the cpu, i think we can maybe deduce that in hindsight off my 3DMARK test graphs,
  20. @1610ftw one could argue that the extra 2 SSD slots can be circumvented to some extent with external storage, I/O ports can mostly be circumvented with dongle life over thunderbolt, still not sure what's the use case for the SSD door to be honest, egpu runs over thunderbolt, what's the SSD door has to do with egpu is beyond me, RAM is the only component that cannot be circumvented,
  21. it seems that you and i are not on the same page not even the same book when it comes to what a mobile workstation can and should do, not what your needs are or a low spec'd unit with no dGpu just for the prestige of the product line, for what you described you have no need for precision mobile powerhouse whatsoever, you have a low spec system with no dGpu which you are not putting to the paces, which leg are you standing on arguing this? for the record i am waiting for a 7770 i reordered to replace the 7670.
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