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Everything posted by Hertzian56

  1. Hm thanks for the real info on this, I was concerned about the arena-like style from the videos. I thought Crane was going to be there too since I can't remember ever completely finishing DL1, guess he is gone in some way, even though I played the heck out of it and still go through periods of playing it a ton from old saves. Just from the color palette it looks too much like a FC or borderlands etc which have really got worse over the years imo. Looks like a firm wait until a sale for me. PS: I roughly have a 980ti desktop card in here, a 2060m 90w, so looks like I'd have to dial down a few settings to get to a paltry 1k/60. https://www.dsogaming.com/pc-performance-analyses/dying-light-2-pc-performance-analysis/
  2. Yeah 1809 until 2028 I believe. If you notice it's just one game that's from an MS studio that is version specific, --typical MS tactics-- I definitely would pass on that if I didn't already have a newer version. I have FH4 and played it a lot for a week or so but have not been back so FH5 not a priority. They also do the "DX12 only" nonsense in some games that aren't MS, wrc10, probably get some money from MS for that bit of nonsense. Just buying new equipment was the reason I have a newer win10, I still have 1809 LTSC on my M4600 backup and that's no heavy gaming rig obviously. I have had the updates turned off on 1809 and this version, Home 2004, with no problems for years. Eventually I think I'll put LTSC 1809 on here if I hit some major problem or move to a new main rig.
  3. I did both as well, delete and forgotten, replied to both confirmation emails and got a confirmation message back, did what I could to not help those scum any more.
  4. Still using my s5 which I got about 3 years ago coming from an s4. Love the easy battery changing and physical bottom button just feels more natural to me. Definitely a basic phone user. I also have a note 4 as a media device and possible backup, has the same things I like. I also have an A01 as a newer backup, much zippier of course but the camera/video not as good as the s5/note 4. Only 1080 res photos and I don't think it has 4k video either. If I was using my phone for business I'd definitely get something better.
  5. Yeah I switched to opera for that site and it works, however opera has a built in vpn so I'm not sure if that has something to do with it. I got a godaddy temporary ip block notice on waterfox but later it goes away and just get connection error, timed out etc. I have been working with spartan to get this resolved as I seem to have the most problems with the site on my default browser. I signed up with a new account and it worked for a bit but once I tried to log back in it was trouble all over again. The feeling is that it's a godaddy firewall problem as other say they have no problems with firefox, I disable all blocker for that site w firefox still the same problems.
  6. Yeah that's definitely a metric that changes over time. I'm just a single player offline, I think I'd get too addicted if I got into online/friends LAN games. I will mention games that I always have installed. COH1, FO4, Yakuza series, GTA's, TW3, Silent Hill 2, Dying Light 1, Hollow Knight, Arkham series, the newer open world AC's like Odyssey and Origins, RDR2, Splinter Cell BL, Alan Wake, Deadspace series, rfactor 1, Max Payne 2, and a lot of smaller games. Overall I think The Witcher 3 is my favorite. I have played hundreds of hours, done many combos afa endings and etc and still wouldn't mind starting a new game and/or firing up any of my archived saves.
  7. yeah def a bad sign, I'm also concerned that the nbr-er who was in charge of it kind of disappeared to comments in those last days and I can't see him or his UN over there, you would think it would be front and center. Still there are people there I still want to interact with, plenty of people joined that who seem to have abandoned it now for efgxt and/or nb-r, he really was quick on the draw and it was the first place to go w no alternatives at the time.
  8. Delving back into Malcolm in the Middle, nice to have something that's a bit more family friendly/wholesome rather than the dark violent weird shows that seem to grow like weeds now. I guess that's why so many people watch TVLand and other classics channels almost exclusively.
  9. Have had no problems with laptopforum. I think if it's not personal over at notebook-review, (which seems unlikely since he manually activated my account in the last days of nbr), it's most likely because he manually activated my account some bug seems to affect me and only a few others and I'm not sure the vbulletin tech support's giving it any more attention because of that. Well not much more I can do but check back every few days at this point.
  10. Yeah the same just got a screenshot for rep verification. I was thinking of copying my gateway thread but nah that was in the moment comments with some helpful files which I was the one that uploaded and got the file or two from others so no need to save anything there. The thread I thought had the most useful info was the win OS one but I'm sure that'll be replicated mostly in this and the other forums.
  11. Well I didn't do any of that disabling a few days ago hence my profile and some posts is still up there. Kind of a pain because it's not the only window I have open but I'll give it a try sometime I guess. Update: disabled all ad blockers still nogo gonna give it a break for a while on that site.
  12. I was wondering about how to stop the "new device login" email spam. I don't save cookies etc history upon browser exit ever. I didn't see an obvious way to turn those off other than all email traffic turn off. Edit: Scratch that: even turning off all email correspondence doesn't turn off those notifications.
  13. Yep still won't accept un, pw and email to login for 2 days now. Doesn't send an email for pw change either. Takes care of that site for me atm.
  14. I know I badmouthed GOW over on NBR but the longer I play it it is a pretty incredible game, I'm in the mountain now and it's definitely cool. I guess I just had very high expectations from all the pr and reviews which were too high with the bugs, the terrible textures etc on original at upscaled dlss 1080p etc These major sequels and ports just suffer from all that imo, better to be a surprise hit like TW3. I think Dying Light 2 will not live up to DL1 either. Oh and I'm going to try the Silent Hill 2 with the Enhanced Edition stuff, totally excited about that more than anything. https://www.dsogaming.com/videotrailer-news/silent-hill-2-enhanced-edition-pc-gets-a-project-status-update-video/
  15. I had some important professional documents to mail and used the atrocious USPS first class, well it took over 7 days to go 350 miles upstate and I missed an important deadline. I also had some other business mail letter that took 14 calendar days first class. The USPS in January 2022 is fraudulent, deficient, negligent and worse. I feel like it's just some sort of graft or other scam sucking billions of public dollars that's not being used to actually move mail but is enriching dirty people through various labyrinthine ways. Once the new leadership came onboard in 2020 the USPS just got incredibly deficient, not a coincidence I think.
  16. Well I don't have a desktop totally mobile now. I also destroyed all the 3.5's I had. 2.5's/ssd's only from now on. I've got 4 to 5, 2.5 hdd's I could put in a laptop but only have the room for 2 in my m4600 backup. Everything else is external. I'll never go back to anything larger than a 2.5 mobile hdd size.
  17. It does load up but was "under construction" earlier in the day. I sent a service request before that today for the following reasons. I have had a fair bit of tech problems with that site, never got confirmation email so he activated me manually and it worked but today it won't accept my UN or PW and they are not wrong I can tell you that. Still have not got any emails from them either. Idk he says to use a chrome based browser, which I usually never do I'm a firefox and variant user and to disable adblock etc hm not sure about all that. I did also try it on Opera which is a chrome based browser, still no go. Never had those problems with this site.
  18. Armageddon Rag into a film. The film adaptation did not happen, but they stayed in touch, and when DeGuere became the producer for the revival of The Twilight Zone, Martin was offered a job as a writer. Working for television paid a lot better than writing literature, so he decided to move to Hollywood to seek a new career.[14][40][41] At first he worked as staff writer for the show, and then as an executive story consultant. After the CBS series was cancelled, Martin migrated over to the already-underway satirical science fiction series Max Headroom. He worked on scripts and created the show's "Ped Xing" character. However, before his scripts could go into production, the ABC show was cancelled in the middle of its second season. Martin was hired as a writer-producer on the new dramatic fantasy series Beauty and the Beast; in 1989, he became the show's co-supervising producer and wrote 14 of its episodes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_R._R._Martin Yeah I read the books around s3 of the tv show I'm aware they deviate.
  19. Exactly, I looked at that stuff(ie the sites they "recommended") and then I understood how those deadfish could just cutoff the site, no understanding just cold machine that's blood is money/gold etc
  20. It sucks because it was part of my morning like coffee, just checking the site seeing what was being talked about making comments, a comfort thing almost oh well life is full of disappointments, move on.
  21. Yeah when I woke up, about 1.5hrs ago, and loaded it up the site came on and I was even able to read a post or two and get alerts but almost immediately it had a general site maintenance message. When I came back about 20mins later the message about the sites shutdown appeared.
  22. I doubt the name is purely coincidence, it's most likely fan service, remember you're talking about a TV writer and all that that means. Yes it does take inspiration from aspects of history no doubt, the dog eat dog ruthlessness which most likely happened in certain places and times. GOT was written with TV n mind by a TV writer. The books are ok but get really convoluted and messy after the first 2 or so. The TV show and the books do the same thing, fall apart after starting off well. Even after all this time the books are not complete. Yes Tolkien definitely doesn't have the mafia level vendettas/conspiracies that's for sure. It got pretty senseless and for the sake of sake after a while in the show.
  23. Haven't watched that but on the point of getting difficult to follow I felt that way when I was watching Game of Thrones season 3 or so back when it first came out and then trying to read the books released at that time. The books got super confusing and all over imo. I think he's released one more since then but not interested. I'm coming to the realization that GOT is just a weak derivative of Tolkien. Even the authors supposed name is a weak derivative, ie George RR Martin Vs J RR Tolkien. Of course the series goes way downhill after the end of season 5 or so.
  24. Was just thinking it would be interesting to have an off topic about tv shows and/or films etc I've been watching a few of the alaska "reality" shows which I like mainly for the photography of such a pretty place but without having to endure the cold/bugs etc myself lol. The best most chill one I've watched is The Last Alaskans which only had 4 seasons and wasn't as staged drama as the other ones so didn't do as well/last as long. Very chill music and just everyday type of stuff on a trapline etc up there in the ANWR. Some of the characters are annoying like Bob the whiny simpleton(who passed away during the 2/3rd season of some sort of digestive ailment) but overall they're normal people up there. Gorgeous drone shots of a largely empty wilderness, some great moose and other animals. Life Below Zero another one but it fits in the more staged category, always some "emergency" etc and the rambling about how every moment is a life/death situation is just nonsense and annoying after a while. Even a main "character", Sue, sued the production for getting injured during one of the staged emergencies with an snow machine, which happens several times over several seasons to pretty much all the characters. My favorite is a character called Glen who lives in a tiny cabin pt and his adventures which are low key, low tech chill. Alaska The Last Frontier is ok but totally a staged thing with the basis being an extended family of homesteaders originally from switzerland around Homer, AK. Their homestead is less than 10 miles from a small town but they cry about the usual life and death thing, ugh. Beautiful homestead right on the ocean has some amazing scenery etc Alaskan Bush People is the most staged one of the lot but the family is definitely likable, but they are grifters and cult like as presented. I wouldn't want to do business with them, but wouldn't mind having a bbq/beers with them. The coastal alaska of early seasons is beautiful to see, I've watched up to around season 8 where they go to some artificial compound in Washington state which is landlocked and not very interesting at all, totally staged in every way.
  25. have bowies "fashion" or whatever its real title is stuck in my head "we are the goon squad and we're coming to town, beep beep" lol
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