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Everything posted by Hertzian56

  1. Although it's really strange how the same studio, at least in name, can come out with TW3 and then this with all the bugs and performance issues.(Edit: just remembered TW3 was a mess until v1.08+ for me) I guess "studio" in todays world only means the top people, bean counters etc Those who work on the game directly are 1099 temps lol CPDR's games have never been really efficient hardware wise, like some of those janky AA/B games. Saw some highlighted mods as dsog https://www.dsogaming.com/mods/cyberpunk-2077-mods-improve-explosions-add-vehicle-combat/
  2. I guess one thing Ive noticed though is that with ltsc 1809 it does not turn off all the way. I always have to hold the power button down to get a full shutdown. While Im at it the screen brightness is not adjustable either or only in amd software not hotkeys. The m4100 was never offered stock w this it had a pitiful nvidia 1000m in it before.
  3. I could see it if you are an av creator in 4k+ raw that eats up a lot of room. Flac too if you have a huge collection. And ripping blu rays also, some collections are massive esp if you have multi season episodics and primo sound. I ripped some 1k blurays that were full 40,000mbs bitrate w dolby 5.1 and they were huge, used handbrake to reencode for space. 1k at that bitrate is about 15-20gb per hour of video, 4k at the same would be massive. Ive got 3x4tb wd passports w about 1.5tb free and they all have redundancy w my fav stuff. Another full 2tb wd pp. About 3tb hdd/ssd w games installed, not full though. Totally agree about not relying on streaming for video/audio esp classics and favs I watch over and over. There are really not much movies/tv last decade id bother with though so its not growing, same w music. Only 1-3 huge games per year either.
  4. All this is def tempting a reinstall. I think last I was playing it was around a year ago. A great game just too many years of hype vs what we got plus the various bugs. I really wish cpdr would take some lessons from the masters of open world, R*. Having 3rd/1st person switchable would be awesome, more of a verticality aka jetpack for these cyborgs etc
  5. Yeah this line and the old HP workstations were really great for diy upgrades. I had no problems putting in several mxm cards up to the 980m, screens, kb etc. Once you get the hang of it theyre not too bad to dis/re assemble. If I wasnt a gamer I would have got another one but the 980m spiked in price to where it was not great for the perf level vs. a budget 2060 laptop a couple years ago. Still great non gaming desktop replacements.
  6. Mmmkay splitting some fine hairs there.
  7. Cinematics=cutscenes and these are what your post looks like to me, even from specific missions I remember from a year or more ago.
  8. Yeah I really missed the boat w cp77 if that's in game. Is it a cinematic capture or photo mode? Just watching jre,s in game yt video here,nothing close to that in there.
  9. Hm yeah I just searched it and it said it might be a switch exclusive for a while, makes no sense to do that they'd make a killing on PC from the start. I doubt Nintendo would pay them upfront what it would make on PC during the exclusion time. Still love playing HK even after playing it to death all DLCs etc
  10. I was really hoping Hollow Knight Silksong was actually going to release but it hasn't materialized. I think I read it was initially planned for sometime in 2019 and then "early" 2022 which is rapidly receding. Even then I've read it's maybe going to be a switch exclusive for a while before PC which is the only other platform confirmed. Still on Elden Ring really great so far the world just keeps getting larger every time I think it's coming to an end.
  11. I'm definitely a fan of open world exploration and just playing it last night I stumbled upon 2 new sections and believe me I have passed by some sections that I didn't know the answer of how to progress. For example one section has magically sealed doors which I have no idea how to open but I explored all I could in that section, I do wish it would give some explanation of what I need to do but I'm ok with it for now because there are still more fogged out map sections. Another section has a tower/castle but there's a giant plant pot in front of it, not sure how to get inside there, there's another huge spire that I can see a lone guard with a torch and a long ladder up it, but I've tried to figure out how to get there with no luck, the whole underground river I could not figure out how to get up river as it's terrain locked in a couple of places just have to go back and try to figure it out again or there's another hidden entrance I haven't found. I also glanced down there at a weird all pink section that I couldn't figure out how to get down to, definitely going back. I got stuck on a floating boss in a library who has these legless crawling people throwing things at me while I fight, but she's in an invulnerable bubble and I can't figure out how to break through, I just quit and it reloads at the nearest grace fire outside the locked combat area, come back to it. I'm pretty sure I have to defeat her to main story progress. I don't want to spoil too much but I could go on. The art is fantastic, the enemies you encounter are creative and fantastic animations so I'm loving it. Really needed a new engrossing game because last few months there hasn't really been any new stuff of interest, could go into the catalog of older and unfinished games though plenty of those.
  12. Ok from my recollection it was a 1060 laptop, then a 1650 and now a 3060, it's not that much I guess but sounds like a hassle to go find the best specs for the best bang. I guess if you enjoy that go for it. My point was that you can get ultimate performance with a desktop, done for a few years and you could just upgrade the gpu in that case rather than the whole system. Want more system ram, skys the limit now in desktops, more vram just get another gpu, a LOT less fan noise while playing, want to go to 4k just buy another screen etc What's your objective here too? Is the 3060 not giving you something you really want? Is it FPS, resolution, high enough settings, lack of possible system RAM, lack of gpu vram? I mean for me I don't need 2k/4k or highest settings in my games, I still think 1k high settings around 60fps is totally fine, especially on a small 15.6 screen. I can use DSR to upscale to near 2k but obviously it's just a form of AA on my 1080 screen, but I could output it to a 2k screen, no plans on buying a 2k+ screen though. I accept ever lower settings in new games for a few years no big deal. Elden Ring looks absolutely amazing to me at 1k/~60 mix of settings with some stutter in places but mostly very smooth fast panning etc There are a million games that my 2060m can kill, maybe 1-2 per year that are AAA ones I want to play that I have to turn it down.
  13. I was still a relative noob at nbr but I'm thinking that it got a lot of followers because of its early period where it had reviews of new equipment and probably got early loaner stuff from manuf's. I don't know how old the site was but maybe it hit a wave of when laptops became more mainstream so people were looking for reviews and real help(not manuf garbage help)? My assessment of when I joined was that it had some old hands that stuck around in several threads to help out people in even old equipment like the precision line, was helped enormously by Aaron here and thequintic(bad spelling I know) The kind of people who like what they have and want it to last and/or discovered perfectly good older used equipment that was well built and fit their needs so they searched for info on it and then wanted to do their own upgrading like MXM cards etc There was really only one main place I ever found: NBR. Notebookcheck has the new stuff and really thorough reviews bar none, best site today for that, if you can draw your own conclusions from their testing and ignore the sponsored/paid for praise. I don't think they really have a forum from what I've seen just comments. Their comments structure etc are a$$ backward order imo, wouldn't give me much confidence as to any sort of forum from them. It would be cool if this site could link up with them somehow, but I think they're primarily a German site. Those of us who came over are pretty dedicated it's a daily thing to just read through what's new etc That's a good seed for growing imo NBR probably took years and years to have so many active members and I bet it was like 10% active 90% 1-2 comments and gone or just occasional browsers. One thing I wish this had, or I'm missing it, was how many members it has and highlighted new members in an easy to find place like laptop-forum did.
  14. Yeah waterfox my default with firefox and palemoon for specific purposes. Also an older opera portable, one thing I like is that opera has a built in vpn. What I like about the firefox/variants is that you can set it to delete cookies, history etc upon exit. I usually will only login to certain sites using those so I don't give any browsing info etc to them other than the specific site I logged into. gmail, disqus are examples. Opera and variants ie vivaldi, are the fastest to load though that's for sure. I usually just keep the already installed browser, explorer I think, as my default so if there's tracking or bug it usually goes after the default browser which I never use.
  15. Chernobylite is fun until you find out how short it is and the repetetive levels. Played it a while and just got tired of it, it,s no stalker. Great graphics though. Its in the medium bracket for me, anyone remember that one?
  16. Yeah if you are careful defender is not necessary, had it disabled from day one. Most of the programs I use w the net have some sort of built in protection and I dont go to random sites, arent most things in search results already scanned anyways? Shady places are easy to spot by now for the most part. Unfortunately work kinda dictates a lot of junkware I would never use or give any data to. HAD to use MS teams and sign up, I,m not sure why they needed a birthdate but ofc didnt give the real info anyways. Fakebook requires a phone number if you havnt logged in for a while, all for a stupid social site ugh I could go on and on.
  17. Eh I'd say its about the same, pretty hard and tbh if I get stuck or too frustrated I use a trainer its my game and Im doing sp only. Too bad theres not a free demo to answer that question yourself. If you abandoned the other ds games over that I dont think this would be recommended.
  18. Well I posted about my experience so far in the what game are you playing now but I'll just go through it a bit more here. I'm about 20hrs into it. There are definitely stutters but it's not that big of a deal and it's usually when coming off a "rest" or in high enemy concentrations but nothing that is so bad that it is unplayable. People seem to watch the FPS too much now rather than just play the game imo. I did have a crash during the initial cut scene and one other somewhere but otherwise it's been stable. I play at 1080p and a mix of high/med/low/off depending on what hits the perf most like volumetric fog, SSAO etc It looks amazing to me, sharp but not too sharp, really nice LOD distance, nice animations and varied enemies in line with other Dark Souls games. I'm on win10, i5-10300h, 8gb ram, 2060m 6gb, 471.x driver, games on an external hdd loads fast and is smooth. I get a range of around 47 to mostly locked 60fps which is the max sans mods. It works for me because it is easier on the fan noise, my screen is 120hz native. I think it's about 45% cpu, 70% gpu usage most of the time per MSIAB. I can't see how so many people are having such bad perf per steam comments but that's a selection bias because people like that are usually the loudest. I also think that at higher settings and resolutions it is more prone to that, but it shouldn't be so for a finished for sale product but that seems to be normal now. Is it so prohibitive for the developer to have low/mid/high equipment testers play it for a week? Guess so. There's a lot of chatter about not supporting ultra wide, seems there are a lot more people with that or they're just more noisy about it. Mods can fix that I think. If you've played DS2/DS3 it's pretty much the same game but better. If you enjoyed the DS games and Sekiro it's a recommend for sure. Graphics even at my settings are sweet, def better than DS3. I just stop and look at the screen a lot of the time it's so nice looking, keep in mind that I'm not conditioned to 2k/4k ultra/max though. The art style is just like DS games, really cool. The UI is similar to other DS games but actually a bit better imo. It gives you more direction as to where to go per the "rest" campfire things, graces, which give a directional indication in game and on the map but of course it's a pretty big open world so you can go anywhere and explore, meet different npcs with various side quests etc I like the horse because the world is so big that walking is just too slow and I haven't figured out if there is a run option, there is a dive forward which works in a pinch. But you have to burn a consumable slot for the horse call, this should have been a standard alternate button like RDR2/TW3 and also not a consumable thing. One really nice thing is that you can fast travel from the map at any time to any of the discovered campfires, in previous DS games you had to find a campfire to travel to another one and also there was no map in DS games making it harder to know where you were or where you were going to travel to. If there was a tutorial I must have missed it but I've figured out the basics like switching gear, using various consumables etc I do recommend a controller because From Software games are geared towards console/controller. I use an xbone controller, worked out of the box. There's a multiplayer/coop part to it but that's not my thing can't comment there. Not much cut scenes, not book length dialogues, journal, notes etc, story is sort of revealed in game or you just piece together your own story kind of like the DS games which I still am not sure what the canon story is lol It doesn't have annoying taking camera control away from you, screen shake stuff like GOW etc has. It's exploration focused and has plenty of secrets and cool locations so far. Has dungeons, castles, villages, underground, coast, forest etc Combat is same as DS. I'm not a big fan of the character physical customization, seems to not make much difference other than starting gear and things like face/body/hair customization are a bother to me, time sink if you get into it instead of just straight into the game. You're going to be wearing armor/face body coverings to stay alive anyways. The classes you choose give you starting stats that make a difference if you get into that, I'm more of a hack and slash explorer no matter what the stats are. Overall a great game and GOTY contender easily. Again if you like DS games it's a solid recommend. From the link below my gpu is roughly equal to the 980ti desktop and I get pretty much the fps reported. https://www.dsogaming.com/pc-performance-analyses/elden-ring-pc-performance-analysis/
  19. Agree on the cheap keyboards, it's weird going between my precision which has a better (but not mechanical or typical desktop type) keyboard and the flat/low profile keys one on my main laptop. This precision m4600 came out in around 2011 or before and the keyboard is going strong, and while the cheapo keyboard on this 2020 gateway is still fine, I think if I used it for gaming or did more than here and there typing it would be on it's way to toast fairly shortly. I use a controller, it's just more comfortable to me allows me to sit back, it's a device specifically for gaming so it's tested for longevity(official MS xbone controller lasted 3 years of daily gaming so far no problems $40 well spent), I can use it wired or wireless etc They also have moved in a lot of places to a very difficult to impossible to replace a keyboard, in the case of an old omen 17 1070 a few keys stopped altogether and several would only register when pressed very hard, to replace the keyboard required removing pretty much everything AND breaking some plastic mounting brackets, ugh. At least an external can be used but what a pain if you actually go somewhere, one more thing to haul and it takes away a usb port too.
  20. Lol yeah uh the name of the site will tell you the results😆
  21. Yeah Elden Ring, so far I have not had any of the major reported problems but I usually dial it down, default on startup was high but at 720p, switched to 1080p and a mix of high/med/low/off runs at or near 60 all the time. I have to say so far it's just another Dark Souls game with a different name, graphics at my settings look the same as DS3. I'm not far just to the mansion with all the characters/table so it hopefully will have some amazing new environments and enemies. Edit: after playing for a bit more it def looks better than DS3 but it's no RDR2 etc still looks great, some stutter now and then but nothing that kills it for me. Nice LOD too really awesome. Once again just like the other DS games the UI takes some getting used to but I'm using an xbone controller so it's kinda setup for that.
  22. Yeah tried today no luck, honestly that place was dead and if you noticed the admin hadnt visited in I think a week or more. The adult and sales oriented topics were still there even after complaints. These guys here have done a great job they are engaged and care so looks like the best site won. No major bugs and it also works well on mobile. I was a little surprised that spartan threw in the towel even with the godaddy mistake, but I didnt have to do all that work either. I hope he signs up here.
  23. Was watching some venture bros, first 3 seasons are great but like a lot of shows after that goes downhill. Same goes for archer s1 to s3 great. Also the classic mtv Aeon Flux it needed a few more seasons bc s3 was the only one with dialogue and the best imo.
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