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Everything posted by MyPC8MyBrain

  1. under the hood it does have changes that may or may not effect you pending one preferences, 22H2 further locks system security and adds few new native security services, in 22H1 it is easier to turns these off, in 22H2 its more cumbersome,
  2. i have a 7670 with 16-inch, OLED UHD+ 3840 x 2400, 60 Hz, Anti-Glare, Touch, 100% DCIP3, 400 nits, IR Cam/Mic WLAN Item number: 391-BGSO
  3. Thank you, gave it a try i get "ERROR: No NVIDIA display adapters found." it seems that the 3080 Ti chip 10DE-2420 in these is fairly new, all vflash revisions i tested with fail on not recognizing the card, the only revision that recognized the card is the recent unmoded build, it recognizes the card but fails on deploying even with -6 and "Y" confirmation, maybe the next build will support these newer chips,
  4. @ATAN hang in there for bit longer, we are about to find out if this will shape up to be the current reigning king, i believe it can be even with its inferior current thermal solution it can be dialed in to do almost anything one can expect from top of the line mobile workstation today as we are learning together here, as mentioned earlier you can achieve higher CB scores by further tuning unneeded system services, correct me if i'm wrong... you currently have in the neighborhood of 150+ process running in the background at idle, my system has only 50 process running in the background at idle (after i tune the system to my liking), you would be surprised how much resources are wasted and the gains you have left on the table (see my task manager image below, the +1 is task manager itself running in foreground), i can confirm that while cool bios preset can still produce the highest scores on CB23, while keeping system surfaces cooler and almost completely eliminating thermal throttling, for 3DMARK and such mixed benchmarks cool bios settings will limit dgpu output,
  5. @ATAN have you not been following my tests? as soon as i unleash the GPU TDP limit the 7X70 will the best workstation platform out there today, i already exceeded the best cpu results on 3DMARK with 15.6k, top performing before was 14.5k, i just need gpu to follow suit to take over the first position on 3DMARK, it doesn't really take much to get there, i already shown the same results can be reached with or without LM TIM and OEM pads! the rest is just system wide service tuning and few specific bios settings (and my secret sauce),
  6. it seems as if Dell is setting vbios TDP based on selected screen option (which should not be the case),
  7. i tested that as well, they all give the same error "ERROR: No NVIDIA display adapters found." the latest build with -6 switch also fails after prompting an overwrite, no idea what is missing for the tool to proceed, im hoping the private member who contacted me will share his vbios,
  8. i was informed in private by a kind member that his same 7670 vbios is reading 157w for TDP limit, the lucky duck 😮
  9. you referring to? --protectoff (i tried with the powertech mismatched version, im getting no gpu found with that)
  10. YaY \ o / Thank you Aaron ❤️ good call on the graphics switch in bios, i turned it off as it boosts a good amount of cpu performance (almost 16k on 3DMARK), i will switch it back on for the flash phase (i think in low bios regardless it will still switch but better safe than sorry), i have already dumped my vbios, before i re-flash can you confirm our DTP are different in nvidia control panel? (i have 125w limit atm)
  11. Thank you Aaron, you're absolutely right i forgot it did the same to me here, i ended up using NVIDIA NVFlash tool to dump my vbios (will be used to reflash vbios too), dump command is simple from current dir run > nvflash64 --save Dell7770.rom (to re-flash it should be > nvflash64 --protectoff Dell7770.rom) did you check your current GPU TDP in nvidia control panel? (system info bottom left corner) these are fairly rare nvidia chips (10DE:2420) only shared with a handful of high end systems atm, Lenovo and MSI have these in their workstations with unrestricted 3080 Ti 16gb vbios with 155w top limit and 165W boost, i was unable to locate these anywhere atm,
  12. bump... anyone can confirm the above and share their vbios off the 7770 for further testing? i have managed to get the 7670 cpu to around 15.6k on 3DMARK (no undervolt yet), for some reason (which i believe i found) gpu performance will not budge much from 9.6k, which keeps 3DMARK overall score low for gpu side and the system as a whole, two days ago my cpu also wouldn't budge above 9k score which been moved to 14k score now, but the gpu is dragging its feet atm and the only way to unleash the full potential is to remove the 125w TDP restriction which about 40w of performance are withheld atm to fully unleash the 7x70 platform,
  13. anyone knows where to find a Higher TDP vbios for the Dell RTX 3080 Ti 16 GB Mobile? (Device ID: 10DE 2420 0B2A1028) i think the 7670 3080 has a lower TDP (125w) than the 7770 3080, (to check GPU's power limit in Nvidia Control Panel click System Information in the bottom left) anyone here with the 7770 and 3080 Ti 16gb can share their vbios please? (open gpu-z where it reads "BIOS Version" to the right there's an arrow, click and select save to file)
  14. keep at it you will eventually get there, to bridge the remaining gap you see atm you will need to further dial your system services etc. repasting and undervolting will not get you there alone, my system after im done tweaking it idles with 45-50 process which is ideal conditions for my environment (beside the fact that im a control freak who lived in the days when PC actually meant Personal Computer not todays PC (Public Computer) nonsense we have now),
  15. the way you put the heat pipe part pack in place after repasting is key for a good even spread, here is how I go about it... carefully move the part into place but keep it an inch above the board, locate your screws and align them to the board screw holes than gently place the part in place, make sure all screws are perfectly aligned, with one hand place gentle pressure on the cpu plate, when I say gentle I mean gentle as you don't want to put pressure on the board just to hold the part in place, next step is key, screw the heat pipes screws slowly counter clock wise until you hear a click then stop, that click is the screw jumping out of its thread as its being screwed outwards, with your hand keeping gentle pressure, go around from 1 to 8 and perform the same step stopping exactly at the click for each screw, do not move your plate holding hand or change the pressure, this will position every screw perfectly ready to be threaded back in, next go around each screw from 1 to 8 and turn/thread each screw a 1/4 turn in (keeping the gentle pressure on the cpu plate until the process is complete), than rinse and repeat... keep turning a 1/4 turn for each screw in its turn until they are all fully threaded in and tightened, by the end you have slowly lowered the plate into contact as even as possible, after the 8 main screws are in place put the 4 fans screws in any order you like, (note that when initially positioning the plate it is high enough that any paste on it should not be touching yet until the plate is fully lowered) I use painters tape around the gpu and cpu during pasting phase (before marrying the top plate), I don't just put a spot in the center I actually spread the paste evenly on both the cpu and gpu silicon die, I use a generous amount but not too much, just enough to get an even coverage without being "cheap", I than remove the tape from around the cpu and gpu so i get a clean paste area ready to be mounted,
  16. i was able to reach 24.6k with kryonaut only, granted i do allot of other tweaking to the system, do you monitor your temps during CB runs, are you throttling?
  17. id be curious to learn where you are now on 3Dmark, i think part of my score issues is running only one memory channel with my one 8GB stick atm,
  18. "you take the good you take the bad and there you have the facts of life" out of curiosity i run 3DMARK bench on the 7670 to my surprise despite the high CB scores the system is scoring very low in real world tests, so low it is having a hard time even reaching the 60% performance mark other same cpu score show, despite my efforts the system score on 3DMARK remains poor and cannot reach even the average score, for this cpu family 3DMARK is reporting a score of roughly 14k as the highest, 13k is average, my system can barely reach a 9k score atm, it doesn't seem to matter which power plan is in play nor any undervolt settings seem to make any difference nudging the score there, these results basically summarizes everything we all been reporting on this thread, thermals on this unit are not great to say the least,
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