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Everything posted by kojack

  1. Hey @Bullit. Your posts are coming up all messed up on my screen. Half of it is whilte highlighted words etc. It's only your posts that's doing it. Do you have a certain setting on by mistake?
  2. Same reason I would not go linux. My software does not work on it. Too bad. I am digging linux mint. How's the ad blocking on MacOS?
  3. I am going back and forth again. I love the 15 inch macbook air in midnight. I think it's the best looking laptop in the market now. I have to sit with my ipad and just start using it as my device for awhile. I am thinking a maxed 15 inch will work fine for my creative work while mobile, and get a maxed out mac mini for desktop use. I am getting tired of microsoft effing with my OS on me.
  4. TrueNAS distro. Should work no problem, but you never know with older stuff. ha ha.
  5. I used the drivers from intel instead of dells. Works much better, there is still something causing system interrupts however, not ram or drive. I am running out of ideas. But the system is MUCH better after doing all the things I did.
  6. So, my system was acting wonky with long stutters, system slow downs etc. I started doing some reading about it, and monitoring the task manager. I noticed system interrupts were using 1/2 my cpu when the slowdowns would happen. So, I went and removed all Dell drivers and downloaded intel drivers from their site instead. It improved but was not perfect. So I started watching the task manager more while using my system. I noticed Dell's software package was always at the top of the usage list. So I removed all of that nonsense too. Now, my system is much snappier and I have zero slow downs anymore. Something to look at if your system is lagging and you are all "stock".
  7. quick question, Do all the drives have to be the same? or can I use 3 HDD and a different drive as a fourth through a dual drive mount in bay one? I am moving from MS 365 after this year and going local for everything, so I need ALOT of space.
  8. Forgot this was here. Just finished doing another upgrade to the 5368. Since Colin got a new MSI gaming system, the wife inherited the 5368, so I scavenged her 1tb ssd, ax201 wireless card and installed a new battery to replace the dead one that was starting to swell. She is now able to work on her laptop without issue. Here little Inspiron 3169 was REALLY slow on win 11 with just 4 gb of ram.
  9. Is anyone else having issues with Bullits messages? Have of them are white/black. Or is it just me? As for your monitor, is there a setting in android where you can tell it what display you are using and adjust accordingly? WIndows 11 has this feature.
  10. We bought our son a new MSI 15 inch gaming laptop. I cannot find the setting to change to keep the system on while the lid is closed to use an external monitor. any help would be appreicated
  11. Bought this laptop yesterday for my son so he could play space engine on it. I got it at 930 when BestBuy opened. Paid 803 out the door (cdn dollars). Got it home and set it all up for him. It was about 1pm or so before I got steam and space engine loaded. Needless to say, we never saw him for the rest of the evening. He was just at his desk flying around to different planets and universes. He loves it. Cyborg 15 A12U – Cyber Up!
  12. I just bought a crap load of accessories for our cameras. Got softboxes for our studio lights, got a new universal flash gun with a bunch of accessories, got a cage, shotgun mic, LED on camera light, and a speed booster for the new camera as well. Added in 2 more batteries and an adapter to adapt my film lenses to my 1DS digital body as well. All will arrive between the 9th and 15th. Then the fun starts. The wife is ready and willing. most will not allowed to be shown here, but I will post up some of the tamer ones she approves of ha ha!. The video side of things will be started this month too. Getting our studio setup as we speak.
  13. Lots of great Goose songs, and awesome covers in this show! Best band touring right now.
  14. A 5 month old ssd is in it. It's running fine now so I will swap the drive if it happens again.
  15. Well, turns out it was a bunch of junk running in the background that I couldn't see in the beginning. Got it all removed, and it is working fine again.
  16. We have our important stuff backed up to onedrive automatically. Text messages etc, I don't really care about, but documents, photos etc are all on onedrive. I tell everyone at work when they purchase a phone to do some sort of back up. How many people have I seen extremely upset because their phone craped the bed and they lost everything.
  17. Picked this gem up last week. Just getting around to charging it up.
  18. What a score! I love 80 and 90s cars. My cut off for great vehicles is 2004. After that bean counters took over and ruined everything.
  19. I can't wait to see how it does video editing. Thats what I need graphics power for.
  20. I have to go inside the system to disconnect the battery. I will let you know if I get the system later.
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